Self sucking with girlfriends - and getting back into it when older.


Mar 21, 2012
I learned to suck my own penis at the age of about 14 I think. That would have been in 1970. At that time I was just discovering my new larger cock and learning about self pleasure. I was very slim then, and quite naturally flexible, so one day I wondered if I might be able to get it into my mouth, or at least give it a lick.

I was able to get very close, and this encouraged me to keep at it. Took a few weeks probably before I made contact.

That first lick was bliss, as I tasted my lovely clear nectar. Of course now I wanted more, and kept at it.

Eventually after about a year I was able to take about half of it into my mouth and properly suck myself off.

Initially I wasnt interested in swallowing, but it didnt take long before I started to love my semen as well. Those of you who can, know the exquisite feeling of ejaculating into ones own mouth, the pulsing and gush. The warmth and taste and sheer exhilaration of having done something so rude and taboo.

Of course there was no internet then, and as I was shy I wasnt up for bragging about this to anyone, so it remained a sort of dirty secret. And indeed I did feel dirty and weird. I thought I was a bit of a freak TBH. But I also thought that I had a sort of pagan and primative superpower so I didnt stop!

I mentioned it once to a couple of friends when drunk, but thats as far as it went.

I didnt get into sex with girls really till I was 20, yes I was that shy. But once I did there was no stopping me and had a series of lovely girlfriends and great sex. A couple of these were really rude and up for anything. One morning I woke up next to Anna and told her that I had just had a dream that she could lick her own clit. She sighed and said - Oh I wish I could. That would have been the time to tell her that I could suck my own cock. But I didnt - I still thought I was weird. Then I had one who loved to see me touch myself and masturbate. She would have gone nuts if I showed her my skill. But I didnt.

At around age 30 I was married and one day, I dont know how the subject came up, but it was a warm summer day and she started talking about if it was possible for a guy to do that. So I said, well yeah actually - I used to be able to. Wow - really - how close can you get now do you think. So I tried, and to my surprise and hers, I was still able to. In the C position I could just get the head into my mouth and in plow I could get about a third in, certainly past the head. She loved this and we had some good sessions.

But we split up, and my second wife a few years later broached the subject. Now with bit more self confidence I told her that I used to be able to and probably still could. So I showed her, but she thought it was weird and that was the end of that.

We divorced after 20 years or so, and about 5 years ago I started seeing a wonderful woman who has become the love of my life. We have had some of the best sex of my life and are totally honest and upfront with each other about likes and needs etc. One day we were talking about how we both were thinner when young. I said that I was like a 28” waist and really bendy, which had many benefits.

Like what - she asked? Well I said - like good for climbing, which I used to do, and great for unusual sexual positions on my own.

Oh, like what in particular?

Well like I used to be able to go down on myself. (waited for wierd reaction)

Oh really? Now thats some serious talent there. What was it like having your own cock in your mouth?

So I talked about it a little and that was that - for a bit. But the conversation has come up a few times since. Once she was licking my frenulum and I said how I used to love doing that to myself. She said - you are a lucky and unusual man!

She is very matter of fact about it. For her there is no taboo, its just - well you love fellatio, so why wouldnt you do it to yourself if you could? Not weird, not gay, just fun.

We both do yoga occasionly, and recently I have able to do more at home due to lockdown, and were talking about progress. She said - are you aiming to be able to suck your cock again?

Wow - just being asked that turned me on. Well, I would totally love to actually, but I fear that ship may have sailed.

She said that the woman who invented Scaravelli Yoga was in her fifties when she started, and became amazing. In fact maybe that was what she had in mind! So there is hope for you yet I think.

Every so often when I mention my yoga at home she asks, hows it going? Able to get your cock in your mouth yet? No - I say - some way off.

Well she says - now this second lockdown is going on, you have a chance to keep practicing. And as you used to be able to do it, even years ago, I reckon you still have a chance of success.

Last night as I was on top of her she asked again - hows the practice - are you improving? How close are you do you think? Well - I know cos I measured it - about 7 inches away from tongue contact.

Cool well done she says! You should probably try later in the day, and take a hot bath or shower - that will loosen you up.

Yeah - says I, maybe when I am feeling a bit limber and in the mood I can show you how close I can get. Yes, she says - I’d like that.

So I asked her how close she thought she could get to her **** with her tongue. She admitted she had never even tried or considered it and thought it would be minimal pleasure from lots of effort but would be happy to show me. So we talked about possible positions, and yoga poses that would help.

I think this is just amazing. Here we are in our sixties talking about the most amazing solo erotic acts there are. And she is encouraging me! I dont think she is turned on by the thought per se, but just really into me enjoying myself. But maybe she is, which is why she brings up the subject so often. I dont want to keep talking about it really in case she starts to get the impression that I am more interested in my own body than hers.

So fellas - is there anyone else here that would like to share their experiences with significant others, and I would really like to hear from men who have started self sucking again later in life.
I learned to suck my own penis at the age of about 14 I think. That would have been in 1970. At that time I was just discovering my new larger cock and learning about self pleasure. I was very slim then, and quite naturally flexible, so one day I wondered if I might be able to get it into my mouth, or at least give it a lick.

I was able to get very close, and this encouraged me to keep at it. Took a few weeks probably before I made contact.

That first lick was bliss, as I tasted my lovely clear nectar. Of course now I wanted more, and kept at it.

Eventually after about a year I was able to take about half of it into my mouth and properly suck myself off.

Initially I wasnt interested in swallowing, but it didnt take long before I started to love my semen as well. Those of you who can, know the exquisite feeling of ejaculating into ones own mouth, the pulsing and gush. The warmth and taste and sheer exhilaration of having done something so rude and taboo.

Of course there was no internet then, and as I was shy I wasnt up for bragging about this to anyone, so it remained a sort of dirty secret. And indeed I did feel dirty and weird. I thought I was a bit of a freak TBH. But I also thought that I had a sort of pagan and primative superpower so I didnt stop!

I mentioned it once to a couple of friends when drunk, but thats as far as it went.

I didnt get into sex with girls really till I was 20, yes I was that shy. But once I did there was no stopping me and had a series of lovely girlfriends and great sex. A couple of these were really rude and up for anything. One morning I woke up next to Anna and told her that I had just had a dream that she could lick her own clit. She sighed and said - Oh I wish I could. That would have been the time to tell her that I could suck my own cock. But I didnt - I still thought I was weird. Then I had one who loved to see me touch myself and masturbate. She would have gone nuts if I showed her my skill. But I didnt.

At around age 30 I was married and one day, I dont know how the subject came up, but it was a warm summer day and she started talking about if it was possible for a guy to do that. So I said, well yeah actually - I used to be able to. Wow - really - how close can you get now do you think. So I tried, and to my surprise and hers, I was still able to. In the C position I could just get the head into my mouth and in plow I could get about a third in, certainly past the head. She loved this and we had some good sessions.

But we split up, and my second wife a few years later broached the subject. Now with bit more self confidence I told her that I used to be able to and probably still could. So I showed her, but she thought it was weird and that was the end of that.

We divorced after 20 years or so, and about 5 years ago I started seeing a wonderful woman who has become the love of my life. We have had some of the best sex of my life and are totally honest and upfront with each other about likes and needs etc. One day we were talking about how we both were thinner when young. I said that I was like a 28” waist and really bendy, which had many benefits.

Like what - she asked? Well I said - like good for climbing, which I used to do, and great for unusual sexual positions on my own.

Oh, like what in particular?

Well like I used to be able to go down on myself. (waited for wierd reaction)

Oh really? Now thats some serious talent there. What was it like having your own cock in your mouth?

So I talked about it a little and that was that - for a bit. But the conversation has come up a few times since. Once she was licking my frenulum and I said how I used to love doing that to myself. She said - you are a lucky and unusual man!

She is very matter of fact about it. For her there is no taboo, its just - well you love fellatio, so why wouldnt you do it to yourself if you could? Not weird, not gay, just fun.

We both do yoga occasionly, and recently I have able to do more at home due to lockdown, and were talking about progress. She said - are you aiming to be able to suck your cock again?

Wow - just being asked that turned me on. Well, I would totally love to actually, but I fear that ship may have sailed.

She said that the woman who invented Scaravelli Yoga was in her fifties when she started, and became amazing. In fact maybe that was what she had in mind! So there is hope for you yet I think.

Every so often when I mention my yoga at home she asks, hows it going? Able to get your cock in your mouth yet? No - I say - some way off.

Well she says - now this second lockdown is going on, you have a chance to keep practicing. And as you used to be able to do it, even years ago, I reckon you still have a chance of success.

Last night as I was on top of her she asked again - hows the practice - are you improving? How close are you do you think? Well - I know cos I measured it - about 7 inches away from tongue contact.

Cool well done she says! You should probably try later in the day, and take a hot bath or shower - that will loosen you up.

Yeah - says I, maybe when I am feeling a bit limber and in the mood I can show you how close I can get. Yes, she says - I’d like that.

So I asked her how close she thought she could get to her **** with her tongue. She admitted she had never even tried or considered it and thought it would be minimal pleasure from lots of effort but would be happy to show me. So we talked about possible positions, and yoga poses that would help.

I think this is just amazing. Here we are in our sixties talking about the most amazing solo erotic acts there are. And she is encouraging me! I dont think she is turned on by the thought per se, but just really into me enjoying myself. But maybe she is, which is why she brings up the subject so often. I dont want to keep talking about it really in case she starts to get the impression that I am more interested in my own body than hers.

So fellas - is there anyone else here that would like to share their experiences with significant others, and I would really like to hear from men who have started self sucking again later in life.

I fucking LOVE this story! Too bad you didn't have the courage to be more open when you were younger (but hey, I get it!) and lucky you to have such a wonderful wife (and too bad she showed up late to the party - right?!?). I would LOVE to be able to suck my own cock - I'd do it every day!
It's funny you brought this up. When I was maybe 18 or 19 I was with my friends getting some food in a diner after a night at a club. This was a place where they let 18+ into clubs, but made them wear a wristband so they couldn't buy alcohol. But of course you'd find a way. Anyway, a bunch of us are around the table, guys and girls, and somehow the subject comes up and in my drunkenness I laugh and tell him that I bet I could suck my own cock (I'd never tried).

Long story short, I had a Polaroid camera, and that night I pulled it off. It was not comfortable by any means, I'm between 5.5 and 6 inches on a good day. I showed it too my buddy and won the bet (which was absolutely nothing but bragging rights).

That being said, after doing it that first time, I would try it again from time to time, in different positions, etc., but although it never did get comfortable, I did get it in my head that I wanted to blow myself to completion. Of course the first time it was more like a stroke off assist than a bj. I was revolted. Post nut clarity was brutal. But that still didn't stop me. I kept trying when I got horny. I even succeeded orally but it was so uncomfortable it was more like a ruined orgasm. My back would be stretched too much, or my stomach would cramp up horribly. At some point it just didn't appeal anymore.... until my wife had sex with another guy.

The long and short of it is I always had a cuckold fantasy, my wife knew, wasn't into it, but of course somebody came along who she liked and I told her she could go for it and she did. Strokebank material to this day. The funny part is, as part of the whole experience (it was a months-long process from flirt to finish), I was a mental wreck, frazzled, and I'd lost about 20 lbs. Lunchtime would come at work, and I didn't even want to eat. After she did it, she pointed out a spot on the bed that was still wet wear he'd cum (bareback but pulled out).

The smell, the feel, it brought back certain.... desires. Because I'd lost that weight I decided to give it another try. Failed at first, but was close. Still had all the pain issues, but didn't care. Of course I did it when my wife wasn't home. So one day I try it again, success. Or shall I say, sucksess. I've actually managed to sucked the head in, no hands. I'm on my back looking ridiculous. I'm getting close to blowing in my mouth.

I feel a snap and pulled a muscle in my upper back. OMG the pain. Of course I stop, and now I feel like the joke in the move "Clerks" where the friends go to the funeral of their friend who killed himself trying to suck his own dick. I know I have to go to the hospital. There is no question.

I told the nurses and doctors I was just doing a summersault in the backyard. I wonder if he believed me. I didn't even say anything to my wife other than I pulled it somehow. It sort of healed, but I've pulled it again since then, doing more mundane things.

All to suck my own dick.
As with the other posts here, another long one.

I too started sucking my own cock many years ago.
Unlike most, it was quite easy. I was young, fit, slim and very flexible. Maybe a bit longer cock than average helped also.
I had been jerking off almost daily for a while and discovering what my body could do. I learned how to time my slow finishing strokes with the natural pulsing of my cock for some pretty spectacular cum shots. Hitting my face and mouth was common, so was slurping it all up afterwards.
Can’t remember what brought it to mind but one afternoon when the house was empty and I was stroking in my bed, I just flipped my legs backward over my head and hooked my toes in the slatted headboard. My cock was right there by my mouth so I opened up and sucked it in. Got about 3 inches without trying. The feeling was unreal; so hard yet so soft and smooth. I didn’t last 30 seconds; I didn’t last 10 seconds. One swirl of my tongue around the knob and I blew a big load in my mouth and swallowed what I could.
This was done without any warm up exercises. Eventually, with a bit of warm up I could suck myself while sitting on a high, bar type stool. The most comfortable though was in the original position with my feet or toes hooked on something.
Like others in this situation I didn’t tell anyone, not even the guys I jerked off with. I was paranoid about being pointed out as the guy who sucked his own cock.

Then came girlfriends and finally marriage. Never told any of them but I still sucked myself occasionally and enjoyed it every time.

One night a few years into my first marriage, wife and I were into some heavy breast play with each of us taking turns sucking her nipples. She enjoyed sucking herself that way so I decided to open up and told her I could also suck myself.
It didn’t do anything for her, she was not excited in the least and told me so. I was kind of disappointed because I wanted her to watch.

Years later my second wife and I were into a marathon sex session; she was done in and wanted a break. I said no problem; I’ll just suck myself while you rest and bent down as if to proceed. Of course I could not complete the act. Just going through the motions perked her right up and she asked if there was anything she could do to help. I said sure, “jerk me off into my mouth”.
With that I turned around, placed pillows under my back and wiggled in close to the headboard to get my legs back. My cock was close but out of reach. She started stroking before I was even in final position. It didn’t take long before I blew and she pointed the streams at my mouth as she continued stroking. We were both surprised at the amount of cum that shot out, enough to fill my mouth and make a mess on my face. She used her mouth to help with the clean up. We did this more than a few times in the coming years.

So here I am later in life, unable to self suck anymore.

My regrets . . . not sharing this when I was younger. I was just too apprehensive at those times.

BTW, never had a sore back, pulled muscle or any other injury.
It's funny you brought this up. When I was maybe 18 or 19 I was with my friends getting some food in a diner after a night at a club. This was a place where they let 18+ into clubs, but made them wear a wristband so they couldn't buy alcohol. But of course you'd find a way. Anyway, a bunch of us are around the table, guys and girls, and somehow the subject comes up and in my drunkenness I laugh and tell him that I bet I could suck my own cock (I'd never tried).

Long story short, I had a Polaroid camera, and that night I pulled it off. It was not comfortable by any means, I'm between 5.5 and 6 inches on a good day. I showed it too my buddy and won the bet (which was absolutely nothing but bragging rights).

That being said, after doing it that first time, I would try it again from time to time, in different positions, etc., but although it never did get comfortable, I did get it in my head that I wanted to blow myself to completion. Of course the first time it was more like a stroke off assist than a bj. I was revolted. Post nut clarity was brutal. But that still didn't stop me. I kept trying when I got horny. I even succeeded orally but it was so uncomfortable it was more like a ruined orgasm. My back would be stretched too much, or my stomach would cramp up horribly. At some point it just didn't appeal anymore.... until my wife had sex with another guy.

The long and short of it is I always had a cuckold fantasy, my wife knew, wasn't into it, but of course somebody came along who she liked and I told her she could go for it and she did. Strokebank material to this day. The funny part is, as part of the whole experience (it was a months-long process from flirt to finish), I was a mental wreck, frazzled, and I'd lost about 20 lbs. Lunchtime would come at work, and I didn't even want to eat. After she did it, she pointed out a spot on the bed that was still wet wear he'd cum (bareback but pulled out).

The smell, the feel, it brought back certain.... desires. Because I'd lost that weight I decided to give it another try. Failed at first, but was close. Still had all the pain issues, but didn't care. Of course I did it when my wife wasn't home. So one day I try it again, success. Or shall I say, sucksess. I've actually managed to sucked the head in, no hands. I'm on my back looking ridiculous. I'm getting close to blowing in my mouth.

I feel a snap and pulled a muscle in my upper back. OMG the pain. Of course I stop, and now I feel like the joke in the move "Clerks" where the friends go to the funeral of their friend who killed himself trying to suck his own dick. I know I have to go to the hospital. There is no question.

I told the nurses and doctors I was just doing a summersault in the backyard. I wonder if he believed me. I didn't even say anything to my wife other than I pulled it somehow. It sort of healed, but I've pulled it again since then, doing more mundane things.

All to suck my own dick.

Man, that sucks, literally, because I would have done the exact same thing if I were that close and have actually suck-ceeded once to get the head of my head between my lips. You at least got to taste yours - something the rest of us only dream of.....thanks for sharing!
Forgive me guys for stepping in here, being a woman, but I am a little confused. I think it is cool a guy can do this, and understand the enjoyment when alone and doing it instead of masturbating, but the title says "Self Sucking With Girlfriends." Why not let the girl friends suck it for you? Or maybe in some cases a buddy if he wants? Am I missing something here?
Forgive me guys for stepping in here, being a woman, but I am a little confused. I think it is cool a guy can do this, and understand the enjoyment when alone and doing it instead of masturbating, but the title says "Self Sucking With Girlfriends." Why not let the girl friends suck it for you? Or maybe in some cases a buddy if he wants? Am I missing something here?

This will come across as completely lame, but I did forget to put it in my original comment. I actually have asked my wife to jerk it into my mouth (without trying to suck it because of the afformentioned issues), and she did it but the look in her eyes was one of pure disgust. No more of that. She can blow me, sure, but really, been there done that. It's just not a big deal anymore.
Forgive me guys for stepping in here, being a woman, but I am a little confused. I think it is cool a guy can do this, and understand the enjoyment when alone and doing it instead of masturbating, but the title says "Self Sucking With Girlfriends." Why not let the girl friends suck it for you? Or maybe in some cases a buddy if he wants? Am I missing something here?

I'm cool with all of those options but there's really something special about being able to suck yourself as it combines the giving and the taking all in one lovely sexual act! Doesn't get much better than this....
I have Tried

But at my age (69) there is no way. I don't recall when I tried the first time but it was a while ago. What I could do and did was to put my head on the bed toward the wall and flip my feet over and on top against the wall. I would then cum on my own face.
Forgive me guys for stepping in here, being a woman, but I am a little confused. I think it is cool a guy can do this, and understand the enjoyment when alone and doing it instead of masturbating, but the title says "Self Sucking With Girlfriends." Why not let the girl friends suck it for you? Or maybe in some cases a buddy if he wants? Am I missing something here?
For a lot of guys, getting their wife or Gf to do that is a stretch. Trust me I know several guys if they could do that they'd never got
Isn’t there a movie with Mel Gibson who says if he could lick himself like a dog does he’d never leave the house? 😂

I wonder if self sucking brings up the desire to suck a different cock? If you like the feel of your own, why not try another’s? I think I would.
Isn’t there a movie with Mel Gibson who says if he could lick himself like a dog does he’d never leave the house? 😂

I wonder if self sucking brings up the desire to suck a different cock? If you like the feel of your own, why not try another’s? I think I would.
I was still occasionally self sucking when I started sucking my BFF’s cock. There was no connection from one to the other that I can remember in that I did not think of sucking him when I was sucking myself or vice versa. However, I do recall my thought afterwards that his cock felt the same as mine when in my mouth; very hard but so soft and pliable.
I was still occasionally self sucking when I started sucking my BFF’s cock. There was no connection from one to the other that I can remember in that I did not think of sucking him when I was sucking myself or vice versa. However, I do recall my thought afterwards that his cock felt the same as mine when in my mouth; very hard but so soft and pliable.
And pleasurable! ;)
I have tried

Many years ago between marriages, I was bored and horny so I thought it might be great fun if I could just suck my own cock and enjoy the release, maybe making it a regular thing. I remember laying on my back with my feet over and on the wall, my cock within an inch of my mouth and tongue. I kept trying to lick but just out of reach no matter how I stretched. I ended up just jerking off on my face and chest as I was so horny that evening.

I have tried a few times since, but have not succeeded.

Now at 69 yrs old and a widower, I am thinking I should try again as I have always been curious as to how it would feel to suck myself.