Seeking Writers and Inspiration 2024 Edition

I'm having a moment (someone send help) --

Where, when reviewing previous RPs, I've been struck by one set in the "G.I. Joe" universe. It doesn't have to be - for the sake of this story - but I like the idea of two spies, coupled together, on opposing sides. They've been assigned to each other - one is meant to spy on the other - and it's a good old fashioned "Good Guy vs. Bad Guy" set up. Except...well, if it were that cut and dry, there wouldn't be much of a story, would there?

Clearly a very open framework - looking for a male writer to brainstorm and play this out with me. If interested, please send me a PM!
I have an idea for my own take on doing a Star Wars: The Old Republic SRP.

It would require one RPer to play as many as three different characters in their own separate but parallel storylines. A Jedi Knight still fighting the Sith, a Republic politician, and a Sith warrior.

So if interested please open a conversation with me to discuss my take and my ideas for the characters.
Hello been a way for a long while but the itch to play has risen once more and there is no place like lit to find a good rp partner. At the moment I have two ideas floating around in my brain, but the type of partner I am looking for both are roughly the same.

* I like buildup and a natural flow in the story. So sex is a tool in the story but not the whole story. So I prefere a partner that also enjoys the road towards the culmination, and also knows when it's time to start building up towards the next one.

* I like assertive people, but try to stay away from the keyboard alpha/ fragile macho type of characters. There is a line between confidence and arrogance, and between being a leader and a bully. It is more fun when my partner knows where that line is.

* concent and communication. I think communication about wants and needs is important, it is also important to respect each others limits and not try to force some kinks into it when they have been discussed and vetoed.

As for the stories I have in mind (both are open for workshopping)

Undercover cop/filled

Metal Teacher:

Young classy teacher lives a double live. In her small town she is known as a Conservative teacher, but in the week ends she goes to the city and turns into a groupie for indie metal bands. And last weekend a senior from school saw her backstage at a show
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The making of a married Indian slut.
I am looking for a long term role play on this subject.
Seeking male writers
I want to basically replay and relive my real life sexual escapades.
PM to discuss.
Looking for a co-writer to play female in a male stripper CFNM RP on private messages. I will play as the male stripper who's stripping to pay for college. Have many different scene ideas to discuss. Send me a message if interested.
Hello lovelies 🌺 Looking to ease back into the world of SRP, (Lit in general for that matter), with a simple, lighthearted and sprinkles of supernatural dust. Something along the line of the 2000s romcom, Just Like Heaven. I'm open role reversal if that makes more fun. Send your thoughts to my PM.


Note - My SRP profile still relevant albeit a bit dated since last edit.
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Sinner's Refuge - The second largest dungeon in the world and a thorn in the side of humanity. The surface world becomes more and more dominated by the humans and their never ending desire for conquest, power, and domination over the other races. Many of those races have been given sanctity and refuge within the multi levelled dungeon dubbed Sinner's Refuge by the arrogant humans they fled from. Only one person is truly sure how long the dungeon has existed, or how deep it truly goes. The guardian known only as the Winter Wolf. The legends of him have lasted generations, and the only thing they have that he is the walking incarnation of the dungeon's core. Slay him and you truly conquer the dungeon and all its treasures, leaving its denizens either slain or homeless and at the mercy of the merciless once more.

The loner at the center of all this has seen many things both in and out of the dungeon he controls. A dungeon that has kept him far too busy for things like love. Or so he thought. A chance encounter? A push from the residents of the dungeon to extend its prosperity by hopefully coupling him with a mate? I have several ideas and directions I can take with this and can entertain several more. So if this interests you, pls feel free to shoot me a PM and we'll see which way we go with it.

Looking forward to writing another new story after a long time. Hope to hear from you soon.

(Closed now for Apollo Wilde, thank you all for your responses.) ^_^
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The Animal Walker - Your name is Sam Merlotte and all your life you have been hiding a secret from the world. You own Merlotte's Bar & Grill which is a very successful buisness. Being in a small town everyone knows everything about everyone, which was the reason you kept your ability to yourself. But things change when my character moves to town.

She starts off as a waitress but in time she will actually be a performer who with her gift will make his buisness even more successful. They become fast friends, they both want the same things. They want to have a spouse, have children and just find happiness. For the first time he wants to share what he is to her but is afraid he won't accept what he is since he isn't human. He followeds her around and befriended her as Sam but also as a dog.

You can take on the form of any animal he has seen a aide to her no one has because he was the Tibetan Mastiff that follows her.

The Gift Of Body - You play a woman that has an ability to take on the form of any human being. No matter the gender or race, you also can keep your female form but form a working penis. Our charaters have been friends for years but she has no idea what your character can do.

She has fallen in love with my character but has no idea if she would want her because my character is attracted to men. It's why you show her what you can do to show her gift but also to do what she need her to do to be happy.

The Rivendell Maiden - A Lord Of The Rings Story

You play Elron you are the king to Rivendell and father to Arwen. You are one thousand years old and don't look any older then someone in their 40s. You have the same views as your daughter when it comes to humans. Nineteen years ago you were hunting stag with a few of your personal guard when you came across a human woman who lay dying from an orc attack. She beggs you to take her five month old daughter and the second your eyes lock on to hers you feel a great power within her though you are unsure as to what.

Before taking her back to your kingdom you bury her mother and take her to her new home. You watch her grow up every year she gets older the more beautiful she is becoming. By the time she was sixteen years old you have started to become very close to her. So close you teach her Elvish as well as the language the humans of Middle Earth used. A year later at seventeen she knew Elvish fluently and ordered your closest archer Legolas to teacher her to hunt but to also fight as well. It's then you realize that you have fallen in love with her.

Now she is ninteen and you feel it's time to tell her of your feelings. You have a very tight bond with her. Not all your people like her but she is under your protection.

Note: I am thinking she is part elf though that can be discussed. My idea is she can use Elvish magic. An example of what I mean is in this video. If you are interested please let me know. I am working on the start so if I find interest the intro will be done.

Pm if interested we can discuss this further and I would love to hear ideas. Now I don't expect anyone to know Elvish but when speaking in Elvish I figure the text will be in a different color. Hope to do this soon been wanting to do this story for 10+ years.

The Secret Affair - You are the head of the Yakuza and have been for many years. There is always a figure that stands beside you always. Your men have no idea who the person is because she is covered from head to toe. All they know is a name the stranger goes by and it's Raven. They have no idea she is a woman and has no idea she is from America. They have been friends for many years, her father was in the military. He was stationed in Japan and it's when she met him seven years ago.

She is his body guard and is the best fighter he has ever seen. But behind closed doors they speak openly and honestly. He has feelings for her and is being pressured by his father to take a wife and have a son. They know about Raven and prefer he be with a Japanese girl. But a year ago Raven protected his parents from an attack. Raven spent a month in the hospital healing.

In protecting his parents they respect her and if their son wanted her as his wife they would give him their blessing. This idea is another I have wanted to do for a long time. When they speak in Japanese the text will be in a different color since I don't know Japanese lol I wish I did.

Pm if interested in any of these ideas we cab brain storm.
The Animal Walker - Your name is Sam Merlotte and all your life you have been hiding a secret from the world. You own Merlotte's Bar & Grill which is a very successful buisness. Being in a small town everyone knows everything about everyone, which was the reason you kept your ability to yourself. But things change when my character moves to town.

She starts off as a waitress but in time she will actually be a performer who with her gift will make his buisness even more successful. They become fast friends, they both want the same things. They want to have a spouse, have children and just find happiness. For the first time he wants to share what he is to her but is afraid he won't accept what he is since he isn't human. He followeds her around and befriended her as Sam but also as a dog.

You can take on the form of any animal he has seen a aide to her no one has because he was the Tibetan Mastiff that follows her.

The Gift Of Body - You play a woman that has an ability to take on the form of any human being. No matter the gender or race, you also can keep your female form but form a working penis. Our charaters have been friends for years but she has no idea what your character can do.

She has fallen in love with my character but has no idea if she would want her because my character is attracted to men. It's why you show her what you can do to show her gift but also to do what she need her to do to be happy.

The Rivendell Maiden - A Lord Of The Rings Story

You play Elron you are the king to Rivendell and father to Arwen. You are one thousand years old and don't look any older then someone in their 40s. You have the same views as your daughter when it comes to humans. Nineteen years ago you were hunting stag with a few of your personal guard when you came across a human woman who lay dying from an orc attack. She beggs you to take her five month old daughter and the second your eyes lock on to hers you feel a great power within her though you are unsure as to what.

Before taking her back to your kingdom you bury her mother and take her to her new home. You watch her grow up every year she gets older the more beautiful she is becoming. By the time she was sixteen years old you have started to become very close to her. So close you teach her Elvish as well as the language the humans of Middle Earth used. A year later at seventeen she knew Elvish fluently and ordered your closest archer Legolas to teacher her to hunt but to also fight as well. It's then you realize that you have fallen in love with her.

Now she is ninteen and you feel it's time to tell her of your feelings. You have a very tight bond with her. Not all your people like her but she is under your protection.

Note: I am thinking she is part elf though that can be discussed. My idea is she can use Elvish magic. An example of what I mean is in this video. If you are interested please let me know. I am working on the start so if I find interest the intro will be done.

Pm if interested we can discuss this further and I would love to hear ideas. Now I don't expect anyone to know Elvish but when speaking in Elvish I figure the text will be in a different color. Hope to do this soon been wanting to do this story for 10+ years.

The Priests Secret Afair- You have been working as a priest for twenty years, you started when you were only ninteen. You have a friend who means a lot to him, they have known each other for six years now. Her name is Luna and you have been in love with her since you met her. She comes to you for advice with her choices and even talks him her confession. Due to your hidden love for her you wanted to prove said love

Luna has wanted children since she was young, and you can see it in her eyes. So you decide to risk your priesthood to be a father to her child. But what she doesn't know is all the men in your family are extremely fertile and all it takes is Cummings inside a woman once to get a woman pregnant. The first time they have sex he has a condom on but right before your ready to climax you pull out of her, get her on her knees and before entering her again you take the condom off.

This has a small dash of supernatural you can be completely human or can be anything from a warlock to a vampire or werewolf.

The Secret Affair - You are the head of the Yakuza and have been for many years. There is always a figure that stands beside you always. Your men have no idea who the person is because she is covered from head to toe. All they know is a name the stranger goes by and it's Raven. They have no idea she is a woman and has no idea she is from America. They have been friends for many years, her father was in the military. He was stationed in Japan and it's when she met him seven years ago.

She is his body guard and is the best fighter he has ever seen. But behind closed doors they speak openly and honestly. He has feelings for her and is being pressured by his father to take a wife and have a son. They know about Raven and prefer he be with a Japanese girl. But a year ago Raven protected his parents from an attack. Raven spent a month in the hospital healing.

In protecting his parents they respect her and if their son wanted her as his wife they would give him their blessing. This idea is another I have wanted to do for a long time. When they speak in Japanese the text will be in a different color since I don't know Japanese lol I wish I did.

Pm if interested in any of these ideas we cab brain storm.
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Two stories that come to mind:

Who Fucked Roger Rabbit, an adult spin on the film. A wealthy studio president is murdered. At first it's handled as a murder caused by a Toon, a jilted lover named Holli Would, whom proclaims her innocence. Her friend, Jessica Rabbit, now owner of the Ink and Paint Club, believes her friend was framed for the murder. She hired private investigator Renee Rhinehart to find out who the real culprit is and why.

A lot stand to profit from the President's death, from a COO gaining the lead position, to the chief financial officer hiding assets and using company funds to fuel private expenses. To many officers of the studios having Toon lovers.

The studio owns a multitude of Toons, be it adult animated, CGI, video game, and more. Characters like Lara Croft of Tomb Raider, Cammy of Street Fighter, and Cortana of Halo exist, but they are under the tyrannical rule of the studio who control every aspect of their lives. In order to survive between jobs, a lot of Toons have human lovers, those sugar daddies and mommas the Toons have to please.

For this story I already have in mind who the killer is and why. Everything else leading up to that is up in the air. For this I'm looking for a female partner, and the tone can be silly like a porno, with lots of sex and comedy, or it can be slow and serious like a typical noir.

Second Story:

Star Wars, the Smuggler and the Mandalorians.

I'm a smuggler hired by one or two female Mandalorians to run weapons back to their planet of Mandalore. It is not easy. The Empire is hot on our tail and the Republic is showing its true colors by also trying to stop shipments. That way the Mandalorians cannot regroup and become a threat to the still weak Republic.

This one, its plot is up in the air. I had it in mind to be silly, but that can change if there's a female partner wanting to try things.
I am looking for someone to play a strong female character and it's also a love story.

Your character (yc) is a factory girl. One evening on your way home, you are captured and taken to a warehouse.
Your father lost a lot of money in heavy gambling and the lady force you to sell yourself to repay the debts.

You are taken to her house where her son met you and likes you. The young man (my character -mc) is mentally ill and his mother agrees not to send you to the whore house if you can take care of his son.

The story unfold many ways, as the secret reveals. How I become mentally ill. You will have to face challenges to take care of an unpredictable person and how love blossom.....
It has been a long pause since I have really been here and I want to get back into things. Namely I have some kinks that I've explored through RP in the past, but never gone all out with. Namely I REALLY want to do a story involving a massive cock(I mean something like double or triple the size of the character(woman) it is going into) resulting in ridiculously large bulges, the dick being able to go into the character's butt and come out their mouth, and resulting in massive amounts of cuminflation. Basically the more extreme and outlandish it can get for this stuff, the better. I don't want this to result in death or pain for the woman or for blood to be involved. Despite how ridiculous, I would like for them to keep living and keep fucking. :) I do want to play as the woman character getting VERY filled in this story.

As for actual story ideas to get this going...

Kaiju Attack!
My character is a military solider helping to pilot one of the many tanks set to try and stop your character, a giant monster style kaiju like Godzilla. Unfortunately, or fortunately the kaiju gets the upper hand and captures my character.

My character is a well doing business woman that is about to get a promotion. Sadly though she ends up in a car crash. When she comes to she can see a Cerberus, a massive three headed wolf like monster, by her side. He informs her that she was supposed to die and he is there to claim her soul, but he will let her keep on living if she can keep on pleasing him sexually. Of course he would have three dicks. :)

I am very up to other ideas as well if they explore the kinks I mentioned at the start. Let me know if you are interested!
I’m looking for a short story about a Grandmother and her Grandson or great grandson. Pm if you’re interested.
I'm seeking a RP partner, I enjoy realistic RP scenes that could happen in reality. As a result of this I tend to enjoy Office/work based scenarios with colleagues or a situation where you may be a friend of my Husband, but I am open to other scene suggestions too if they are good, as long as its with good build up. I am curious about men liking me because I'm different and trying to peruse me whilst I'm initially unsuspecting of their real motives.
My current new ideas

Rich white wife neglected staying in hotel in business for a week. Has casual convo with black guest. They agree him and his buddies wll essentially have her as their free use slut as she will "drop " one of her room keys somewhere so the men can have access to her hotel room through the week. Later in story they will find out where she works and it will be half free use half blackmail as story develops.

Second researcher working on invisibility potion for military gets in wrong hands she has to cross globe dealing with spies snd such for answers unsure who she can trust

News reporter coming up through ranks to break into male dominant space getting molested by fellow colleagues interview subjects and getting stories assigned to her that could expose her or get her in danger.
A couple of ideas:

Note: DM if you’re interested. The actual thread however will be in the forums. I have done DM threads but they always burn out, leaving me with an RP I can’t continue. Also, let me know what type of a thread you’re wanting: First or third person, reactive or descriptive, fast or slow burn, I don’t want us to have an issue where the two of us are writing posts which don’t mesh (writing a long descriptive post and then getting a single sentence response).

Also, I am male but for these particular ideas I am willing to play female characters.

1. (CLOSED) Life has not been going well for you. Debt is piling up and you’re not sure how you’re going to get through the next month. Suddenly a text appears on your phone: install an app and you will be given $200. Normally you wouldn’t trust something so fishy but you’re desperate and the ad ends up being correct: the money is instantly deposited and all you have to do to keep it is listen to the pitch video.

The pitch is simple: you have a benefactor who found out about your debt and is willing to take care of it and even make you rich. All you have to do is take care of a different task each day. The first one isn’t even that bad: just take a picture of yourself in your underwear and send it: $100 dollars right there.

Of course, each day brings a new task and there are plenty of complications, but you really need the money.

For this one, make sure to bring up hard limits and scenarios you’d like to explore. Your character can be of any background, age (as long as it’s within the rules), marital status, gender, sexuality, etc. My character will not appear much till later on, mostly communicating through the app. The thread would mostly focus on you getting through each challenge.

2. When you were little, you huddled under the covers from a boogeyman, maybe it was a witch with long hair that would stand over you and let her long locks tickle your face to try and get you to look at her. Maybe it was a creature under the bed that grabbed at your hand and feet, maybe it was a being that sat on your bed. Any monster at all but the important thing is, it stopped appearing and now as an adult, you’re living your life, for better or worse.

…and then suddenly your monster is back. You forgot how you promised you’d do anything if they left you alone, you forgot how they made you say “anything” time and time again…before they disappeared into the darkness.

You see, normally they would have had to stop haunting you as you grew up but now they have free permission to scare you as you wake up with a small band around your finger: you’re now engaged to marry your monster.

This should be a shorter thread ending either before the wedding or after the “honeymoon” You character can be any gender or marital status. The thread will be about how you deal with your monster, who we will shape in our PMs. The monster’s true form can be quite appealing (maybe the monster under the bed is a goblin girl) but it should have some aspects that would have been scary to children.

Again, in your PM let me know how scary you want the thread to be. I find horror erotic but the thread can be more comedic if you would prefer
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I've got another idea I'm itching to try out if anyone is game.

Kings and Queens from Different Screens - This plot is about an actress who is on top in movies (can be a rising starlet or a veteran of the Silver Screen (albeit Jessica Tandy, Fay Wray, etc.) however she goes on a blind date with someone in the sleeze business (porn industry) with people starting to give them dirty looks, etc etc.

I'm preferably looking for female writers, but I'm okay with Men taking the female role too. Feel free to DM me for more details so we can set it up!!!
A Wonderful Mother's Day (or: How I Seduced My Mom on Mother's Day)

“This has been a wonderful Mother’s Day so far,” Mom said as she walked into the living room. “Brunch was really good, and the gifts were so thoughtful and nice. I just wish your sister was able to spend some more time with us.”

“I know,” I said as I emerged from the kitchen with two glasses of cabernet. “But she’s just afraid to ask for any time off. She doesn’t want to make any bad impressions already.”

I handed Mom her glass and sat down next to her on the couch. Raising my glass to hers, I smiled. “Happy Mother’s Day.”

“Thank you, Jakey.”

Mom looked past me at the drawing that was leaning against the wall, a gift from my sister and me. My sister’s friend drew a picture of Mom, my sister and me that Dad took at the beach this past summer. It was the last real vacation we took as a family since I had just graduated from college and my sister had just finished her freshman year at my rival school. Now, I was less than a year into my first job and she was at a big internship that she scored in the fall.

While that picture was sentimental to Mom for obvious reasons, it held some meaning for me as well, in a twisted way. To this day, Mom and Dad have no idea that mere hours after that picture was taken, I was fucking my sister, the result of a moonlit walk along the beach, quite a few drinks and a series of flirty comments.

On top of that, that summer was when I caught myself thinking about how attractive my mother is. Sure, I had heard countless remarks over the years from my friends about how hot she was, but something during that vacation triggered that feeling for me as well. It may have been the way she looked in the bikinis she wore when she went to lay out, or how the sundresses she wore at night teased her cleavage and legs.

All of that led to this moment. While Dad was driving my sister two hours to the airport so she could catch her return flight to her summer home, I was preparing myself to follow through with my own plans for the rest of the afternoon.

“I gotta find somewhere to hang that picture. What do you think?” Mom asked.

I looked around the living room. “Probably could find somewhere on that wall if you moved things around a bit,” I said, pointing to a spot that I thought would make the picture stand out. “But while you’re thinking about that, I have one last gift for you.”

Mom shot me a confused look. “What do you mean?”

“Just turn around and close your eyes. And no peeking!” I playfully scolded.

“What are you doing, Jake?” she laughed, perhaps slightly uneasily. She slowly turned her back to me.

I pulled a box out from under the couch that I had hidden when I got to the house that morning. Inside was a silver necklace with a sapphire pendant, which was my sister’s and my birthstone. Opening the box, I pulled the necklace out and delicately placed it around Mom’s neck, clasping it in the back.

As soon as she felt the metal on her collarbone, Mom gasped. “Jake! What’s this?” She then squealed and turned back to face me. “It’s beautiful! But wait—how much did you spend on this? You already did enough—”

“Well, I figured I made you a jewelry box, so I’d give you something to place in there,” I replied.

Mom laughed. “I’m surprised you remembered that. That was so long ago. Ugh—come here.”

We embraced with a big hug on the couch. As we let go, I looked down at the necklace.

“Here, turn back around—the clasp moved a bit,” I said.

Mom turned her back to me once more, and I fixed the position of the clasp. Leaning closely behind her, I spoke to her in a soft whisper as I looked over her shoulder.

“I love how that looks on you.”

I felt her body instantly tense up from the feeling of my breath on her ear. I was waiting for her to freak out, to chastise me for my bold maneuver. Instead, she relaxed, as if she had been wanting to feel that sensation for some time.

As Mom turned to face me once more, her eyes settled on mine in a way they had never done before. A brief silence filled the air before she broke it.

“Y’know, I still have that box you made me on my dresser upstairs. Do you wanna see it?”

I looked across the room at the jewelry box, which indeed sat prominently on Mom’s dresser in the bedroom. My eyes then glanced up to see our reflection in the mirror above it.

I was kneeling on the bed behind Mom, completely naked, pumping my cock inside the same pussy I came from. One hand rested on her hip, while the other was in her hair. Mom’s dress was bunched at her waist, her breasts swaying after having fallen out of her bra, her panties hanging from her ankle. The pendant on the necklace bounced off her chest in rhythm with my thrusts while our moans and the sounds of skin slapping skin filled the air of my parents’ bedroom.

Mom was right. It was a wonderful Mother’s Day—for the two of us.


I’m looking for a female partner to play Jake’s mom in this Mother’s Day prompt!

If you're interested, please reach out! I would love to know your kinks and limits and discuss any ideas that you may have for this story!

As for my own kinks, I would like to include as many of the below as possible:

Clothed sex
Foreplay (kissing, oral – receiving and giving, rimming – giving)
Loud sex
Some rough sex (hair-pulling, spanking, fingers in mouth, hands lightly around throat)

I will be using a written description for Jake. Feel free to do the same for his mom! If you would rather use a faceclaim, I ask that they only be of celebrities or pornstars. For me, the older Jake’s mom is, the better!

I prefer to discuss details (kinks, limits, characters, any additional backstory) before jumping into the story, so please do not reply with a starter.

I look forward to having a lot of fun writing this with you! Thank you so much for reading!
I am new to literotica and looking to meet fellow writers. I want to get back into writing and have written some stories that I haven't posted yet.

I am interested in RPing and writing a story together based on the female cheating or being seduced by her boyfriend's best friend/enemy.
I am seeking creative female writers who can write interesting female characters while building a plot and setting. I am open to any creative ideas, and if we can find ourselves sexually compatible, by all means, let's brainstorm. I've also done mundane romantic relationships that I sometimes say are like Hallmark Movies but with much more sex and lust. I tend to enjoy longer posts and detailed plots. I enjoy erotic chats, but this is a place for in-depth roleplay writing.


Years back, I explored a group thread with a Three Musketeers-style story based on Alice In Wonderland in a vibrant fantasy setting filled with plenty of erotic intrigue and mystery. The setting is loosely based on the events of the books, which are for background with a slightly older Alice who knows how to go back and forth between England in the real world and Wonderland.

She has brought changes and innovations to the land of high fantasy, which is also the home to many other fairy tale settings. All manner of fantasy creatures live in the realms, including human-size fairies. There are knights, wizards, dreamers, and technology ranging from medieval to steampunk.

I'm looking for a partner who wishes to step into this strange, erotic fantasy world with me as our characters try to solve a conspiracy. At the start of our story, Alice serves as the Chancellor of the United Four Kingdoms but mysteriously goes missing weeks before the important Spring Ball.

So, two interested parties unite to investigate this mystery and prevent possible war. There are various options and room for multiple characters and different situations in the story. There are many possibilities for sexual exploration in this story of intrigue and adventure.


Set in the World of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, this is more of a 1980s trope-filled erotic adventure. The story is about a corrupt cop whose new partner is an undercover federal informant with her own shady past who discovers much more about the man and maybe even finds love. Along the way, they deal with corruption, an espionage conspiracy, and a potential serial killer. While I've done a bit of writing on this topic before, I want to expand the original idea and explore it with fresh ideas and fun. There is much to develop in a rich setting, but I want us to flesh it together. I already have plenty of background material.


I've been playing around with a zombie survival role-play in which a couple meets up again after years apart and navigates restarting their romance while dealing with the end of the world. There are several ways to approach this idea, and I've hardly exhausted all the options. There will be flashbacks, romance, and survival.

  • One idea is that High School Sweethearts come together decades after the zombie apocalypse. He (or she) is back in town, and the community is serving, but just because it is the end of the world doesn't mean they're back together.
  • A locally famous young couple is starting out in their hometown and are separated, so one goes off to do military service to deal with the zombie outbreak (it isn't clear in the beginning) and is gone for years. Both have relationships and have a lot to deal with, but comfort sex might help.
  • A divorced, angry older couple meet up again while stranded at an airport or port city awaiting rescue. Besides trying to survive, they do the next hardest thing: talk.
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Prompt Filled:​

Outgoing Mother convinces Shy, Inexperienced Daughter to try Old Hitchhiker’s cock.

Hello there!

Posting a new SRP concept, again its one I’ve been looking to write for a while. If interested, drop me a Private Message with a little introduction, kinks/fetishes you enjoy and might like to see explored in the story etc.

'Dressed for Older'

I'd play as a young man, early 20s, currently in a stale relationship with his girlfriend. Having recently discovered cross-dressing, my character would put an ad out on a local hookup site looking for an older gentleman to meet up with for some fun. Specifically, the ad would require a married gentleman since this would mean he would require the same level of discretion as my character.

Responding to the ad would be two older gents, or perhaps one older gent with a friend in mind.

Anyway, that's the basic gist of the SRP prompt. I used to really suck at writing as men, but I think I've really gotten the hang of it and I'm keen to test my mettle! Plus I love kinky scenarios with older guys (my kryptonite), so its only natural that's where my mind goes.

Stay safe and happy writing!

DaintyDoll x
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Current new idea

A Spy X Opposite Rival from Rival Evil Organization. Maybe 2 Fellow Spies with a romantic sexual relationship, Femme Fatale getting seduced by the male Spy, Bond Styled Babe maybe? Think James Bond with tons of sexual fun even during the danger parts.

Looking for a partner to actually be the opposite part. Let me know which one (Rival, Fellow Spy, Femme Fatale, etc.) DM me for more details, Ladies!!! Men playing female roles are welcome as well!!