senator john kennedy just openly insulted all of Mexico with his breath takingly ignorant, old-man-offensive remarks

"Figuratively" speaking he's absolutely right and that's not a comment reflecting on the people of Mexico, it's a comment reflecting on the government of Mexico.

Mexico is the US's second largest trading partner, Canada is the largest (China is a distant third). And it is prognosticated that Mexico may surpass Canada within the next ten years. It is US based companies setting up shop in Mexico that have allowed this fantastic growth in Mexico's prosperity. The Senator's point is quite clear, we have the economic clout to force Mexico's cooperation in the elimination of the cartels.
Old racist Johnny Reb Kennedy opened his mouth and removed all doubt about his hateful racist ignorance.

Chobby doubled down on that hateful racist ignorance.


Mexico is a country, not a 'race.' I would suggest that those that immediately associate a nation with a race are the true racists among us.