Secret Service (SS For Short) Raids Man For Criticizing Obama On Twitter


Jan 23, 2011
Secret Service (SS For Short) Raids Man For Criticizing Obama On Twitter

What’s next, raiding the pre-k for the five year old who made his pop tart into an Obama face?

Seriously scary, showing again the vast amount of surveillance being done to track not terrorists, but those who would question.

Via Harriet Baldwin at Examiner:

After you read this- you will wonder what country we are in.

Tom Francois is an outspoken critic of Barack Hussein Obama- and has a robust Twitter presence. He also likes to dabble with his “paint” program to create funny cartoons. He has never threatened the President in any way, manner or form.

On April 11, 2013, he heard relentless pounding on his door shouts of “Police!” The officers introduced themselves as members of The Secret Service and asked if they could “take a look around.”

Since Tom had nothing to hide (and he didn’t want any return visits) – he complied fully with their request. He even signed a consent to search his premises AND an “Authorization To Review Medical and Mental Health Records!”

They asked Tom if he ever left his state or traveled to Washington, D.C.

One Agent asked Tom if he has any intentions of “whacking” the President.” To which Tom replied- “Of course not. I wish him no harm. I disagree with his policies and actions and I make no bones about it. It’s my First Amendment Right and I intend to exercise it.”

When I spoke to Tom he said, “Yes, I am EXTREMELY critical of Obama in my posts, but I never cross the line and threaten his being. EVER. It’s just the idea of Obama’s Secret Service intruding on my life when they knew I wasn’t really a threat.”

The Secret Service had a thick FBI file- filled with screenshots of hundreds of posts. Said Tom, “I flat out told them ‘I have NEVER threatened Obama’s life! Yes, I despise him as you can plainly see, but I have that right!’ They actually ADMITTED and agreed with me that I hadn’t threatened Obama.”

They had run a background check and discovered that Tom legally owned two guns- and they asked to see them. Tom showed them his firearms. They asked, “Are they loaded?” Tom replied in the affirmative. “What good are guns if they aren’t loaded?”

So why harass Tom? “The Secret Service officers claimed that “they were concerned that since I have a large Twitter following, and the things I said could be acted upon by some nut case out there! What the hell? They turned my life upside down for THAT?”
Tom Francois is an outspoken critic of Barack Hussein Obama- and has a robust Twitter presence. He also likes to dabble with his “paint” program to create funny cartoons. He has never threatened the President in any way, manner or form.

On April 11, 2013, he heard relentless pounding on his door shouts of “Police!” The officers introduced themselves as members of The Secret Service and asked if they could “take a look around.”

Since Tom had nothing to hide (and he didn’t want any return visits) – he complied fully with their request. He even signed a consent to search his premises AND an “Authorization To Review Medical and Mental Health Records!”

So he gave the secret service consent to look through his stuff and then complained that he was 'raided'? It's usually not called a raid if you're the one that decided to make it happen.

The government needed to have his written consent and then he complained he had no rights. It's like the whole part about needing his consent - for the express reason that he has rights - doesn't matter.
you are on IGGY

for being a coward

and not answering questions

you may be unfrozen


your loss
you are on IGGY

for being a coward

and not answering questions

you may be unfrozen


your loss

Dude signs away his rights and then complains that he doesn't have rights. A true conservative victim!
Reading this guy's Twitter feed right now. He says Obama is a Muslim and that conservatives need to go out and shoot Muslim Americans. And he claims to have a shitload of guns of all types.
Didn't see that.

Did see this:
Tom Francois ‏@Tom_Francois 6h
Obama's Secret Service investigated me 4 days before the Boston Bombing! Who was watching THOSE two guys? No one!

He may have a point.
Didn't see that.

Did see this:

He may have a point.

No he doesn't. This guy sends out way more threatening messages than the Boston bombers ever did. If he doesn't want to get investigated maybe he should stop warranting an investigation. And also he should stop giving the authorities written consent to investigate him.
True....the guy should have told them to go get a warrant or eat a big bag of dicks.
True....the guy should have told them to go get a warrant or eat a big bag of dicks.


But he formally waived his right to privacy and then turned around and complained that he didn't have privacy anymore. A true Patriot victim.
there is a GUY who is sitting in jail for 3 yrs for a POEM he wrote aganst Obama

No he doesn't. This guy sends out way more threatening messages than the Boston bombers ever did. If he doesn't want to get investigated maybe he should stop warranting an investigation. And also he should stop giving the authorities written consent to investigate him.

They're is an old saying, which if you knew shit from shoe polish, you'd know, and you'd know its meaning: "money talks and bullshit walks".

This guy is hot air/bandwidth - the Boston bombers have a body count.

Two guns isn't a "shitload". Two of anything isn't a shitload of anything, possibly excepting shitloads of shit.
They're is an old saying, which if you knew shit from shoe polish, you'd know, and you'd know its meaning: "money talks and bullshit walks".

This guy is hot air/bandwidth - the Boston bombers have a body count.

Two guns isn't a "shitload". Two of anything isn't a shitload of anything, possibly excepting shitloads of shit.

How do you know he's hot air? You don't.

The Secret Service (or someone he claimed was the Secret Service) simply asked him some questions with his full permission. It's impossible to call that a government overreach.
How do you know he's hot air? You don't.

The Secret Service (or someone he claimed was the Secret Service) simply asked him some questions with his full permission. It's impossible to call that a government overreach.

I read his feed, or enough of it to know that he's full of shit . . . kinda like reading your posts.

For example, I never said it was government overreach - you tried to put words into my mouth, as usual. He pussed out and caved when faced by the jackboots, as BB pointed out. If he's really bad news, he's renting a Ryder while they're going to see the judge.

Here's a new tip, and you can say you heard it here first: the ones you really need to worry about, you won't know who are until it's already too late.
Oh Jimmy-Crack-Corn but doesn't Jenn14 make our point for us about the Democrats being terrified of their fellow Americans and absolutely nonchalant about the Religion of Peace.

No wonder he is supporting Obama's efforts to arm al Qeada first in Libya and now in Syria.


No wonder he is defending "Gimme back my bullets" Napolitano...
I'm sneaking up on you the whole time, and all you're too busy plowing the fields to notice.

Your horse? The Sausage-poodles ate him last month.

Somewhere, there are shitloads of something.
The women are sneaking up on me.

Insisted they use my truck for no reason yesterday...

Then they met me for lunch and announced that they were off to fill it with manure.


The best part is..., they left it for me to unload. Happy Father's Day! :eek:
That sounds about right. The Queen plays you like a violin, and she enlists Princess She-Of-Two-Hands to do her dirty work. "Father" is relative on this third Sunday in June, Daddio.

I have a cat in quarantine for improper spreading of manure. My first Usual Suspect was innocent after all.

About four this morning, he was singing the Songs of His People with (equal) enthusiasm.

Someone should tell Jihad-Joo that we jacked his fucking thread.
I was wondering if I was on iggy and then he replied earlier, so Ah Reckon Nawt . . . . *spit*

My tit-lured PM was lame "Hi, how are you . . . having a fun/nice weekend?"

I thought of writing back and saying that I suspect that I may have colon cancer after all the blood I just shat . . .

but that it's just a Load of Lib-Tard "Logic".
For the Love of the Sweet Babeh Jeebus, Man, do you not see the Mopar in those Magnificent Mammoth Melons???

Mashed in, bursting forth, seeping out in lactating glory, the veritable manna to Mopar mavens everywhere?

Milky Orbs of Mopardom . . . or domme, as the case may be.