Seeing Mom in lingerie


Literotica Guru
Mar 7, 2023
I have always appreciated the intimacy and eroticism of seeing my mom in lingerie.

If I’m in her bedroom having a conversation with her and she suddenly decides to change her clothes, she won’t ask me to leave the room. She only tells me to leave the room if she’s going to get fully nude to take a shower.

I guess you could say that when I see she’s changing clothes I should have the good manners to leave the room, but I don’t. I enjoy too much the feeling of intimacy and eroticism of seeing her lingerie.

My best memory of this was one late afternoon when I was in my early 20’s still living at home. Mom had spent all day at the funeral for a distant cousin. I hadn’t gone. She got home and sat down on her bed. I was in her room talking to her.

Suddenly, she unzips her black dress and I see that she’s wearing a sexy silver colored bra. She pulls the dress down further and I see she’s in the most erotic looking gold colored panties. The feeling in my chest was euphoric.

I mean, objectively my mother is average looking but beautiful lingerie is beautiful lingerie.

And for the final thrill, she’s wearing thigh high white stockings. She unrolls them in front of me and takes them off. She grabs and puts on a regular shirt and pants and the lingerie show is over.

My chest was still euphoric from what I had seen. And then I had a great, insightful thought, I considered that my mother had been at the funeral all day, socializing up close with 30-40 family members. But only I enjoyed the special gift of seeing the lingerie under my mother’s dress.
God that's beautiful.

It's a beautiful set up for a story where it's the Mom's way of gently telling her son:

"You know, all of this is yours if you want it. That's why I let you see it. You came out of this pussy and if you want to go back in that is something that is completely natural for you to do, your right even. These breasts were made to nourish you and they did, and if you want to touch them again, you can. I only show you my body my son, because it already belongs to you. My pussy was your first home and you can come home anytime you want again. My breasts were your first comfort and they are still yours."
I agree. I have wonderful memories of watching my mum dressing to go out for an evening. Watching her rolling her stockings up her beautiful legs and clipping them on to suspenders. Started my life long affair with stockings and suspenders. Loved the way, at every stage she checked everything in the mirror to ensure she looked exactly as she wanted. Also adored watching her do her make-up.
God yes, I have so many memories of enjoying the view of my mother's mature body in all its glory! The "mystique" for me was not because I never saw my mother naked. My family was never overly concerned about nudity. Not that we walked around in the buff all the time, but walking out of the bathroom naked after a shower, just to head to the bedroom to get dressed, was no big deal for any of us. In the summer, mom would sunbathe in her bikini - sometimes even topless - in our back yard, and it wasn't strange for her to mow the lawn in just a bikini either. In the evenings, when popping into my room to say good night, she could be in her underwear, a nightie, or a pajama.

So, there were definitely plenty of opportunities to see her in her underwear, so it wasn't really about "mystique" in the sense of something unknown. Rather, my excitement came from the familiarity of her bras and panties, how I could see them on her body in the morning, and then find them in the laundry bin in the evening with all the pleasure that would bring me. Again, knowing for sure what she looked like in those exact garments only made the intimacy (and the taboo) greater.

The contents of my mother's underwear drawers changed through the years, obviously. A lot of it was functional if not boring, but the association with her body made all of it interesting to some degree. Still, what really caught my attention were the items with that little extra special something; lace, silk, satin. Once digital cameras and smart phones came into my life, it was the easiest thing to take pictures of her underwear and my exploits, saving the experience as my secret memories.
Mom? No. Very conservative. I did have a friend in school, Charlie, whose Mom was very open and erotic. His Dad was about 20 years older than Mom and so the age difference between Charlie and his Mom was about 20 years. She was in her 30s. We'd all go over to Charlie's house after school in high school and his mom, who was Greek, made us the most marvelous food. She would wander around the house or cook food, in bra or panties, or lingerie, with only a silk robe on that was never tied. She was drop dead gorgeous. Charlie always complained about her dress but the rest of us teen boys didn't mind. I don't know if she was that comfortable or got off on it. The situation always reminded me a bit of the rock song "Stacy's Mom"!