Secretary (movie)


Hare puller
Apr 13, 2002
Anyone else caught this new James Spader flick? It's an S&M love story (you expected a James Spader movie that wasn't a bit unusual & sexually deviant?)

It's told from the point of view of the female lead, Maggie Gyllenhaal (with great big eyes and this wondrous appreciation for spankings). Turned out to be a little more tame than it probably should have been, and a little slow - though at times it made for excellent tension (the suspense is terrible...I hope it'll last).

I could've gone for a little better development of Spader's character. Had a few great scenes, and fine performances by the leads - Gyllenhaal plays a great plain-Jane on top of a smoldering submissive.

Thumbs up, said the lanky white boy.
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to see this movie. I doubt I will though, since I would have a hard time selling my friends on it. (I prefer not to see movies in theaters alone.) I did see the trailer though - and even though I would expect it to be tame, it looks absolutly delicious.

Good to read a positive review about it! Aside from the trailer and an Onion review, I'm unaware of how it comes off.
The director was interviewed by Terry Gross on NPR yesterday ("Fresh Air" from WHYY in Philadelphia). So I went to see it last night. I agree with my birthday buddy, W&W. Good flick.
I went to see this yesterday with Never.

I was very impressed with the way they did this film. I agree that Spader's character wasn't as well developed as it could have been. But, I think development of his character would distract from the point of this story.

This story was about her, about "Lee." This story was about the submissive female. There have been tons of stories about dominant males, even if they don't necessarily address sexual domination. This was an incredibly compelling tale.


I think the best thing about this movie is how they dealt with typical aspects of the BDSM community. Without saying it, the idea of safe, sane and consensual was all over the film. Moreover, the way they portrayed the strength in submission, was excellent in my mind. Equating her strength in submission to his own self-betterment with his cruscades of working out was amazing.

The way they demonstrated aspects of his dominant side were brilliantly done. The way he dealt with the orchids with such care, such precision. These creatures, these lives were so trusted to him. They were completely dependent upon him. Yet, he treated them with meticulous detail. As she cut herself to bring the pain to the surface, to make her feel alive, he cut, groomed and cared for the flowers to help them survive. I think that parallel was made very well in the movie without it being too in your face.

The first spanking scene was sooooooo sexy. The actress did an amazing job with her body language.

I would give this movie outstanding ratings. I was very impressed.
the cool thing about the film is that it was written by a female screenwriter who went to lengths to research the topic. Read an interview with her.
Gives the film an extra dimension.
Haven't seen the movie yet, but I've been a big fan of those Gyllenaal kids since Donnie Darko. Jake and Maggie are both going to be around for a long time, methinks.
I saw this movie last night (DVD from Blockbuster).

I really enjoyed it. I wasn't super happy with the ending, but I did enjoy the masturbation scenes.

Overall a good movie that i would recommend to anyone i thought would enjoy this kind of movie.

(and i had very good company while watching that probably helped.)
Amelia get out of my head! I was planning on doing a thread on this movie TODAY. lol

Actually I'm still gonna. There's a specific area I wanted to discuss. This was just too weird a coinky dink.
Thanks for the reminder, Amelia. I was going to see this one, and forgot. And I know just the person to watch it with.;)
kotori said:
But would you call it a "Date Movie"?

I think it's a good movie to view with someone you don't mind speaking about sexual things with.

(does that make sense? it seems confused..but i can't think of another way to say it.)
lavender said:
The way he dealt with the orchids with such care, such precision. These creatures, these lives were so trusted to him. They were completely dependent upon him. Yet, he treated them with meticulous detail.

This made me think of that scene in "In the Heat of the Night" when the black Detective Virgil Tibbs is questioning the racist Plantation owner in his greenhouse, complimenting the orchids, when the racist tells him that the orchids are like the Negro and have to be gently cared for. I'm making no analogy at all between Lavender and this scene, but between Spader's character and this scene. Oppressors always rationalize their oppression as "caretaking".
Just saw this movie - I thought it was really good. Surprisingly, I think it presented a nicely textured and multidimensional portrayal of a BDSM relationship - well much more so than is seen usually in movies. I also thought it was neat that the story dealt with two people, whom some may view as psychologically unhealthy, in a sometimes humorous light. In this way, their BDSM relationship seems unexceptional - it isn't the BDSM that is the primary focus, but rather the love between them.
I finally saw this. I thought it was a very good movie - there were parts that were slow, but on the whole - quite well done.

I also found it refreshing - it was a different story - a different perspective. I know there are people who will and have judged the characters based on their own moral values, right or wrong but that is actually too shallow a way to look at this movie. This is a story about "real" people. And its a story I can't say I've ever quite seen put on film. As I said... refreshing.