

Romance embellisher
Jul 25, 2007
Selena Cross had spent the last couple hundred years traveling around Europe and decided to reside in the Americas. Her fame as being ruthless was only succeeded by her stunning beauty.

Her unique beauty and feminine wiles allowed to manipulate some of the most wealthy aristocrats, princes and Kings through out time. Like most vampires she had an alluring feature that drew her prey to her. Combined with her beauty she had the ability to profile her marks with such precision, she could have almost been labeled a witch several times over. However, instead she gain a great deal of land and wealth over her inauguration into the world of the undead.

At 18 she had been turned by a Vampire who took advantage of her naivety, and taught her the art to which she became an expert at. What he didn't count on was her wit, and ability to think for herself. Her long red curly hair, and emerald eyes drew in her prey like horses to water. Only fifty years into her making she staked her maker earning her a mark on many older vampires kill lists. Only a few of those remained

Never once had she regretted what she had become, instead she learned quickly how to embrace it and milk it for all it was worth. She had the money to do whatever she wished, thanks to her ability to manipulate men out of their fortunes and liquid assets.

Her penthouse had been custom designed for her before her arrival. But first before she could arrive there, she had to introduce herself to the leader of the territory. As she exited the plane she moved with the grace of a ballerina through the crowds. Not only the men stopped and stared but women did as well. But to her they didn't exist. They were food and expendable.

She could have been an actress, or a model if it didn't require day time shoots and the paparazzi. "vampire club" the piece of paper said she read as she gave instructions to the Limo driver that picked her up.

The limo pulled up outside a ordinary club that was blaring excessively loud new wave obnoxious tunes. Entering the establishment her eyes scanned the room. Human women seeking the best sex of their lives and Male vampires taking advantage of it. There were a few females but none held a candle close to her.

Pulling out a cigarette she slowly raised it to her mouth. 4 rushed foward to light it for her. She stepped away from them after one elbowed another to successful light it.

She turned to the vampire behind the bar "Whose the leader?" she questioned referring to the vampire hierarchy. "that would be Juan Catalone" she advised trying to keep from drooling.
"he's um, out of town, will be back on Thursday", she let out a nervous giggle. "Tell him i was here" she said turning and walking out, and not bothering to leave a name.

"Oh my god, oh my god" Amelia responded all giddy. "Do you have any idea who that was?" she addressed the man sitting at the bar on her right. "that was Selena Cross. Thee Selena Cross. She's famous those that know her want to be her, or worship her, she's a goddess, the true class of all one of us could be".

Reentering her limo she ordered to take her home to her new Penthouse. The carpet was practically laid out for her as the limo pulled up. Her hand waved away anyone she didn't wish to speak to.

Cracking her neck she entered the newly designed penthouse examining each room. Advising her assistant of what flaws as they did the walk through. One simply couldn't just become a Selena Cross. It was an art, a style, and a deadly ruthlessness that coursed through her veins. In at least the last hundred years she couldn't remember ever having to raise her voice. There was no need. Her skills were honed, her reflexes fast, and her ability to get her way, well there was simply no other way.

Europe was hers, as was half of asia. The other half she was simply bored with. So much work, and so little reward made it not worth it. Besides it gave her a place to banish people to. The americas never really held much interest for her. They weren't as refined or dignified. Of course there were a few exceptions but as a whole she'd leave it to the roughnecks.

Exhausted she simply chose to go to bed. Day would becoming soon. Although her windows were uv resistant, she still required her z's.
Alexander Corvinas
Black hair, long in the back, bangs hang across his eyes, gives him the emo look.
Stands about 5'10" 235 lbs
Looks lean, but is very defined, due to his training.

He often wears a long black jacket, a white button up dress shirt, and dress slacks, pin strip. He wore dark aviator sunglasses to cover his eyes. Beneath his clothes was his tattoo's, a grim reaper on his forearm, a dragon on the other. On the underside of his forearm was a quote

"Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do To You"

There were also many scars all over his chest and arms. He did not like to reveal himself to others because of them, he felt they made people feel uncomfortable.

He was Ex-Special Ops in the the Military, had very exclusive training over the years of his service, after he left the service he became a Merc and bounty hunter for a few years, than just left the life all together. He found himself now a days as a body guard/personal driver. What a life for an ex solider... he often rode his motorcycle around, but had a few other cars at his service.

Alexander rode on his bike as he pulled to a stop at a red light, the night sky was clear, the moon was bright and lit the streets. The night air was crisp, a bit moist as the breeze blew through the streets, feeling a bit chilly in the hotter months. He looked around and saw he was alone on the streets. He sighed in the night, he always felt alone. The light turned green and he did not speed off on his bike, he in turn pulled out a cigarette and lit it up. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he pulled it out of his pocket and looked to the ID.

Mark Gains

He shook his head and knew why he was calling him. He sighed again and answered.

Alexander: "Yes Mark, what can I do for you?"

He heard his request and Alex nodded his head.

Alex: "So, what you are trying to tell me is, you are trying to get me a job than, for a driver/Guard; is what this Selena Cross needs, someone that can protect her? Yes, I understand, she is a high priority package."

He heard the questions.

Alex: "Yes of course I am armed, my .45 of course. So Thursday, I will go to her on that day than, check things out. Thank you for trying Mark."

He than hung the phone up and looked to the address he knew where it was and he sped off on his bike down the empty street. He needed the job, he had to do something with his time other than just wonder... it has been some time since his last guard job. He sped off and soon was outside the place where Miss Selena Cross was staying. It was a rather upscale place, he was told she was a high priority package, he sighed and saw it would be morning soon. He looked and saw that there were security guards at the doors. Damn she got some security here already. They were big and packing some heat. He shook his head.

They looked to him and made a call.

Alex waited for there on his bike as he watched. Soon, he sped off on his bike and headed home, he would just have to wait for Mark's call. He rode off down the street and pulled into his drive way. He again looked to the night sky as he turned his bike off.

"Game on..."

He looked on as he walked into his home and he poured himself a drink. There he drank it down and he sat in the darkness of his kitchen.
Selena woke in the evening of Wednesday. Tossing and turning seemed to be a curse she endured when she traveled. It made her even more irritable. Another problem she seem to have was her reputation.

The new vamplings of today didn't live with the same codes as their ancestors did. Anarchy and chaos seemed to follow when they would join in nesting together. Always someone trying to prove themselves.

Television and movies didn't seem to help her cause. Humans and their need to be a 'creature of the night'. It was all mysterious, dark and rebellious, until they realized the monsters they became. Some embraced it, while others found the sun too tempting. But so the circle of life continues.

Dressing down she opened her balconies window and crouched on the rail. Little Italy would provide her with some italian food, but tonight she craved latin. Puerto Rican to be specific. Taking off into the air she listened to the chatter below.

It seemed the LQ on lexington was where the moving and shaking was. In her hoodie tight half shirt and jeans she made her way to the club. There was something erotic and sexual about latin music. Made her hungrier for the flesh of man, in an almost primal predator fashion.

This town seemed to be full of delectable meals. Then her eyes found him. Tattoos streaming down his arms in an elegant fashion. His chest was sculpted like a divine statue, She almost licked her mouth at the thought licking his blood off his flesh. Taking off her hoodie she wrapped it around her waist. Taking out the clip from her red curls she flung her head letting them fall. One foot in front of the other. Walking toward him like a tiger on the prowl. He seemed to smile a cocky smile, as her hips moved to the rhythm. All stopped to watch the show that was to occur.
The chain from his wallet jingled as he swayed toward her in an almost "i got this" fashion. With a new song starting she moved her hips and showed off her gifts mesmerizing the room with her actions. He kept up well for a piece of mortal. After a few dances she had him pinned against a support beam. Her body climbed his nails, teeth, nothing was spared. this particular mortal may prove to be worth repeating.

In the ally behind the club she had her first taste. Mmm delicious. Hailing a cab they went to a hotel, got a suite, and she enjoyed her meal thoroughly. With ever thrust of his pelvis pounding into her she drank from him. He was a magnificent specimen. They must have fucked three or four times that night before the meatsack collapsed in exhaustion. Licking her lips she licked him clean sealing his wounds with a drop of her blood. In the morning he would feel revived. Getting dressed she stole another look at this prime piece of meat. She certainly had come to the right town.

Taking off from the balcony she went home. where she landed with a a bit of a bounce in her step. "good meal?" Emma her assistant asked her. "there is something about the taste of a full bred bloodline of a male." With that she laid down on the couch and turned on the tv watching until it was time for her to retire.

Thursday came and the daylight hours passed it was time for her to go meet Catalone. The car was sent for, and Selena took pride in her choice of clothes. When she had these type of meetings she would dress according to the part. She wasn't here to take over the city, so she wanted to appear non threatening. A nice dress, some flowers weaved into her hair, and a bottle of virgin blood from the 18th century. With reservation she added the bottle thinking this 'leader' wouldn't have the palette for something this fine.

When she entered his club a path cleared for her and the bar went all but silent until a broken italian white trash accent chimed through. "Senora Cross, welcome welcome. Please except my most humblest apologies for not being here on your arrival. These things happen from time to time you understand."

"No, i don't understand as i'm sure you'll agree it's the responsibility of any great leader to be where is required. None the less you are forgiven. For you as a gift of thank you and good will so you may rest assured i am not here to take over your territory as i'm sure my people told you."

"yes yes, thank you so much. We are here at your disposal, anything to make your stay more comfortable."

When he sniffed the bottle of blood his eyes rolled so far back in his head she thought he would pass out.

"in the event you have not had this vintage, you may wish to swish it in your mouth close your eyes and let it take you to paradise. It will last you a long time, and you will find a swish is all you'll need to be pleasantly removed from your environment."
She gave a light smile and continued. "my main purpose of being here is for rest. I do not wish to sign autographs or be hounded for advise. I require a trusted day walker, i'm sure you have those here yes?" he nodded and she continued."his requirements are preferably to have special ops training, security knowledge, have a tight lip, and have a decent knowledge of our kind. The last time i visited, they gave me a pathetic meat sack that pissed himself when I ripped off someones head. Can you imagine?" she laughed and they all laughed. She stopped and they all stopped. "In the event Calalone you cannot keep control over your..." her nose squinched as she looked for a word that wasn't too insulting "minions, then not only will i take over your state, but i will put you on a leash and make you my pet until the day you walk into the sun on your own."

"Who the fuck do you think you are lady?" came what they called a southern slang drawl from the corner behind him. With in a moment her left hand had the redneck lifted from the floor around his throat and her hand had ahold of his pecker threatening to rip it off. "I am Selena Cross" she said in a nice soothing voice. "If you are without intelligence or social standing to understand what that means, then i suggest you find yourself someone that does. If you ..ever.speak to me again not only will i rip your little winky from your body. But i will shove it so far down your throat you will never be able to speak again." With that she slit her nail around the base of his cock. "Any questions" Immediately he shook his head no. She dropped him to the floor as he cried out in agony.

Juan knew better than to react and didn't even acknowledge the moron on the floor. "Of course Ms. Cross, your needs will be met to. And you have my assurance that no one will bother you."
"Thank you Mr. Catalone, preferably you'll have someone ring for an appointment tomorrow?"
He nodded and she smiled turning slightly toward the door "Enjoy the vintage" she smiled again and walked out with a sway that made straight women wish they were gay.

Inside her penthouse she waved her fingers and said "Emma, I need a manicure" "yes maam" was the reply with a slight giggle.
Alex found himself at a shooting range the next day, he could not even remember his sleep, if he slept, what the hell he did last night. He had one to many nights like that. He looked down the lane and saw the target, his vision was slightly blurred and he shook his head and blinked a few times. He fired his handgun once


He looked down the lane and saw he hit the target, than he straightened and fired again.


He looked again down the lane and saw he hit the target again, but strangely not where he was aiming. He pushed the button and it took some time for the target to get to him, he was firing at the max distance and people watched him shoot, for they were amazed at his talent. Finally the target reached him and he saw both bullets hit around where the heart would be found. He was aiming for the head."What the hell..."He remembered reading in a book that the bullet never lies... He sighed and disassembled his handgun and started to clean it there. He was like a machine when it came down to taking care of his weapons. They were like an extension of his body. He went through the steps of cleaning and he quickly re-assembled his handgun. He reloaded the clip as he just stared at the target paper. He shook his head as he put the clip down and examined his gun.

He looked over his gunmetal silver .45 and everything was clean on it, than he moved the target back again at the max range and he looked down the lane as his hand reached quickly back behind him to draw his .41 single action colt revolver and his hands came together on it as he pulled the trigger and his left hand hit the hammer 6 times. It all happened so fast it sounded like only a few shots went off, but he knew all 6 fired. Alex was a quick draw, if this was the old west, he would be a deadly gunslinger. He brought the target back and he again saw the hits were all around the heart.

"What the hell..."

He laid his treasured revolver down and looked over the target. He just didn't understand, he moved the target back and reached down and pulled his boot glock and he aimed and wanted to hit the head. He leveled the gun and squeezed the trigger and fired two rounds. He saw they did not hit the head, but the heart again...

"What is going on?"

He than felt his phone buzz as he saw it was Mark. He looked back to see people watched him and he smiled as he walked away and people were amazed at his talent. He took the call in the lobby.

"Mark tell me something."

He smiled as he delivered and Alex smiled. Mark had many contacts as he was a well informed and tight onto the underground. That's where he got a lot of his jobs. Than he told him something about the job and he stopped in his tracks.

"Are you serious? Yes of course I know about them. I killed one for a job remember, but are you sure I am the right person for the job? I understand. Ill call tomorrow."

He hung up the phone as he got a text with the number. He has never worked under a vampire before and found this job was going to be exciting. He could not wait, he walked back into the shooting room and put his guns away. His .45 in his shoulder, his revolver in his back holster, and finally his glock back in his boot. He than turned and left and got on his bike and he sped off down the road.

He was excited for this chance and really hoped he got the job. With his training and past jobs he was more than confident. He poured himself a drink and sighed as he waited. Thoughts of Mexico, Columbia, Iraq and Afghanistan popped in his mind. And he sighed.

"Its going to be different... but a Vampire... why would they need a guard... oh yeah stupid... sunlight."

He drank down his drink and ate some crackers and soon the day blurred and it was a new day...

He looked to his phone and dialed the number. He heard a voice.

"Yes my name is Alexander Corvinas and I was referred by Mr. Gains for a driver/guard for your boss."

He heard the voice reply. He shook his head.

"Yes of course I have my qualifications, I can either drop it off, or I can fax it, which ever you like."

He nodded his head at the instructions.
When Selena awoke as the sun started to fall she placed on her robe and walked into the living room to watch it fall over the horizon. She never got tired of seeing the sun, and was glad that the glass proved to be high quality.

"Ms. Cross you have an appointment at seven with a Mr. Corvinas for the personal guard." Selena waved for a shot of 100 proof blood with a caffeine type additive.
Emma handed it to her already knowing her mistress' morning tastes after a feeding.

"mm thank you" she replied. "did you.." "yes Maam, i did an exclusive background search including the underground archives."
"and?" "It seems he doesn't care one way or the other as long as he's paid, he'll work for just about anyone. He's only killed one of your kind before, a nasty piece of work he was from what i gathered. He seems to have some honor code he goes by. It's a rare unique combination with his skill set."

"well i suppose i should get dressed then" Selena advised working her way back to her bedroom. Deciding on a pant suit she went about her ritual of getting ready.

When the phone rang Emma had him come up. The guards took the liberty of searching him and removing his weapons. He was showed in and Emma had him take a seat before advising her Mistress he was here.

Selena walked out with the grace of a swan and sat down across from him. She stared at him for a moment. He didn't seem overly cocky, which was a good thing. Nor did he seemed intimidated. "Tell me Mr. Corvinas, what do you know about me?"
He was happy when they told him to come in for an interview. He looked at his laptop and did some research on Ms. Selena Cross. He than made a few calls when he did not find very much on her. Figures, why would there be mass info on a Vampire. Only thing he found was she was very popular and very sought after. His other phone rang and he made sure to connect it to his lap top.

"Yes the line is secure."

He wrote down some things and nodded his head. He than was satisfied with the intel he had. He turned and took down the last of his whiskey and went to bed.

He awoke the next day and got dressed in his white dress shirt and black dress slacks. He left the top button open and showed his silver cross. He put his belt on and boots. He slid his silver watch on as he threw his long black jacket on. He armed himself, .45, glock and his revolver. He walked out of his house as he put his dark shades on and his bike helmet on. His long black hair flowing in the breeze as he started his bike up. He took off down the road as he wanted to see more of this place where she stayed. Pull more intel.

He watched her place all day, taking notes of the guard shifts and who came in and out. Alex was glad he had so much recon training in his time. He than saw the sun was setting and it was almost time. Alex finished his coffee and ate a breath mint as he walked up to the club. Suitcase in hand as they searched him. They took his glock and .45 and he opened the case for them to see all the paperwork. He closed the case and grinned. He walked inside and waited. The guards were not very bright. But who would attack this place at night... an idiot.

He knew inside his briefcase was a small double barrel shotgun and his revolver. If he needed a weapon he had them. He saw her assistant and he stood to shake her hand and introduce himself. Than he was shown to where the interview would happen. He left his shades on and headed into the room and saw a sight before his eyes that took his breath away. He has never seen anyone as beautiful and enchanting as her... he gulped and quickly walked up to her as he expected to shake her hand, but she sat down and he followed suit. He herd her question and thought back to his intell.

"Well Ms. Cross, I know you are a very powerful Vampire, both feared and worshiped through most of Europe and Asia, but I also know there are those that wish to take you down to gain both power and rep. I will be more than happy to guard you. I have extensive training in both hand to hand and firearms, demolitions and recon intell."

He opened his briefcase and pulled out a file for her to read. It entailed all his services, but there was gap in his record, for 2 years there was nothing. But after that, the list went on. He was certainly qualified.

He was certainly wondering what she thought of him already. He could not stop looking into her eyes though, she had amazingly beautiful eyes.
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"Well Ms. Cross, I know you are a very powerful Vampire, both feared and worshiped through most of Europe and Asia, but I also know there are those that wish to take you down to gain both power and rep. I will be more than happy to guard you. I have extensive training in both hand to hand and firearms, demolitions and recon intell."

Selena smiled politely. Watching his body language with extreme care as he spoke to her. She listened to his heart beat as he spoke and handled his briefcase.

I see you've done your research on who I am, and I understand you know a bit of what I am your history includes taking down a fifty year old vampling. That is semi impressive. The two years absent from your resume intrigues me more. So pray tell me your secret and i'll keep that of your briefcase hidden from guards. Oh don't look so alarmed, I haven't lived this long without picking up a unique skill set along the way. After all, one never truly puts all their cards on the table at first."

Selena leaned back and crossed her legs very calmly. Yes the human meat sack appeared to have a genuine skill set, for her and most of her kind it would fun toying with him. But it wasn't her kind that hunted her with such a vengeance.

A vampire hunter held a deep rage deep with in their chest. They lived off their own moral code that eluded the logistics of her species. They weighed things in emotions and reasons.

Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. This man was her offense. Or before being to hasty she should say could be.
He nodded his head and he took in everything she said. She really wanted to know about those blank years. He knew that she would be able to tell if he was lying or not, so he better not try. He took a deep breath and looked at her. Right in the beautiful eyes.

"Miss Cross, I must say you have very beautiful eyes, they are so alluring..."

She could tell he was stalling. He cleared his throat.

"It is hard for me to say Miss Cross, those two years are very dark times for me. I was a contract killer, I was hired to elimanate families, kids, grandparents... I was very ashamed to do what I did, so I killed my employers and went out on the lamb for a while."

He hung his head.

"I still to this day do not know why I did the things I did, but I cannot go back... and change"

His face showed anger, almost as if his eyes were burning with anger, if this was an Anime, his eyes would be glowing red, but this was reality, he made a really angry fist as the memories of the time started to creep back into his mind and his cold heart...


He cringed and he looked to Miss Cross.

"As you can see, I do my hardest to block out that time..."

He slicked his bangs out of his face and he took a deep breath and calmed himself.

"So what now Miss Cross? I am ready to be your guard, protect you from any threats."

He watched her close, paying attention to her eyes.
"As you can see, I do my hardest to block out that time..."

He slicked his bangs out of his face and he took a deep breath and calmed himself.

"So what now Miss Cross? I am ready to be your guard, protect you from any threats."

He watched her close, paying attention to her eyes.

"Mr. Corvinas" she said with an amused smile. "I appreciate you disclosing the information i requested. If i were human i am sure i would sympathize over your moral struggle. As I am not, I can not, for to me a job is simply a job and casualties are the result." she simply shrugged.

In no way did his tale create any emotion, if anything she had to restrain herself from telling him to grow a pair. Years of practice afforded her the ability to refrain.

His moral code was strong, but was his ruthlessness? What if the moral code of the vampire hunter seemed to make more sense to him then honoring his obligations to her his employer?

The solution then came to her and an almost sadistic smile came across her lips once again.

"Mr. Corvinas what if i could ease the burden of your two years, improve your skill set and speed, and allow you to maintain part of the human race you are? Before I tell you why that would be a necessity of the job, would that be something you would do?
How could she improve his skills, and make him faster. He looked to her and had to accept this. This had to be a test, to see if he would take and accept anything she had to offer.

"Miss Cross, I accept what you are willing to give me."

He wanted this job, he needed something like this in his life right now. This job would push him beyond his limits. Vampires, who knows what other supernatural he would come across. So in order to protect her, he would have to become stronger.

"What must I do?"

He looked to her with hope in his eyes, but than that next part came to him, the part that he should have thought about first. She could ease the pain of those two years... how could she ease such a weight of guilt... one could not just forget that.

He could not stop looking at this woman... no Vampire, she was beyond beautiful, she was perfection before him.

"Miss Cross, if you say I have the job, I will do my absolute best to protect you. I will not let you down."

He said that with a grin.
Selena stood up and smiled sauntering over to him. The sway of her hips, the smile, the way her eyes danced. Every fluxation of every muscle honed to seduce him. In a mere moment she sat on his lap.

With a slip of her thumbnail she made a gash over her wrist. "drink" she told him lightly pushing his mouth upon her wrist. She stroked his head as he suckled at her ancient powerful blood.

This would do a couple of things, make him extremely loyal to her, increase his motor skills giving him slight vampire reflexes, allow him more control over his emotions, in sense making him super human. It would give him a high that he would yearn for, as well as knowledge and insight into his supplier. He could feel her mood.

that's enough she willed into him causing him to release her arm and look at her with a glazed look. "Your room is across from mine, you will have what ever you require. Your assignment is to go over the entire security layout and revamp it so to speak. You've gained more knowledge about my kind then any hunter has ever. But that is your opponent Alex. He wishes to kill me and all of my kind. Learn all you can about your opponent, know the way he thinks the code he lives by and stop him."

Taking her tongue she licked his blood off his lips "mmm Italian" The wound on her wrist closed in front of him as she got off his lap. "I should mention a couple of things, If you are killed with my blood in you, the chances of you coming back as one of us is very high. Also my blood is addictive. When this is over I will not simply throw you out and let you adjust, i will ween you off of it, until you are back to yourself. I recommend taking it easy, Maybe lay down and allow yourself to absorb and enjoy this moment."

With that she picked him up and took him to his room and laid him down. It would be a few hours maybe a bit sooner for him to grasp all the new senses and increased abilities he'd been given.

Leaving his room she signaled for Emma. "When he is mobile he's going to be ravenous, be sure to have several meals prepared." Emma nodded remembering the first time she took the blood, it made her so hungry she ate mcdonalds out of fries and burgers. The blood speeds everything up and requires substantial nourishment to work properly.

Selena perched on the rail of her balcony and watched the city below.
This was all happening so fast, first she sauntered over all sexy, he could not take his eyes off her. Her body was so sexy, breasts so round and bouncy as she moved, a heart shaped ass that swayed with her every step. She was to die for...

Than she sat in his lap, like a stripper would, she eased herself down and that sent a electrical surge through his body. It had been a long time since he felt the touch of a woman. He looked into her eyes and he smiled, but than she cut herself and forced her wrist to him mouth and commanded him to drink. Her blood flowed into his mouth and he swallowed the warm liquid and at first he wanted to gag, but it started to taste sweet to him. He started to like it, he quickly felt the blood flowing through him now as she took her wrist away.

"I will do as you command of me Mistress Cross, your security will be flawless. You know I did a lot of work in Intelligence and Counter Intelligence, I will start right away."

She told him about the hunters and he felt outraged. Why would anyone think they could touch Miss Selena Cross, she was ancient, she was powerful, she was knowledgeable. But where was her weakness, did they know her weakness, did she have a weakness?

He reached into his breifcase and handed her a printed list.

"I will need these things..."

He felt a rush of power go through him, than things started to change very quickly... his vision got intensified, he could see the very fibers in the wall, his sense of hearing was amplified, he could hear heartbeats from other rooms, his very sense of smell was heightened, he could smell deodorants and perfumes from rooms away, what people were eating. This was amazing...

Than she carried him to bed and he looked at her.

"I have not been carried to bed since I was a child... and now my Mistress does this... I have a very strong will power Mistress, I can control myself... I thank you for encasing those memories for me, I find it troubling to find them now, it is like you built a wall around them."

He took in everything she said and he would have to, what else was he capable of now... than she left the room.

"Mistress don't go..."

He felt a strong tie to her now. He would now serve her, he would deal with her enemies and let her drink of there blood. First thing first though, rest... he sighed as he closed his eyes, he had trouble at first, hearing cars and people talk... he had to mentally shut them out.

"Training, training..."

He focused as he closed his eyes and soon sleep found him.
Selena listened as he adjusted. not fearing the changes was a good sign. He was built for this, mentally and physically. When he found sleep she stayed close and ensured there were no rejections of her blood through his system.

There was a reason she didn't take his memories from him. It made him what he was. There was a ruthless energy that surged through his veins, that his human conscious rejected. He may not know it yet, but he was meant for greater things. She was curious to see his aggressiveness take form in his new enlightened state.

It was once thought that vampire hunters possessed a supernatural skill of their own. After draining her fair share of them she was certain it wasn't true. The thing that made them dangerous was their moral code. They ate, drank, and bred with the only intention of living to destroy the monstrosities that were anything supernatural.

It would be simple to create an army of men with similar skills as Alex. But it would also raise more attention and give him a heads up. Even with a team they would be lucky to kill just her, but now she had a prodigy. A prodigy that was loyal and belonged to her.

Of course she was aware of the way he looked at her, the way his body reacted to her. He was male, it was a over common reaction to her simply being Selena Cross. But what he would evolve into is what had her attention. Would he become what she felt was buried with in him? Would the surge of testosterone give him a look into what it would be to become like her.

A sound tore her from her thoughts and in a moment poor Emma was pined against the wall by her throat. Selena let her down and gave her a few drops of blood to heal any injury the death grip might have caused.

"Sorry Ma'am" she stuttered regaining her ability to talk. "I wanted to let you know that his meals have been planned and there are several ready for when he wakes. I have the grocery list created and sent to the store, the driver will pick them up in the morning. I've also taken the list that Master Alex gave you, and I've made the purchases and next day shipped everything." Emma advised her stroking her throat.

"Thank you Emma, but refrain from calling him Master Alex, You can refer to him as sir or Mr. corvinas if you wish. Or even Alex if he agrees. His requirements are to be met without question. Be sure that everyone is aware. He'll more then likely be making changes to tighten security. If you question his motives, or his requirements you may come to me, but do not question him. Consider his word my word going forward." "Yes Ma'am" Emma replied remembering what it was like when she first got that surge of power through her veins.

Morning was coming soon, stopping at Alex's door she closed her eyes and looked into his dreams. Oh yes this was the right decision. Going into her room she curled up with a book and read until she fell asleep.
He lay there, trying to rest, but his body felt on fire. He sat up and than laid back down. He didn't know what to do. His body wanted something. He looked to the ceiling and sighed. He closed his eyes once again and images of him killing people filled his head, brutal acts.

Him slitting the throats of people and making others watch. Splitting the skulls open of others, right in front of children. And the use of a Katana... to cut the limbs off of his victims. There was a look of madness on his face. A blood lust, a desire to kill.

He awoke as he felt a presence at the door. He could feel her in his head. He got out of bed and walked over to the door and opened it to see no one was there. He shook his head and saw a bar on the ceiling and grabbed it with one hand and he started doing one arm pull ups, very easily. He was amazed at this, he did not weigh a lot, but he was not feather light either. He increased the speed of the pull ups and switched hands. He was not a weak person, but this was incredible. He dropped down and tucked into a roll as he started to do fast knuckle push ups, he was at 100 in no time at all. He was not even winded!

He looked to the door and heard people talking.

"I need weights."

He opened the door with no shirt on, showing off his chest. He looked to the woman that was down the hall.

"Excuse me. Is there a gym or workout facility here in the building?"

He looked to her and could hear her heartbeat. He wanted to see what he could do.
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Emma looked down the hall at the shirtless prodigy. "Ma'am would want you to rest, but if you insist there is a workout area on the roof for you. She assumed you would want it. You also have meals prepared in the kitchen for your consumption."

Selena stirred and sat up right. 'Alex come lay with me and i will sooth your dreams so you can sleep. There will be plenty of time for you work out during the day.' She said this all to his mind willing him to come to her.

His aggressiveness was coming faster then she expected, too much to soon was not good. His power would be great, pulling back the covers she watched as he walked in and laid down. Laying down next to him she placed her hand over his forehead and curled up spooning him. Willing him to sleep and changing his dreams slightly to understand the necessity of what he'd done. Removing the subconscious humanity that troubled him.

Curling her head in the crook of his neck she waited till he slumbered deeply before following her own needs. Morning was approaching. In a few hours he would rise without her.
He was ready to go and see what he could do, than he felt the summons by his Mistress. He could not refuse it, he looked to the woman and almost had a look of disappointment, but he quickly entered her room and he stood at the foot of her bed and looked at her beauty.

"Mistress, you want your dog to sleep with you in the bed?"

At first he was confused by it, by her command. But she opened the covers for him and he did as he was commanded, he lay next to her and she quickly embraced him with the covers, than he felt her hand on his head and he soon found himself to be falling asleep. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw the people he killed, his eyes snapped open, but quickly closed and he soon saw nothing but darkness.

Sleep found this man, real sleep he was getting, he has not know what that was for a very long time. His mind relaxed, his body relaxed, his tense muscles unwound, began to loosen.

He was in true harmony

He awoke some time later, he still felt the power of her blood in him, but something was missing. He looked around and saw she was gone. He sat up and quickly looked around. Than it hit him... it was morning, the sun had rose and she was a creature of the night. He shook his head and looked around.

"Time to see what I can do. Ugg..."

He groaned as he felt so hungry... this feeling was so powerful, it made him weak. He looked to the door and he quickly opened it, he could not believe how fast he moved just now... it did not matter, he needed sustenance.

"Food... please I need Food..."

He called out as he stepped into the hallway, two men approached as he looked to them. They looked at him and tried to help him, but he did not want them touching him, he grabbed one of the men by throat and slammed him into the wall, he quickly reacted to the other man, by throwing a wrist up and blocking the attack, than he took a fighting pose.

"I have studied the arts of many forms of martial arts, I will now show you Wing Chun..."

He stepped in quickly as the man protested and Alex still saw him as a threat and his fists flew in a volley as he beat the man down. He did show some restraint as he could have put a lot more power into his blows, but he did not. The man was laid out and Alex walked down the hallway.

"Food... please... I am starving..."

He was growing tired and impatient. His breathing was heavy now and sweat dripped from his brow. He did not know what to do, where to go...
Emma watched and shook her head. "Refrigerator" she said sternly pointing to it. She watched while he devoured its contents. "when you are done eating and clean up your mess, follow me to the terrace" Emma said sternly. 'obey Emma' was the command that came from his Mistress to him.

Out on the terrace Emma put down two yoga mats. He was no good to the Mistress if he was unhinged. He needed to gain control or be put down. Yes he he had everything enhanced but he still was still human.

When Alex arrived on the terrace she had him sit cross legged and meditate. "Find your center" she commanded as she meditated with him. Hours would pass and they would hold this pose teaching to fight impulses and think before acting.

As they sat the house was cleaned and swept for bugs. The meals he would require for the next couple of days made and stored. Things simply went on around them.

Sabrina rose and entered the living room watching the two sit quietly on the terrace. "alexander" she spoke softly. His eyes opened and he rose coming to her. "First, you are not a dog, you are my prodigy. That means you have been chosen to be honored with my blood to improve your human abilities. Every day you will start with meditation, finding your center, until you are your center do you understand?

It wasn't that she was unhappy with him, in retrospect she was actually fond of his blood lust. But in this day and age those actions weren't acceptable. If she chose to turn him, she would wait until he was weened off of her blood before letting him make the decision. As of right now it wasn't even an option or thought. Unless he could come to grips with what he had become.

"Your tools have arrived Alex, get your work done and we will have an outing."
As he ate his meal, he felt outraged at his actions. He could not believe what he had done. He looked into the hallway and saw the two men were still laid out. He lost control... his heart had hurt from his actions. What had he become? He than heard the command as Miss Emma came in and told him to follow her to the terrace after he cleaned up. He washed and rinsed his dishes after he wiped down the table. He saw it was spotless and he took the trash out. He found Emma outside with two yoga mats laid out and he wondered. He again heard the mistresses command.

"I understand Miss Emma, I will not loose control like that again."

He sat there and concentrated as the images of the innocents came to him again. He was finding it hard to find his center, but he did not want to show Emma he was struggling. He sat in silence as he saw himself killing innocent people. Time passed as he felt his Mistress approach. He opened his eyes and bowed his head to her.

"I will control myself mistress. I am sorry I had that outburst. I am better than that."

His head lowered and he looked to the ground.

"I understand mistress."

He than excused himself as he started his work. He set up different cameras with a strange prong on them. He a walked all around the perimeter and took pictures and jots down some key things; weak points, blind spots. At these points he set perimeter alarms that would trigger an alarm and set off stun grenades. He set claymores and other various traps around the area in weak points. He let his mistress know everything he did in detail so she could relay to her staff. Last thing he did was set up the computer network to his tablet and laptop, as well as the computer here. He walked into another room and saw his weapons he laid out and he started to place them in the holders. He set up guns all around the house in hidden places in case of an attack and he needed some extra fire power.

He sat in the monitoring room and over looked his work. Was there anything he was forgetting.

"No, it is flawless. It has to be for the Mistress."

He than watched the cameras, his next step was to find everything out about the hunters. He would have to go out onto the street to find them.
Selena waited while he went through his paces, growing tired she went into her room and got dressed for the club. "Alex get dressed we're going out." She waited and then took him to the balcony ledge.

"Each Vampire has their own gifts, some may be the same as others, some may be a mixture. The stronger the bloodline the more gifts that are possesed to defend it. "

Wrapping her arms around him she took off in the air and landed with him in the ally behind the club.

"You cannot learn about hunters just by going on the street. You have to read, and research them as if your life depended on it. Mine does."

Taking his hand she lead him into the dance club. "There are five vampires and one hunter in this room. I want you to focus despite the noise and find them without giving yourself away as looking. Pay enough attention to your distraction to not raise suspicion, yet have the room surveyed by the time you walk in. These skills should be natural to you, so hone them, refine them with your new senses. You are not to kill or expose anyone, simply identify." She danced seductively in front of him gaining a lot of on lookers. Her hands stroked over his face and shoulder providing ample distraction.

Her mouth teased his neck as her body grinded against his, He was a great envy. Turning her back to him she grinded on his pelvis motioning her food forward. Teasing and taunting the other man as Alex kept his hands on her hips dancing with her. Her skill was so refined in feeding that no one noticed except the vampires that she fed in public. Not even the hunter noticed. She bit her tongue and sealed his wounds before her mouth ever left his neck.

Turning back to Alex she grinded against him speaking to his mind 'have you found them yet, show me in your thoughts'
It was amazing at her skills, he never imagines that she could fly.* It felt amazing being in her embrace like this, but soon it was over and she had a task for him.* He took in what she said and he nodded his head.Even though she said he was not a dog, he obeyed his master like one.*

He walked into the club with her and his focus was lost as he watched his master start to dance, she moved her body in such a seductive way.* He tried to concentrate as he soon felt her body start to move against him.* He let out a soft moan as she moved herself against him, he started to feel very turned on by this.* But he had to focus and find these Vampires and the hunter.* He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, he heard the music, he heard the laughter, he heard the chatter, he heard jewlery moving, he heard the sound of shoes on the floor..*

"Damn... its too much..."

Than he felt her again, as his hands held her hips, she was such a tease, he wanted to feel more of her.He again concentrated as he moved about with Selena, grinding his own hips into her, moving against her.* Than he heard it, he heard heartbeats... yes he was doing it.* He turned his head about and started to hear and be able to single people out.* Than he quickly Identified all 5 Vampires, he noticed as well, all the Vampires had a scent to them, a scent of being Undead.* Now to find the hunter.He danced more and more with Selena, trying to tease her now, letting himself go here in the club.* His manhood was hard as it pressed into Selena's dress.* But he had another task.*

He looked around the club and looked at peoples eyes, listened for heartbeats, he knew this hunter would have to be searching, and he would have to fear the unknown attack.* He listened for a elavated heartbeat... no wait all the men here would have the same heartbeat, everyone here was excited...

"Shit... I can't fail..."

He than groaned as he felt her ass grind harder into him. He had to protect her. He than normal iced two people right in front of them watching two of the Vampires intently. He now focused on tthese two. He could smell gun powder and garlic now. Why did he not pick up on this earlier... he was a fool. There was something else, one of them smelt like a dog... he showed those two toSelena through his mind.

"Mistress there are two hunters here. The couple in front of us. One of them has the scent of a dog Mistress? Should we leave? Or do you wish me to take action?"
Wrapping her arms now around Alex's neck she pushed her body against his and kissed his mouth speaking into his mind. "Very good Alex, you've now had your first scent of werewolf. Did i forget to mention they too existed?" she smiled against his mouth and kissed him with a hard passionate fire. To his mind she spoke again:'The dog and the hunter are working together. They are no threat to me, the hunters garlic shows his inexperience. After all if we can smell blood why wouldn't we be able to smell garlic? My guess is he's an amatuer, somehow got wind of our existence and is seeking revenge of some sort. Listen to his heart beating Alex, hear how it skips just slightly.

The difference between rage and hormones isn't that different. The dog like most is over confident. They know he's here, they are taunting him on purpose. This is the basic bait and eliminate maneuver. The two vamplings are taunting and teasing, they will raise their rage to the edge before going to the back ally. Moving her lips from his she took his hand and went out the back door, flying them up to the roof and laying flat on her stomach. "watch" she said with her mind as she began to waver in and out of his sight like camouflage. You should be able to do this too. become the roof alex, and watch the show that will unfold.

Just as he grasped it the back door came open with the two vamplings making out like lovers. They were then joined by the dog and the hunter. Three vampires appeared from the shadows behind them. It didn't take long before the bodies of the hunter and the dog were shredded. with a almost silent whistle hellhounds came up from the sewer to finish off the remains and drag them below. With in a couple minutes the ally was bare and quiet once again.

Slowly she rose from her position to standing and waited for him to do the same. Simply she stated, we don't interfere in others affairs. There is room for chaos and ruin in the world. It is the natural order of things. What you saw, very few humans ever will. We are made out to be monsters, well, in retrospect we technically are. But with the change of times comes a changes in actions. If every vampire reacted to their urges and impulses, there would be no humans left for us to feed upon.Then we would simply turn to killing each other.

As your reward for doing what few vamplings can in their first ten years, you may choose where you'd like to drink from me this evening. Pressing her body tightly against his they were back to her balcony in no time.
He could not believe what he was doing, he was strong, stronger than ever. He had abilities that he could have used many years ago, but now he was unstoppable. He looked to the wolf woman and the man that was the hunter. He knew he could take him, he could end his life, he might even take him and torture him to find out where the others were. But he felt Selena stop him.

Than they were on the rooftop, looking down at the alley. He shook his head and wondered if he could teleport like that. He than saw her phase in and out of her area. Like camouflage she was. She said he should be able to do this as well, but how... he breathed deep and exhaled and he dropped down next to her and he watched the events happen. It was fine that he saw the Vampires rip the hunter and the wolf apart, but when the hell hounds surfaced...

"what the fuck is that..."

He reached down and drew his handgun, ready to defend his Mistress.

"A fucking Cerabres, Vampires can summon hell hounds?"

He was dumbfounded, what was happening here. He cocked his gun, ready to fight. But he saw her rise to her feet and he did the same as he dusted her off.

"Mistress, what was that?"

Than he heard her reply to it and they were back at the house. He holstered his handgun and sighed.

"There is still so much I do not know or understand."

Her gift was one he did not understand.

"Drink from you Mistress? I do not understand, I have no need for blood...?"

He looked to her as he found her so amazing, she was the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes upon.

"Mistress, I am so lucky to be able to stand with you, you are truly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

He felt his stomach growl.

"I am hungry though..."

He shook his head.
Selena ignored the comment he made about her beauty and his need to express how blessed he felt. To her it meant nothing that she didn't already know. Humans were so sentimental.

"go ahead to the kitchen and eat your human food." While he went in that direction she pulled out her kindle and brought up 'The Brothers Grimm Fairy tales'. Taking it to the table where Alex ate his feast for four she folded back the cover making the stand and put it in front of him.

"Over the week i want you to go through this and read the stories with an open mind. Not based on the tales that have been embedded in your brain. Before you do, know that i remember the Grimm boys with a fondness, they were very delectable." She grinned and let him read while he ate going into the living room giving him some time to absorb his food and the knew knowledge she gave him.

When he came to her she explained that he had not reached the highest potential, and now that he had eaten he would have room for less blood and more time to get use to the powers in increments.

"remember what I told you that every vampire is not the same. Do you remember why i told you the hunter was an amateur? " Taking out the movie 'The Priest' she put that in the home theater system and laid down on the couch. The dedication and ruthlessness of this hunter, is what the one that hunts me has. Tomorrow, Emma will take you into the hidden library and have your read through the journals of hunters i've captured over the years. Look for patterns belief systems their codes. Understand the way they think. When you're done with the movie come to my bed and tell me from which part you would like your blood." She rose running her long fingers over his jaw lightly, and sashayed her way back to her room. A nice hot bath of scented oils were drawn. Afterward she returned to bed dried and naked with only a towel draped over her as she read a book.
He could tell she had an adversity towards mortals, she did not hide that. Alex walked into the kitchen and started to eat the meals that were prepared for him, he was feeling very hungry. It would seem that the more he used these powers, the more energy his body needed. He would always have to remember this. He chowed down as a Kindle was put in front of him and he looked up at her with food in his mouth and him chewing. He heard what she told him about the Grimm brothers and he nodded as he ate some more.

"Thank you Mistress for this wonderful food, it is very well in flavor."

He started to read the stories and if there was something he could do and do well was research and absorb info. He chuckled a few times at some points in the tales. He had much to learn about the supernatural, he just did not know enough. He needed to find out strengths and most definitly weaknesses. He delved deeper into the stories, finding out despretly what he wanted to, but it would seem this was not enough.

There was more research he needed to do, The Hunters, he needed to find out more on them. He followed her into the living room and watched the movie with her.

"Hidden library, excellent, I can do much studying there. I love gathering intel."

He smiled at her and he watched the movie, he took mental notes.

Determination to protect the innocent
Self Sacrifice
Mass Self Discipline

There had to be more, what else was there... damn it...

He than got up after the movie was over an he headed into her room

"Mistress, I do not deserve any such reward. I did nothing today... I should have been faster..."

He looked down and shook his head.

"I am lucky enough to be by your side Mistress."
Selena looked up from the book she read. "You must stop referring to me as mistress, i am merely your employer and your teacher. I will be the one to judge whether your actions merritt reward or not. As i told you, you accomplished what would take a normal vampire ten years to learn. You did this in one night. Now if you don't wish to drink from me i can have it done in injection format, But i thought your reward should be more personal. But you are not interested in placing your lips on my flesh, then go to your own room and i will go out and find someone who is less squeamish."

His gratitude although understandable, bordered on annoyance. Most vampires would pay a small fortune just to be in the same room with her. Yet this mortal still doubted his unworthiness. Evidently he didn't understand the gift he was given.

"what do your instincts tell you" she then questioned hoping to get him to feed into his more primal instincts rather than his emotional mortal ones.