seeking a female slave for ltr


Feb 24, 2013
seeking a female sex slave or sub for ltr

Just what the title says.

I am a longtime lurker, first time posting.

I know there are some fakers on here from the countless threads I have read so pets jot waste time.

1). Please be of legal age. The youngest I will go is 18, any younger and I will report you.
So between the ages of 18 - 35 please

2). Understand that I will require a picture of you holding a note saying, (hi kinkgeek79 and "today's date"). If for some reason you don't understand that then move along please.
I don't need it now, but will if we start to chat more.

3). Do not have a husband, fiance, boyfriend or another guy you are currently talking to or fucking. Please don't waste my time saying how your not over your ex and just need some time and love on the side.

4). Probably most important. Be an actual slave or submissive. I have had both in real life and I am tired of meeting someone online who isn't technically a sub or slave. You know the ones who just enjoy kinky role play but are completely different people when you meet them.

5). Please be intelligent, be willing to articulate your thoughts and communicate in a meaningful way. If you abbreviate every word or talk like a "gangsta" do me the favor of keeping your trap shut.

I'm looking for someone who can enjoy my sexually aggressive nature and love me for my mind and soul. I love to be in control, it's what turns me on. Using your sensitive body for my twisted desires. But while your my toy during sex I need you to be part of life. I want our conversations to go for hours. To be able to talk passionately about science, philosophy, religion, politics, life and more.

In other words I am looking for a relationship not bullshit.
Message me.
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