Secretary Clinton's Congressional testimony


Pragmatic Metaphysician
Jul 8, 2009
It did not go the way Republicans thought. Not even a little bit. She answered their questions appropriately and aggressively. And now it's done.
All she had to do was look better than the biggest clown college this side of Ringling Bros. Not that tough a task, really.
She didn't come out spotless but she clearly one when all was said and done.
There should be a bizarre unknown online newspaper with a completely different spin for the psychos to C&P here by now...shouldn't there?
It's kinda too bad she didn't leave the full report on the White desk, two days after the fact, eh.
Oh wait, somebody took it.
Give it time... they'll probably claim she was hiding terrorists up her ass next... The far right has become so comical since the election I can't even be surprised anymore. Did you catch the part with Rand Paul trying to use 9/11 during the hearing?
Best summation of the Hive Mind mentality of the fringe right:

Clinton erupted as Senator Ron Johnson tried to press her on why details about the nature of the attack weren't released sooner.

"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans," she said. "Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make? It our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this. The fact is that people were trying, in real time, to get to the best information."

The point of this is: Look, bad guys killed our people. You're arguing about whether the nature of the attack was initially mischaracterized. I just want the bad guys found and brought to justice, no matter how the attack unfolded.

But, of course, the ripped-from-context quote is "What difference, at this point, does it make?" It's already being seized on by National Review and Fox News and The Wall Street Journal and The Weekly Standard and Glenn Beck's Blaze and Michelle Malkin's Twitchy and the Free Beacon and, of course, Breitbart. There's already a popular hashtag, #whatdifferencedoesitmake.

Now, sometimes these things never attain any more than shibboleth status -- they're secret codewords right-wingers use whenever they talk about a particular Antichrist of theirs. This will definitely attain that status -- years from now, when Hillary publishes her memoirs or announces a run for president, folks on winger message boards will write "What difference does it make?" and not even bother to put the phrase in context, because all the like-minded readers will just know.
Bad Republicans, always wrong. How does such a contemptible, incompetent party ever elect ANYONE?
All she had to do was look better than the biggest clown college this side of Ringling Bros. Not that tough a task, really.

All she had to do was communicate effectively.

SHE LOOKS LIKE SHIT personified.

It's obvious she is an unhealthy woman. I suspect, very sick.
Now the usual suspects are saying Hillary's body langauge...

...was disrespectful to John McCain when he began droning on....
All she had to do was communicate effectively.

SHE LOOKS LIKE SHIT personified.

It's obvious she is an unhealthy woman. I suspect, very sick.

You know they show the presidents before and after they take office to show how the stress affected their appearance. I think it took a toll on Hillary. It just isn't welcomed for women to age and show signs of stress.
You know they show the presidents before and after they take office to show how the stress affected their appearance. I think it took a toll on Hillary. It just isn't welcomed for women to age and show signs of stress.

I actually thought she looked healthier than she has in months.

Bottom line is that Republicans looked small and Hillary looked big. And all the people on the right who conjured up the conspiracy theory that she faked a... blood clot... ended up looking tiny. They got nothing they wanted out of either hearing and so they're resorting to out-of-context buzzwords to manufacture whatever outrage they can.
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Summed up. I had nothing to do with it and why do you care. How dare you ask me.
It did not go the way Republicans thought. Not even a little bit. She answered their questions appropriately and aggressively. And now it's done.

don't mean to be rude, but how did you get to be so fucked up? you really need to visit with Dr. Phil