Seeking Role Players and Inspiration! 2011

Recently I've wanted to give another try to an idea I've attempted in the past with some success. I want to do a thread set in either a fantasy world (it can be an established one or a created one) or a modern fantasy setting in which I play a young woman (an adventurer or similar type) who ends up being captured/kidnapped by the monsters in a dungeon/monster town/etc and is turned into a sex slave/breeder for the monsters there. I would love to have both humanoid and non-humanoid monsters be involved, lots of partners.

My character would start out unwilling but become more pliable as it went on. Depending on how we want the thread to go, she might become willing and happy or just become mind broken.

I'd like to talk to writer who are interested in playing the monsters. It can be multiple writers or having all of them controlled by one person. If you're interested, please PM me.

I'm a Man in my early 50s. I've been posting here for several years (under a different name) in a Dom role and am now looking to explore my submissive side. I'm looking for a Domme - either someone experienced - or a woman curious about experimenting to start a thread with... or a chat. A conversation anyway to see where it might lead. PM me if interested.
Well I am on the prowl for another thread or two to write in. My SRP profile can be found in my sig. PM if interested.


Edit: I am looking for something at least a little different from the Threads I am currently involved in. So, with that in mind Please no Brother/sister incest as it seems to be a common theme popping up in my inbox at the moment.

Also adding a possible Idea.

In a world where having sex slaves is common even for a married couple, a Woman becomes jealous of her husband's newest acquisition and decides to ruin the girl by allowing her own slave, a very dominant male to use her.
I will be writing the new acquisition, but the basic personalities of the other three characters are as follows:

The Mistress- This woman is a sadist and has a need to control everything in her world. She becomes angry when she discovers her husband's preference for his new slave over her own pain filled bed.

The Master- He is a dominant but gentle man, having a sex slave is his respite from his wife's sadistic preferences. He adores his new girl and lavishes her with passion and seduction. He inflicts pain only as a punishment.

The Male Slave - He is just as sadistic as his Mistress and revels in the use of his own slave after having to submit for so long.

That's the bare bones of the scenario in my head. It is of course open for brainstorming and development.
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Looking for a detailed partner to do a dom/ sub incest thread, and a thread about a girl who wonders a freak show, and finds a seven foot hairy guy who they claim is the humane sasquatch. She keeps going back to the cage day after day, and finally she sets him free only to realize he dominates her fully, and forces her to be his sex slave.

I prefer paragraph posts pm me if interested.
Period piece set in/around Charleston, S.C.

I'm looking for 1 female for the following RP:

The background:
I was in Charleston not too long ago and visited some of the plantations. It was pretty crazy to hear how many of the plantation owners went from being the wealthiest families in the country before the Civil War to being completely broke after the war and having to sell off most, if not all, of their properties.

The RP:
I have an idea for a story which basically consists of a formerly wealthy young man (played by me) who had to sell his family's plantation after the war to a man either from the North or maybe from Europe. The new owner hires me to run the day to day affairs of the plantation since he has no experience, but the new owner dies soon afterwards, leaving the plantation to his much-younger widow. A power struggle ensues between the highly refined (aka snobby bitch) widow who has money but no clue how to run the plantation and the former owner who has no money but all of the know-how. Essentially, they are forced to use each other in order to survive.

I'll go ahead and say that the sex scenes will be an important and frequent part of the story. I mean, I like to have a plot, but this is called Literotica for a reason. I like to write explicit, detailed scenes so I'm looking for a female counterpart who likes the same.

So if any females interested in playing the widow? PM me if you're interested.

Hi peoples...

I have not long returned to Lit, after a long absence. I am looking for a female, who can write with detail, to help me play out an incest role play.

I am open to most roles, and would consider almost anything put to me.

I'll try anything once... Twice if i like it...

PM me a brief note about who, where etc...
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I've got a very interesting idea that needs a female...

A successful business woman has a deep dark secret. Secretly she wants someone who would would treat her like a baby. Make her wear diapers, little girl clothes, feed her baby food, give her bottles and have sex with her. One day, while searching her favorite message board. She finds an posting from a guy looking for a woman who's looking for a new "Daddy." She responds to the post and before long her dreams become true...

If you are interested then PM Me...
Looking for an experienced male partner for a heavy non-consensual thread that involves a young American girl being abducted and forced to become a sex slave.

If you're interested PM me and we can work out the specifics :)
I'm looking for a female role player to put a new thread together. In terms of writing, I can promise a paragraph, and the very most a few, but my promise is that It will be filled with plenty of detail you can work with, without unnecessary padding. I've always personally thought longer posts does not always exactly mean better writers. I'd love to hear new ideas from you and to role play them out. I have ideas myself, but they do range on the fantasy and supernatural, exotic locations and figures. I also do realistic role play, but in a historical sense, from various points in history. Just seeing so many modern stories within the forums, no offense but is just boring. It's to the point where I really don't read many of the story threads I used to because it all takes similar twists and turns..almost to the point where it just blends together. The use of pictures to describe your character though..the biggest turn off for me in some of these threads. Writing is a medium where you use your imagination, and I personally don't wish for my imagining my role play partner's character ruined by some gussied up plastic looking model. It's just lazy..

And I am sorry about that tirade. Fingers just started going...anywho..if I have not turned you off by this..please, shoot me a post. I'd love to work somthing with you out.
One of the oldest structures in this sleepy little town was the Magnolia Nights Mansion. It was lofted high above the town about half way up the mountain, standing its lonely vigil overlooking the town and its inhabitants. Plagued by mystery and darkness strewn through its history this mansion is home to many ghosts and hauntings. No one had chosen to prove the myths for a very long time and rumors of ghosts and such as true or not and any “outsiders” that have ventured to the ancient mansion have never returned. No matter the passing of time the house never seems to fall into too deep of disrepair so clearly something is taking care of it over all these centuries. Magnolia Nights Mansion is built in the style of the lavish and stunning southern plantations though its far from the rolling fields and lands of the South. The mountain it resides on, is not an exact recreation of the grounds around other stately Southern homes its just as romantic and mystical as its southern counterparts. Still there is something about this place that seems most disturbing and dark.

Perhaps one of the oldest ghosts and one that seems known about to some is Adryanna, a mixed breed young woman. She had the Raven hair of her Native American/Mexican mother and the haunting pale crystal blue eyes of her father’s proper wealthy family. Her "mother" her fathers true wife forgave her fathers affair with the half Indian woman and took in the child and raised her as her own but never treated her right.

When the woman’s disowned brother's dead body was carted home to her home of all places by a young gunslinger associate of his, Adryanna and the young man fell in love instantly. Such a love was frowned upon since the young man was a lowly farmer turned gunslinger and had anything to do with the old woman’s disowned brother or any of his criminal friends.

The young man was sent away after the funeral and told that Adryanna who he clearly loved deeply wanted nothing to do with him and had in fact left for Europe to get away fro him. Though deep down he knew better and always knew that something was terribly wrong he had no way to prove otherwise and left with a broken heart and a suspicious mind at what the trust was.

It was rumored that the woman killed the young girl for her love of the young gunslinger and her lack of seeming able to be as proper as the woman thought she should be and well after the girls father had died seeking in her own crazed mind to get rid of the constant proof that her husband who she married for his money had in fact cheated on him with a savage for something as trivial as love. Other rumors are that the woman buried the girl on the massive property marking only with a stone so that only she would know where the girl was buried.

It is also rumored that the woman had the young man killed as well seeing to it that a ship he signed to sail on sank in the unforgiving and untouchable bay.

To this day Adryanna is said to wander the house seeking for the return of the young man she loved so deeply.

((Okay for this I was thinking something along the lines of a Ghost investigator originally just going to the house to check it out and all that but once he gets inside of the house he feels drawn to it and after meeting Adryanna and some of the other ghosts ends up petitioning the town to buy the house and all the land that comes with it. Feeling in a way drawn to Adryanna though not sure why or whatever. That part is still up in the air possibly he is the reincarnation of the young gunslinger or just in love. Also He will be able to touch her after a while. So it would be a long storyline with the sadness and sorrow on his part that he can't hold her and touch her though he can feel her touch him faintly.))

~Thinking someone like Zak from Ghost Adventures... Really like him~
Still looking for someone to do a IM roleplay in the World of Warcraft universe. I've been day dreaming about a Thrall and Jaina RP where she is the slut of the horde.
Wondering if anyone has seen "The Warriors Way" yet? That movie has me wanting to do a Japan meets the Wild West roleplay.
Still looking to add some more threads to my roster. My SRP profile can be found in my sig. Pm if interested.

I'm looking for a partner for a long-term RP. I've been RPing on a regular basis for a very long time and have had enough practice to become VERY good at it. I'm looking for an experienced RPer who is literate, doesn't use text speak, respects the English language in all ways including spelling, capitalization and punctuation, and is looking for a RP that isn't just about sex.

Now, let me clarify this before you run off.

Sex can and usually DOES happen in my story arcs. However, sex needs to come at a natural and logical place in the plot in order to progress the story in some fashion...and not be the sole reason for the RP to have started. Example being, fetish RP isn't in my To-Do list. I need character progression, not porno setups akin to "Here's your pizza! And here's your pepperoni!" bow chika bow chika bow wow!

I've RPed in AOL, Yahoo, Talkcity, and various forums including but not limited to Elliquy, RPGchat, Literotica and RPHaven.

I'm not interested in sexual fantasy or fetish RP including but not limited to incest, Vore, Non-Con, furries/anthro/animal-like humanoids, shemale/herm characters, oversized genitals, impregnation fantasies, Scat or Watersports, and unfortunately I'm also not usually interested playing with submissive male characters although occasionally the skill of the player may make me change my mind.

I will play with characters like normal Humans as well as many kinds of extremely human-like characters such as Vampires, Demons, Shapeshifters, magic users, Elves, Lycans who are usually in human form, humanoid Alien species and humanoid androids/cyborgs etc.

The genres I enjoy are including, but not limited to, Post-Apocolyptic, Modern Realistic, Modern Dark Fantasy, Survival-Horror, Cyberpunk, Space Opera, MIlitary, Medieval High Fantasy, Steampunk, Film Noir, Sci-fi/Future-tech, and Super-Spy.

Anyway. Like I was saying, I'm looking for grandiose, epic, action packed, dramatic story lines with experienced gamers that won't mind if the plot isn't 100% porno.

If you're interested, send me a message to my inbox.
BUMP canceled Role filled

She was one a priestess... Long ago in the deserts of the Old Kingdoms times in Egypt. No one knew where she came from but she could not only hear the Gods and Goddesses she could see them and when in her presence there were a scattered few who could as well. The Priests and Priestesses that raised her and watched her carefully noted that from from the day she was found in the Desert alone with no signs of any others having ever been around her she was the daughter of the Gods and Goddesses themselves.

When she was 20 war came to her land and her people. At first the temples were safe but then as war will do the soldiers became mad and would raid the temples. She by this time had become close with a young Commander. He had done all he could to keep the men in his command away from any sign of her temple home. And for a while that was possible until one of his men followed him to see where he would slip away to late in the night. Finding the young priestess and his commander he was sure the witch had put a spell on his commander so he took command and led the rest of the soldiers that very night to destroy the temple and slaughter all within. The last thing she saw where the eyes of her lover as he held her as she died.

Now centuries later those eyes haunt the dreams and nightmares of a young woman also found as an orphan in the deserts of Egypt who now works with all Egyptian Exhibits in the US.

She had drawn those eyes a thousand times and now here walking into her office this man with those same eyes and an Ankh around his neck stood before her.

Umm... She watched him for a moment as he watched her as well waiting for an answer to his introduction.

Are you alright Maam?

Oh Uh yes...Sorry I tend to zone everything out when situations get like this. Now what were you saying?

He introduced himself again as the commander of the small contingent of soldiers she and the Egyptian Antiquities dept had petitioned the US Government for with the new arrival of artifacts and the national tour of Old Kingdom artifacts and mummies.

She had no idea why but those eyes seemed to be a strange comfort and a great fear... but why.

In another room still packed away in a box was the sacred stone from the Priestess headdress softly glowing feeling the souls it protected now together again. Drawing the attention of a stray stowaway night black cat who curled up by the box purring contentedly as it listened to the soft voice of the stone.​
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-looking for more writers to do some stories with pm me for details and check out rpg freak and my threads
Am thinking about a superhero gone wrong type theme for an srp. Quite a dark and sinister tale of a minor heroine balancing on the edge of right and wrong and likely to fall foul to the temptation of using her power for her own gain and needs. Maybe she's recruited as a henchman type by a more powerful supervillain? Or forced against her will to side with the same? Have the good guys wronged her in some way? Would like help with the possibilities.

I expect there to be some sexual tension as the protagonist would be a sexual character, but want any sexual encounters to fit into the story in a real way, although I have no restrictions on the type of any encounters.

If any guys or girls have got any ideas to help me develop this and then progress to the actual RP then I look forward to hearing from you.

PM or IM me. Ta.
I am currently looking for a female who would like to do a brother/sister roleplay with me. Pm me if you are interested
Now I do not do brother/sister threads very much but I just got an idea in my head.

I am looking for someone to play my characters 28 year old brother, she just turned 19. He is madly in love with her. He wants to take her away, change names even marry her he loves her so much. And he wants her to bare his child, if interested pm me. :)
*A World Torn Asunder*

Need a male willing to work with a complex plotline. I am a traveling gypsy storyteller in a, supposedly, fantasy universe. Her family was destroyed by mysterious forces connected to 'the spire.' You character would perhaps have some connection with people who know about the spire, and has some kind of motivation to discover its purpose. A noble on the run? An explorer? You decide.

Im being vague, but you will get details if I decide to join you in this thread. I think it has a chance to be a lot of fun. PM me if your interested.
I am a huge fan of The Phantom Of The Opera, I need a guy to play Erik (The phantom) I will be playing Christine. PM me if interested and will discuss rp idea.
My Open RPs. Need a female for each. PM me with interest in any of these.
Politics and Sex do mix(Looking for 1-female)

She is a aspirng senate candidate not married or does she have a boyfriend. My character is initially interviewing for the job of campaign manager and senior advisor. They will get fairly close ont eh campaign trail over the next year much less after she is in office as the new U.S. Senator.

I am open for any other directions here or suggestion.
Her secret boyfriend brother(looking for 1 female.)

My character left home at 16 and has returned as a 23 year old college grad. His sister just turned 18 and they have always been close. He always called on her birthdays and other holidays. He asks her what her wish is...

Since she hates her new school and feels like an outcast...she wants a cool boyfriend.

I am open for any other directions here or suggestion.
Moving up the corporate ladder(need 1-female Please PM)

Looking for a female to really start out as a bitchy ice queen. Recentful of all young hotshots from certain universities that come in and move up the ladder while she has been witht he company since she was 18 and stuck as a department manager.

Looking for a force scene and manipulation as he makes her his. As he does move up then we will see what he does with her.

I am open for any other directions here or suggestion.