Seeking RPers & Inspiration 2014

I'm sure the following idea is neither new nor it as never before been worked upon in the forums but I believe there is always room for another look at an old subject.

To survive and thrive

Most people will think "oh boy... another post-apocalyptic zombie thread". Nope. Dare to read a bit on before judging. Zombies are a bit over the edge for me; the concept doesn't work.

Apocalypse. But think about a war. Even better, an uprising. The collapse of a society under the pressure of decades of corrupt, power abusing, politics and politicians. On a global scale.

Civilization didn't came to an end but it did took a few steps back, made a back flip and landed on its belly. Central governments collapsed. Metropolises burned and crumbled to ash. People died in the count of millions: bullets, bombs, exposure, hunger, sickness... Take your pick. Those who were lucky to survive or too stubborn to die tried their best to persevere.

New communities were founded. Military. Agricultural. Industrial. Scientific. Religious. Nomadic. Others took the road and became wanderers, thieves, raiders or mercenaries. Each group with its own set of rules and laws. Each one a nation of its own.

Between all of this there is a man. Born in the late years of the Old World, he grew up during the Dark Years and managed to survive. Raised by a grandfather, he never knew a community life. His family childhood memories are his only treasures. And his only goal is to build himself a safe haven or die trying.

preferably, a female co-writer, able and wanting to take on the role of a female that will join the Loner. If by necessity, curiosity, desperation or some other reason, it is up to the writer.

Just take out of your mind some plot twist where your character will call some buddies to take over the action and put the Loner out of the game. What I'm looking here is to build a high-tension story between two individuals in a hostile world: think in terms of The Blue Lagoon meets Mad Max Series.

What am I looking for in a co-writer? Imagination, some experience and patience.

I do have a family and a beautiful and fulfilling real life; coming here to the forums is a plus and a very pleasant hobby but, never the less, a hobby and sometimes I will not respond promptly.

If this is something you would like to try, drop me a line through PM. I will only write an opening post for the thread after debating a bit about what ideas will be explored in the story.
It makes no sense if the general guidelines seem awesome but the particular aspirations we, as writers, have as how the story will evolve and the characters will interact with each other and with the world around them are incompatible.
Let's Try this AGAIN

I am always looking for male role play partners through email. It's much more fun that way. I'm also more drawn to interracial stories, so that will be a huge factor. You must be able to be a CO-WRITER in these RPs. I will not write it all on my own

I am hoping to find someone who can role play and establish each others styles together so we can explore and have some fun making stories together. If you are looking for a jack off session and then to log out midway through the story, I am not interested. People who type like they are texting also should not contact me. If you can't tell the difference between their, there and they're, same thing, do not contact me.

I like the role play to be as realistic as possible and have the emotions that a normal person would have, not porn guy pizza delivery boy knocking on the door to find a woman naked and fingering herself. The build up, reluctance and hesitation is a huge part of what makes role playing exciting. I also like detail of sights, sounds and smells. BE DESCRIPTIVE!!!!! I hate the one-line RPs. They're not enough to imagine.

I'm recently interested in:

Couple on getaway
friends that become couple during road trip/vacation
college students
new neighbor
camper meets another camper
first date

And as bad as it may sound, I am a sucker for romantic stories that become more aggressive, but not like "rape-y" aggressive. So if you can be gentle, descriptive, and creative, that's what I'm looking for. If interested, PM me with the scenario you'd like and your character.
Georgina Fotheringham hails from a minor branch of the British aristocracy.

She is 21, and has finally graduated from an education comprising the finest girls' boarding schools in England, and finishing school high in the Swiss Alps.

She is beautiful, blonde, haughty, and off-handedly arrogant in a way that can only arise from a life of cosseted wealth and privilege.

As she ventures out into the world, Georgina seeks SRP partners who are into some or all of; blackmail, noncon, spanking, BDSM, interracial.

Georgina would like to thank every common peasant who has read this brief message....
SRP thread needs a woman partner.

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my idea revolves around the theme of cuckoldery.

the story is basically about Jack who wants to marry his long distance girlfriend (they have been living in separate locations since finishing college for a year) jack shows up at the apartment of his girl, where he sees her with tall dark staranger. his girlfriend proposes that while she will marry jack but only Tyrell will have access to her pussy

if this interest you please pm
I want to revamp an old story. A group of college kids start an Humans vs Zombie group at their school and start to recruit other people so they could make a movie of their own along the lines of Left 4 Dead.

This is where it can split either way; be a serious thread with drama, action, and a twist where zombies actually do rise up and the group is prepared.

Or, have it be more along the lines of filming a porno movie.

I'm looking for a woman to play as Zoey or Zoey-esk. Private message me if you're interested and we can work it out. I don't do rape, incest, BDSM (handcuffs are fine) piss, scat, underage or animal.
To Tamriel.

More specifically, Skyrim.

I'd like to do something involving the lore of the Skyrim universe, obviously it would require some rudimentary knowledge of the game.. but I do not require you to be a TES scholar, as I am nothing of the sort.

As far as the roles, I'd like to do something involving a male and female of different factions/races crossing paths.. (e.g. The Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Companions, Falmer, etc.) The dynamic of their relationship is up for debate, I'd love to do something D/s, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to a more equalized relationship.

That being said, I'm not a man big on pre-design, I play it by whim (much to the dismay of some.)

I'm looking to do this on YIM! specifically. It's to be a smut roleplay, but I'd like to have world and character building as well.

If you're interested, message me. If not, have a swell day and thanks for reading.
Female SRP partner required

Quite new to this site as a member but I've been reading stories for a while and want to try my hand and writing some myself so want to find a muse. I'm 29m looking for a detailed, descriptive female partner similar age for various roles and I'm open to suggestions.

Not many limits but not a massive fan of romantic or fantasy style RPs. My recent favourite roles are:

Girlfriends sister
step bro/sis
new room-mates

I have ideas for set ups of the above but would rather create something collaboratively. Message me if you're interested.
Seeking a female writer

I love the sea, owning and living on my own motor yacht.

I would like to find a woman who would like to co-write a wonderful story about island hopping about the Hawaiian or Caribbean islands, finding secluded bays for wild fun. I am not seeking something which rushes into wild sex. I would like a lot of bawdy banter, a lot of innuendo and sensual seduction leading to passionate play.

My SRP is below. PM if interested.
Need female cowriter

I have a fantasy where I encounter an attractive female vampire. She lures me in with her good looks and charm, but I do not realize until it's too late that I am in danger. I want to feel those feelings of vulnerability, powerlessness, and being ravaged and plundered. I am wanting to write out a slow and detailed RP where all of the senses are accounted for. When I get going and fully immersed in the RP my heart pounds and I literally get short of breath. Really any kind of RP where I am unwilling and either seduced or forced really gets me excited. I can also play switch if necessary. Please PM me if you are interested, ladies only please!:)
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Cruel Intentions


I was recently re-watching a favorite movie of mine. Cruel Intentions. Which harkens back to the 1988 movie Dangerous Liaisons.

Anyway for those of you who don't know, these movies are basically about two people who come up with a challenge for each other. This challenge is always of a sexual nature and always involves seducing someone, be it male or female.

Anyway in my little tale, A man and a woman are dating. This woman has a little sister whom she has always wanted to see fucked, by her boyfriend. Whether or not she is willing. The boyfriend accepts the challenge of seducing her, but fails as the sister is too loyal to her older sister.

So they proceed to plot out how to force her sister into non consensual sex where the sister helps out during the rape not just being an observer.....

There are a variety of ways this can go, but pm me and we can discuss this further :)
A Lesson in Tolerance...or not

Hey people of Literotica! What is up?

Here's my idea, let me know if you're interested. (By the way I just want to preface this by saying that I am in no way a racist or prejudiced against anyone of any race, creed, or religion, or sexual orientation.)

Two people meet up. A man and a woman. Preferably a black guy(seeing as I'm black) and a white woman, (or asian woman, or Hispanic woman get the gist) Both of these people are not racist really but have a very strong disliking for the member of the race that they're encountering.

For some reason they are forced to cohabitate or interact with each other(maybe they work at the same job and have been assigned to the same project, or maybe traveling together and a mix up with traveling arrangement)

The tension builds, we learn why they dislike their specific race, and clearly because you know....this is literotica, they end up fucking like wild animals.

I would like some humilation, degredation, name calling, use of slurs(for the purposes of the rp of course) and virtually nothing off limits. Except for the whole underage thing.....and that's the only thing I can think of right now. We can discuss limits further through pm.

I know, I know this sounds terrible, but I thought I'd just put the idea out there,see what thoughts pop up. I'd even be open to the idea of a little non consensual action going on.

I think it'd be best of course if we did this through email since this might be too offensive for our fellow members of literotica :)


I'm not some weird sicko guys(well I kind of am) but I assure you I'm not racist or trying to rile anything up....just something I have recently been interested in and would love to rp it out in a long and thorough email setting so please pm me if you have any interest at all
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Looking For Someone to RP With

Hello everyone!

I've been away from the boards for a bit and am looking for someone to RP with via PM. I did a lot of fantasy themed roleplays in the past, but am open to suggestions if there was something in particular you were wanting to try. PM me if interested.

Thanks. :)
Hey all

I got an idea for a RP. Incest, preggo, violating religion, wheeee....

You: my preggo little sister, jilted earlier today at the church, still in your dress. All alone in the church when I come in.

Me: Early 30s older brother, coming to check on you. Comforting you. And really letting you know you are still hot, wanted, and sexy.

Would love to flesh this out. I like talking with others who are egalitarian in their writing. :)
It's been a bit since I've been around, though I've been wandering from time to time looking at stories. Looking to get into one story, either created by myself or by another. I'm looking for someone that can write paragraphs, has good characterization skills, can take on a co-ownership of the story, can take on a few side characters if needed, and posts fairly often.

Modern, noire, fantasy, medieval, sci-fi, detective, horror, I'll write nearly anything if the story sounds interesting.

Here is one plot idea, and I'll keep it short.

Plot: The hoardes have pressed for decades upon your lands. It's a losing battle for your kingdom, the lands have been decimated, your people slaughtered and forced to live within the walls. However, not even the walls now are enough to save you as they have fallen to the barbarians. There is little hope left for survival, that is until a tribe from the west have appeared out of nowhere. Have they come to your aid? The king detests them for they don't speak your language and wear garbs of fur, but everyone knows that if it wasn't for them all would be lost.

However, the war is not over, and the new 'allies' have not the men to stop the hoardes as everyone had hoped. Even victories have become losses. Something needs to be done. What hope can either of you have if you cannot fight as one? Their women fight alongside their men while yours cower indoors, tend fields, tend the needs of the kingdom.

Both you and your 'allies' have been pushed back, one large village within the king's walls remains. A stalemate has lasted till now, but dark clouds of doom wash over the land like an ill omen. Ally, fight, run, cower. A decision must be made and the man before the king's doors, Rorthr, son of the 'saviors' chieftain, sits upon his horse with hopes for an audience. He calls out in your language for an audience as archers have drawn bows pointing down at him.

Another plot idea:

Plot 2: What She Was Looking For
Characters Needed: One female
Sexual: Alien and human

Story Idea: Jess had always been an odd duck. Yes, she was attractive, she could sing, she was smart, and she had plenty of friends, but she was simply odd. She was a girly girl, but loved coloring her hair different colors, which definitely wasn't normal for a girl in their town, one that had been a cheerleader all her life, and had a rich family. She was full of odd dreams and fantasies, and one was to be abducted. Everyone laughed when she would tell it, some doubted her, but most knew she was just odd. And then one day, everyone looked on in shock as during a party, in front of them all, Jess was beamed on up.

Where it will go: More lighthearted and such, think The Navigator movie, but with a female, more adult aliens, and Will be fun and hope it could be a long term thread


PM me with interest or plots of your own, I love hearing good plot ideas!
Looking for a male (Possibly female too if anyones interested) writer to plan a scenario with, PM if interested
Seeking female for M/F or F/F role play

Deleted. Filled or canceled.
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Still looking:

I'm wanting to start some new threads....Here are some ideas that I am looking to pursue, though anything is open to discussion, and your ideas are welcome too:

1. Biker Bar: See above. College girl ventures out to a dive biker bar, where her entertainment gets her drawn in farther than she anticipates, and she becomes a plaything for a biker and his friend.

2. Sister Starlight: Sophomore in college enjoying her first semester on a real campus encounters her older brother at a party. The night makes him notice her like never before and he, cocky and good with women, sets his sights on her, without apology. She resist a bit at first, then see it as beneficial to go home with him, resulting in a school year of fun, as he uses her however he wants while she experiences a great time at school.

3. Dark City: Young woman working as a bank teller, struggling to pay bills, meets a man who offers her an opportunity to earn more money. The guy seems legitimate, though the arrangement quickly becomes her service as an escort and his as her pimp. The man has something of a private escort service, involving several young girls, and he uses her, and the others, as he sees fit, sending them to various clients or taking them for himself. The city serves as a dark landscape in which she is trapped....sometimes finding it home, other times finding it hell.

4. Savages: This is based off the movie Savages. O is simultaneously in a relationship with Ben and Chon. The cartel captures O in an effort to negotiate the two men out of the pot business, and the cartel head uses her as he wants, imparting punishment for her role in their business each and every day, until the men sell their business.

5. Lone Star Plates: Two girls in rural Oklahoma see a guy in a convertible with Texas plates on the highway between Oklahoma City and their hometown. They flirt with him on the roadway and when it comes time to exit, they decide to keep going south, into Texas, determined to find him again, for the purpose only of chasing adventure and possibly meeting the cute guy. They catch up to him again, eventually following him to a gas station across the border, where he introduces them. He makes them a proposal...come to a party, come spend the weekend at his place in Dallas, anything. They consider it, and follow him far as he wants them to go.

6. Legal: Girl turns 18, with an end of school pool party the day she does. Her dad's friend has often had his eyes on her as she grew up. As the party winds down, he sneaks back to find her, separates her from her friends, and makes his intentions known. She finds him sexy, and shows up at his door, knowing full well what he is expecting, once the party ends.

7. Paying Rent: Landlord rents a place to a girl who loses her job and struggles to make payments. Reluctantly, she asks whether other arrangements can be made. The landlord is disgusting and forceful, and collects payment any way he sees fit, weekly, whether she wants to or not.

8. Vegas Gamble: Girl parties in Vegas with her friends. Dressing in something short and tight, she catches eyes wherever she goes. As the night drags on, she steps to a lounge bar inside one of the casinos, where an older guy hits on her and introduces himself. After a single drink, he looks at her and asks, simply, "How much?" Confused, she quickly gets an explanation. Whether or not he thinks she is a hooker or just a girl that has a buying price, he is willing to pay. She thinks a moment and has a choice to make. He could be pleasant or rough, sweet or abusive, and she has no idea which. Or, she could say no altogether. But she has a decision to make...and makes it.

I'm sure I have a ton of others. Or, I'll be up to any of your ideas. PM your interest for any of these, or others.
Since this is about *fantasy*...

Hello everyone. I am a newbie here on the forums. I've tried the sort of theme described below on a few other RP forums, but I suppose it is for a niche audience. Having said that, I should mention at the outset that women who are not comfortable with D/s situations as well as BDSM in some of its forms won't find this particularly interesting.

Broadly speaking, I am hoping to find women who'd be willing to explore scenarios that occur in and around whatever conception of "harems" is prevalent in our mutually agreed-upon historical setting. I am mostly looking for a tale of increasing debauchery and surrender. We shall be able to accommodate a wide variety of kinks and fantasies, as will be explained later. However, please keep in mind that this will ideally be full of drawn-out, long exchanges and plenty of detail about garb, life and culture, surroundings and so on. Research-driven, orientalist, or simply fantasized.

I should also mention that while the D/s theme is clearly central here, my emphasis remains on sensuality. So, there will be no unnecessary, aesthetically-displeasing instances of roughness, though there may be brief, opportune moments for rough-play. There is ground to explore non-con themes, yes, though I'd rather re-emphasize the world "surrender" and stick to ambiguity, reluctance, gradual internalization, and, ultimately, contentment, unless context demanded otherwise.
My few limits are scat, violence, water-sports and such. Do feel free to discuss your own kinks and limits in detail. I happy to spend some time fleshing out this idea.

I know this is a bit broad, but I do want your input first. I am eager to write for multiple characters, and I hope we can avoid the more usual tropes such as Roman gladiators, medieval knights, the Crusades, Viking invasions and the like. The silk road, now that does evoke a sense of wonder.
Kinky and consensual: Smut, MxF - IM or PM

My apologies if this isn't the right place for this. A friend told me this might be a good place to find new RP partners, and I've been a literotica reader for years, so I thought I'd give it a shot!

Hello fellow perverts!

Here's the short form (in case this is "TL;DR"):
1) Literate, geeky male (33) with many diverse perversities
2) Primarily interested in modern/recent history plays, heavy on the smut
3) Please peek at my F-list and limits
4) PM or IM (maybe thread)
5) NOT looking for traditional D/s play, non-con, vanilla sex

Recent Cravings!
Sexual Preparation: For instance, a man carefully shaving his cock because he knows his lover enjoys it, or not masturbating for a week before they meet so that she can have more of his cum. Or a woman painting her nails, applying beautiful make-up, and dressing in expensive lingerie and stockings because her man loves all those things, or stretching herself with toys and objects because she knows he prefers her loose and gaping.

Competition: For example, a woman who is trying to outcompete a man's wife or girlfriend, be a better lover for him and appeal to more of his kinks and fetishes, or a man that wants to do something for his partner that her usual lover refuses.

Dissonance of Perception vs. Reality: I couldn't really come up with a better way to phrase that, but essentially what I'm craving are characters whose 'bedroom personalities' are quite the opposite of their external demeanor. For instance, a somewhat shy geek (such as myself) that harbors many depraved fantasies and kinks. A petite, unassuming individual that most would assume is a sub is really a switch or dominant. An incredibly strict, discipline-obsessed teacher, instructor, or executive secretly craves to be put in their place and told what to do. This could be my role, your role, or even both.

If you have an RP idea that you think would work well with these ideas of "preparation", "competition", and/or "dissonance", or would like to work them in to one of the pairings below, PM me or message me! :)

Intro: I'm 33, male, and I consider myself literate. As my username implies, I'm a geek with many diverse kinks, fantasies, and fetishes. Many of them are not practical to experience in real life for various reasons (troublesome consequences, lack of opportunity, fear of recourse, etc.), and so I use roleplay as an outlet for my dirty little thoughts. This means I'm not really interested in vanilla sex in my roleplays. I want it kinky and filthy!

I'm looking for a kinky, open-minded, literate lady or girl for particularly filthy and depraved plays set in modern day or recent history (20th-21st century). I'm not particularly interested in fantasy/sci-fi/ancient history, mostly because I don't get anything *more* out of having a roleplay in those settings. I'm also not very experienced in those areas, and I don't have much interest in becoming experienced in them.

Generally I'm looking for a little more even power dynamic (ie. NOT strict D/s), mainly because I'm really hoping to find something different and unique. I've been involved in cybersex/roleplaying for a long time (well over 10 years), and have become fatigued by unimaginative RP partners that are unable or unwilling to be creative or take initiative in a play (I've encountered many lazy subs that are like this, unfortunately). To restate, I AM NOT INTERESTED IN TRADITIONAL D/s PLAY. But if you're looking for something different and maybe a little challenging, I'm your man. :) Below are a few possibilities, but I'm really very flexible as long as I'm playing with someone who I "match up" with style-wise, so feel free to suggest something if you don't see something you like! As long as it doesn't conflict with my limits, I can promise you that I'll consider it.

Kinks & Fetishes: I have a lot, hence my username. If you'd like to check my F-list to see how much we overlap, here's the link: geek/ It might be a good idea for you to check it out, as I've had quite a few people that have been scared away when they hear some of my kinks (which is frustrating if we've already started planning an RP). But I don't require that all of my kinks and fetishes be involved in every play that I participate in (of course!), so if there are things on my F-list that you're not interested in, there's no reason we can't still play together!

General pairings (you/me):
Bride/groom (wedding night)
(Vintage) Secretary/Boss
College student/Teaching assistant
Lab assistant/researcher
Celebrity (or porn star)/fan (or non-fan)
Older Sister/Brother
Neighborhood MILF/College boy
Female teacher/male student

Multiple Characters! I've been really interested in plays with two or more female characters lately, so if you like playing multiple characters, we could easily add one or more females to any of the above pairings. Maybe a bride and groom with one or more members of the bridal party or one of the bride's/groom's family members, a couple of female students going to town on their teaching assistant, or a mother and her friend both getting fucked senseless by her son. The possibilities are endless!

Possible starters: A few things I've been wanting to play, based on some of the pairings above.

The Wedding Night: It's finally here, the night they've both been looking forward to for so long. The preparations, the make-up, the beautiful hair, the bridal gown, and the classy white bridal lingerie, garter, and stockings.
Version 1: The bride has been 'saving herself' for marriage for moral reasons. She knows of her groom's many kinks and fetishes, either having discussed it with him directly, or learning about them without his knowledge (finding a porn collection on his computer, maybe contacting his old girlfriends). He's graciously respected her wishes, and now she intends to reward him by preparing herself for an wedding night full of all the kinky sex they've both been looking forward to. She has trained herself in certain ways and made sure her appearance is completely perfect in order to cater to all of his desires. Through the preparation process, she has come to anticipate this night even more than she initially thought she would, beginning to share his kinks. This idea certainly has some room to play with... we could vary the level of sexual experience of each character, the kinks and fetishes included, what (if anything) the groom is expecting. I think this idea has lots of potential!
Version 2: This would be fairly similar to Version 1, but with the addition of another woman that helps the bride prepare for her groom. Perhaps he has an incestuous relationship with his mother or big sister, which the bride knows about... and now she seeks to take over for the groom's previous lover. Or the bride seeks the help of one of her close friends or relatives. Whoever it is, the bride trains under this woman, preparing to be her groom's perfect lover. Perhaps this other woman is even present on their wedding night, either just for support, or even joining in on the action.
Version 3: This involves an element of competition. A challenge is made to the bride, either directly or indirectly, and the bride feels that she needs to prove herself to her new husband. Perhaps the groom has a lover before the wedding (friend, co-worker, family member), and the bride knows about this and feels that she needs to prove herself the better lover for her husband. Or the bride and groom end up in a discussion about sex with another female wedding-goer, and they've all had a lot to drink, and the other woman makes a sexual challenge of some sort... "I'm sure I can suck cock better than you." or "I can do a better striptease, for sure!". The bride, a very competitive (and uninhibited) woman, decides to prove this woman wrong, and the battle of sexual prowess begins! In these cases, I think it would be really fun if the other woman is present, and maybe also participating. Different kinks would have different competitions, and of course the groom would be the final judge.

Son needs to be taught a lesson: A boy in his late teens has been acting out at school due to sexual frustration. His hormones are raging, he's been discovering all sorts of new kinks and fetishes online that turn him on, and he has no outlet for them. He's not very popular at school, so his dating options are limited... he hasn't been able to find anyone to try out some of these new sexual experiences that have been whirling through his brain. Somehow his mother finds out about some or all of them, and confronts him about all of it... the acting out, his (minimal) sex life, and his perverted thoughts. Her solution: Much like a parent catching their child smoking and then forcing them to smoke the entire pack, she will give her son more than (she thinks) he can handle... all of the nasty things he's been fantasizing about, all at once. Will it be too much for him? Will he beg her to stop? Or will this start a new and filthy chapter in their lives together?

Vintage boss/secretary: It's a different era, where secretaries are often expected to perform more than just administrative duties for their employers. You took this job in the hopes that you'd have ample opportunity to show off your high-end lingerie, as well as your extensive sexual skills. You were born to serve and please, and love to satisfy. It's late on a Friday afternoon, and your boss calls you into his office... you wonder what he has in store for you today, and what depraved acts you'll happily and proudly commit at his request.
VARIATION: The secretary finds her boss' collection of kinky porn in a desk drawer that he usually leaves locked. It includes very graphic erotic stories and a collection of photographs that couldn't be published in any of the pornographic magazines of the day due to their explicit content. Until then, she had no idea her boss was into such deviant sexual activities, and it arouses her greatly. She decides right then and there that she will train herself to be the ultimate fucktoy for her boss, training and changing herself to become his fantasy woman. Perhaps she begins leaving detailed, descriptive, hand-written letters, plus photographs and other surprises (used panties, stockings, toys, pantyhose, etc.) on/in his desk to document her progress, and he writes her letters/sends her pictures back (this could be the first part of the RP). But she won't let him fuck her until she's satisfied that she can fulfill all of his fantasies, no matter how dark and depraved.

"Son, what are you doing?" A college student (late teens, early 20s) lives at home with his single mother. She's curvy and fiesty, with heavy lactating tits and loose, well-used, hairy fuckholes. Mother has been on a date with some asshole that didn't go well, though she was desperately hoping to get laid. She arrives home early, dressed alluringly, with lingerie and stockings underneath. Not expecting her until later, her son is in his bedroom masturbating with his headphones on, watching a video of a mature woman taking her son's hard cock deep in her asshole while she sprays milk all over him from her swollen breasts. Inexplicably aroused, Mommy decides to take full advantage of the situation....

The star and the unimpressed: You're a well-known personality of some sort (actress, porn star, musician), and you're used to your name and/or face instantly impressing everyone you meet. Everyone except me, that is. I'm just a regular guy, but I don't really go in for all this 'celebrity' junk. Maybe I don't know who you are at all. Or maybe I know exactly who you are, but I just don't really seem to care. Whatever the case, you find yourself oddly intrigued, and feel a need to prove yourself to me... that you deserve my adoration and adulation...

Brother/sister: You're my sister (late teens, early twenties), 7 months pregnant... with a big swollen belly and huge lactating tits, topped by wide, dark brown nipples, a product of the hormones from your pregnancy. You haven't shaved in months since it's hard to do so with your belly, so you have a big bush of hair on your pussy (though you've been shaving your legs and elsewhere as normal). When you're aroused, your hairy pussy oozes thick, white creamy girlcum... and when you cum, you squirt like a fucking fountain. You also haven't been fucked since you got pregnant, and the hormones have made you incredibly horny... so you're in your bedroom, fucking yourself with whatever household objects you can find... small and large, various shapes and sizes, in both your pussy and asshole, desperately trying to satisfy yourself. Your brother comes home from school, but you don't notice because you're so engrossed in pleasing yourself. He catches you stuffing and stretching your holes with massive objects, and you're so horny that you continue in front of him, seducing him, begging him to help you cum and to fuck and stretch you...

Limits: My only real, hard limits are scat, blood, rape/non-consent/reluctance/coaxing/blackmail (see below), pedo, and furries. Those just aren't for me. I'm also not really interested in interacting sexually with other males (either in the roleplay, or other male roleplayers, even if they're playing female). And, as I mentioned above, I'm pretty bored with traditional D/s play, mostly due to lazy 'subs' that use their 'submissiveness' as an excuse not to contribute anything to the RP. If you think you're a very special sub, and can change my mind on that, you're more than welcome to try.

On consent: Consent is very important to me, even in roleplay. I would love it if both our characters were really into whatever nasty kinks and fetishes we might decide to include in our play, or at the very least be open to experimenting with them. I *will not* play any sort of non-consent, and you will have an incredibly difficult time convincing me to do any kind of semi-con, coercion, hesitant con, blackmail, etc. Those sorts of scenarios just make me feel like a rapist/sexual predator, and personally, that does not arouse me, or even generate the slightest bit interest for me, sexual or otherwise. If you're looking for that kind of play, odds are you won't find it with me. There are plenty of other people here that will rape and sexually abuse your characters. I'm not one of them. I'm here for roleplay involving consensual sex and mutual interest. Don't get me wrong, I like rough play, but only if I know the character is enjoying it. If I hear your character say "No" or "Stop" or even see them shake their head, or if I think for even a second that they're not enjoying our current actions, I'm going to back off, regardless of what you tell me is going through their head at that moment. I'm sorry to disappoint you if you're looking for characters that will fuck you while you tell them to stop, but that's just outside of my comfort zone.

On roleplayer gender: I strongly prefer that my roleplaying partners be female. I have my reasons for this, but I'd rather not discuss them in public. However, if you're really interested in the reasons, we might be able to talk about it in private. We don't have to talk about you or your real life sex life at all, or whether or not you're becoming aroused by our roleplay, but it is simply important to me to know that my writing is being read by a female. As a heterosexual male, I have no interest in my writing arousing a male, be they straight, gay, or otherwise. Suffice it to say, I am not homo/queer/trans-phobic in any way. I just do not wish to provide pleasure to another male roleplayer with my writing, even if they are playing a female character, and this is based solely on my personal preferences and attractions. If you are transgendered in some way, I may be interested, though probably only if you are physically female.

Contact: You can PM me here, or contact me on AIM, YIM, Skype, or Google talk (kinkygeekm81 on all of them!). I might be open to RP via thread, google doc, email, etc., though they would all be relatively new to me. I hope to hear from you!
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in search of a literate cum slut

I want an eager cum slut. I want to write with a girl who desperately needs to have her body coated with my cum, especially her face and tits. A girl who loves cum, who finds herself sopping at the idea of eating up cum, who begs and pleads for cum. A girl who wants to orgasm in a dozen different ways, only to think of a thirteenth way. Dirty talk is a necessity; it builds anticipation. The chance of being discovered adds to the thrill but all of this is secondary or tertiary to her insatiable thirst for my cum.

And she must be literate. I am quite descriptive. To keep my arousal up she must be descriptive as well.

Please, read through my work. Verify my assertions. If you find something you like we can try it or ccreate an entirely new scenario for the two of us.

Thank you.
UPDATED *Scenes/Ideas for RPs*

I am always looking for male role play partners through email. It's much more fun that way. I'm also more drawn to interracial stories, so that will be a huge factor. You must be able to be a CO-WRITER in these RPs. I will not write it all on my own

I am hoping to find someone who can role play and establish each others styles together so we can explore and have some fun making stories together. If you are looking for a jack off session and then to log out midway through the story, I am not interested. People who type like they are texting also should not contact me. If you can't tell the difference between their, there and they're, same thing, do not contact me. IF YOU ARE MARRIED OR IN A RELATIONSHIP, DON'T CONTACT ME!!!

I like the role play to be as realistic as possible and have the emotions that a normal person would have, not porn guy pizza delivery boy knocking on the door to find a woman naked and fingering herself. The build up, reluctance and hesitation is a huge part of what makes role playing exciting. I also like detail of sights, sounds and smells. BE DESCRIPTIVE!!!!! I hate the one-line RPs. They're not enough to imagine.

Interested in (me/you pairings):

Couple on getaway
friends that become couple during road trip/vacation
college students
new neighbor
first date

And as bad as it may sound, I am a sucker for romantic stories that become more aggressive, but not like "rape-y" aggressive. So if you can be gentle, descriptive, and creative, that's what I'm looking for. If interested, PM me with the scenario you'd like and your character.
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Hi all, below are some role play ideas that I have. I am looking for a female that would be interested in any of these. As of now, I currently have none of these roles active. Any role with a * next to them means I had completed it once, but would be willing to discussing it if someone was interested in that particular role.

I am looking to role play here on the message board or through AIM or yahoo messenger. Please PM me if you are interested! Thanks!

Role Play Ideas

Mysterious Neighbor

Bill and his wife Jessica, have been living together for two years. They have just taken their relationship to the next level by getting married. As they are about to begin the journey into the next stage of their life, a new person enters their neighborhood. The house next door has been empty for quite some time, but suddenly a woman has moved in. The couple has been watching their new neighbor move in, wondering why a seemingly single woman has moved into a neighborhood full of families. She is a mystery to the couple. Little do they know that the new neighbor has quite a past. She enjoys being the focus of attention, and she has got her eye on her neighbor Bill.

The New Student*

Mr. Lewis is a favorite of many of the students at his school. He is a history teacher and also the basketball coach. His life seems to be everything he had imagined. He has his dream job, is planning on proposing to his high school sweetheart, and is coaching a sport that he loves. One day a new student comes to the school with a troubled background. She has just transferred in, as she could not stay out of trouble at her former school. Mr. Lewis has been assigned as an advisor for the new student. The principal knows that he has a great relationship with most of his students, so he figures that the new student may benefit from being around him. While Mr. Lewis attempts to help his new student, she sees the opportunity to possibly create some havoc in her new school and have some fun trying to corrupt him.

Fiances Sister

Bill and his fiance Melissa have just gotten engaged and are headed to Melissa's family home to spend the week with her family to celebrate the engagement. Melissa's younger sister is in college, and is the bad girl of the family. She has always been the wild girl, and her and Melissa could not be more different. Melissa is nervous to bring Bill home as she knows that her sister likes to push the buttons of the men that she is involved with. While at Melissa's parent’s house, Bill has to deal with her teasing little sister tempting him, trying to cause problems in her sisters seemingly perfect relationship.

The Bridesmaid

Bill and his fiance, Nancy, are preparing for their wedding day. Nancy has chosen her bridesmaids, and one is a friend from college that she lost touch with, but has recently started talking to again. As the wedding day closes in, Nancy's friend from college has shown her wild ways from college have not changed. She obviously enjoys a good time, and she also loves to flirt. While Nancy enjoys having her old college friend back in her life, she has wondered while her wild and flirty ways haven’t changed. Nancy’s friend has never been one to think flirting was bad, and since being around the new couple, she has enjoyed flirting with Bill. She can’t help but wonder if she still has the ability to test a man’s faithfulness to his woman. So she decides to have a little fun with the groom, seeing if he is like every other man.

The Temptress

Bill and Brian had been best friends since high school. They went to college together, and after college moved in to an apartment as they both were struggling to find jobs. Now that they both had full time jobs, they each got their own house. Bill met his girlfriend in college, while Brian stayed single for most of it. Recently Brian had met a new girl, one that he called his girlfriend and brought around every time they hung out. Brian’s new girlfriend was different then Bill had expected. She was a great time to be around, but Bill noticed her teasing and flirty nature. At bars, when Brian wasn’t paying attention, Bill saw her flirt with other guys. Bill’s girlfriend Heidi was not a fan of her. She told Bill many times that he should say something to Brian, but he never did. As Heidi and Brian’s girlfriends dislike for each other grew, so did the tendency of his best friend’s girlfriend to flirt with him. At first, Bill didn’t mind, thinking she was just being friendly. However, was her goal to just be friendly, or to get Bill to forget about his girlfriend and his friendship and give into the desires that she knew most men had of her.

The Ex-Girlfriend

Shane has finally found some stability in his life. After graduating college he had a hard time finding a job, but finally things have gone in the right direction. Shane had found a job at a local financial firm, and has been thriving since getting the job. Also, his personal life had turned, he had met a girl, Meghan, and things were getting serious. He was finally happy. After what happened in college, he thought that would be hard to do. Shane had a girlfriend in college, one that he thought was perfect, but she had cheated on him. His old college flame was not one that liked to stick with one guy, but Shane had always been her steady boyfriend, and no matter how many times she cheated, Shane always took her back. Once college ended, however, Shane had broken things off. The control she held over him seemed to disappear. Now Shane was successful in his new job, and enjoying his life. However, one day Shane came into work to find that his old college flame had been hired as a secretary at the firm. He was not excited to see her, but felt his life was in a good direction and didnt dread it too much. What he didnt anticipate was that his ex saw his success and happiness with Meghan and decided she wanted to regain that control over him that she once held. Can Shane resist the temptation, or will his ex girlfriend retake the control she had over him in college.

The Bad Girl*

Bill and his wife, Ashley, have been high school sweethearts. They are married and have a daughter who is in high school, Kelly. Everything seems to be going just as planned. Ashley has a good job in a business office, while Bill coaches at the local college, and also teaches a few classes each semester there. Kelly, is a straight A student, and is on the fast track to getting into a good college. However, Kelly has befriended a new student at her school. This student has transferred in with a bit of a mysterious past. Kelly's new friend is much different there her other friends. She is extremely outgoing, flirty, teasing, and she looks much older then her age. Her body is different then other girls her age, and she shows it off. Kelly has told her parents how her new friend is a hit with the boys, and how some of the other male teachers even cant keep their eyes off of her. The new friend plays likes the attention of men, and see's an opportunity to corrupt the straight A, good girl Kelly. However, once she meets Kelly's parents, and see's how Ashley does not approve, she also see's an opportunity to stick a wedge within the family.
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