Secret Lies (repost)


Sweet Zydrate
Mar 10, 2010
Another day, another dollar.

That's what the day started out like. Jessica Larson was working her usual busy shift, the night crowd. At 1PM, it seemed some of the local club patrons were doing with drinking and such, just get breakfast and then start all over tomorrow.

Not that she was complaining, this was usually a good thing for her on making tips, her shift didn't end until 3AM anyway...this was life. Working and making a living.

Just like everyone else, she had bills to 25, she knew she wasn't going to be doing this forever. She was going to school in the days to become a nurse because she wanted more than to end up in her 50s and still working at this place. A girl needed a little fun in her life and to have that, she needed to have a better life style.

As she gave some snobby uptown couple their order, she noticed a man enter and take a seat at an empty booth. One of her booths, but that was fine, it seemed her busy hour was calming down so another face didn't matter. Usually she wouldn't have noticed such a man, but this one caught her eyes. He was handsome...had an air about him that said he could handle himself...that and he was there alone.

Walking up to his table, Jessica gave him a smile, "Hello, what can I get you tonight?" She asked, her usual line asked.
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Jake Ryan was growing tired of this case. He had been investigating the mob for so long that he was starting to run events together. Drug deals, robberies, hits, all seemed to blend together in a swirl of violence. It started out as an undercover job, trying to get in deeper with the city's denizens of crime. He had made both friends and enemies in turn during the run of this assignment.

Now he needed a break, something to take his mind off work. He didn't know why he chose this place to take his break, it simply was the right place at the right time. A dive joint far removed from mob interest called Patties.

He took a seat in a corner and it wasn't long before a waitress came by with a smile. She was pretty, really pretty. That was Jake's first opinion and it made him smile back at her. He felt she was too pretty to be working in a place like this, but that was none of his business.

She asked him what she could get him and he glanced down at the menu in his hands. "Well, I need something heavy tonight. Get my mind of work and instead on indigestion. So, how about a double cheeseburger and chili fries? Plus a large Budweiser?" He asked her with a smile.
Jess noted that the man was looking at her for a longer time than normal. It didn't matter because she too had checked him out earlier. As she pulled out an iPad, something new the restaurant was incorporating, she nodded as she took down his order and made a face as he said something about a beer.

"Oh, love, we stopped serving alcohol at city policy for restaurants, it's a bummer I know so..." she leaned over and pointed at something on the menu, "How about iced tea?" She asked him, realizing how close she was to him.
Jake glanced at his watch and sighed, always a moment too late. He glanced back at the beautiful server and noticed she was standing very close to him. He could smell her perfume, and almost feel the softness of her skin as if she was touching him. This case had been eatting up all his time and he couldnt remember the last time he had been with a woman.

"Iced tea sounds great then. Probably dont need the extra carbs anyway." He told her with a smile. "How do you like working the late shift? Gotta deal with a bunch of jerks like me all the time i bet huh?" He winked at her.
With a nod and a small laugh, Jess listed his iced tea as she straightened back up, "Well, every job has it's down side, and mine, unfortunately, is dealing with jerks...although, once in a while, I get some good people."

"I'll be back with your drink," she told him with a smile as she turned and walked away. Yeah, maybe she was just tired tonight, making her feel extra flirty or perhaps it was because he was a handsome man and she was just lonely...

"Or perhaps it's because your bed hasn't had a visitor in over 8 months.." she said to herself as she poured his glass of iced tea and set a lemon in it before returning to is table and giving it to him, "Your order will be done in a few.." She lingered a bit before turning from his table and seeing to the rest of the customers.
Jake watched her walk away with a bit too much interest. She had a wonderful ass, the kind he wanted to squeeze and smack while he pounded into her. He shook his head and sighed, he had been alone far too long. He thought about asking the waitress out, but he wasn't sure he had any idea how. He hadn't had a date in a long time, hell he hadn't had time. Did he remember how to flirt and better yet, did he remember how to seal that infamous deal? Probably not.

She came back and he smiled at her. "Thanks..." he glanced at her nametag. "Jessica, lovely name."

He let his eyes follow her around the room as she went about serving the other people.

After a few minutes she came back to him with his food in her arms. He leaned back and smiled again, "Thanks love. Say what time do you get off work Jessica?"
"Jessica, lovely name."

"Thanks, I've had it all my life..." she said to him, giving him a wink of her own.

When his order was ready, she brought it to him, setting the hot plate down with care.

How many times had she been asked that question this week? 7...8? It was funny but the other guys who asked her that would always get the same answer, 'Probably after you do..' None really got it because those who asked her were usually drunk at the time, or they just didn't stand a chance.

But this guy...he seemed OK, he was polite, and his flirty-ness was casual but not over powering...

"Well, actually, not for another hour..." she took a deep breath, keeping the smile on her face, "Care to give me a ride home?"
Jake's smile widened when he realized that she was actually going along with him. Clearly there was something primal between them, an attraction that both of them could feel. Or maybe they were simply both lonely and just open to taking the risk for the night. Either way, Jake felt good that she gave him a positive answer. She was beautiful, her body looked amazing, and her breasts seemed to be heaving to get out of that tiny work shirt.

He glanced at his food and said, "Well that sounds like the best idea i've heard in a very long time Jessica, I'll wait for you. Besides It'll take me a while simply to eat this monster meal you brought me." He held out his hand toward her, "I'm Jake by the way. I believe strongly that a lady should know a man's name before she gets into his car." He grinned.
"Sounds great!" Jess said, probably with a little too much enthusiasm, but it didn't matter, "Thank you, Jake." She told him before turning away from him and moving to her other customers, who were done for the night.

It took some doing but Jess convinced her co-worker, Martin, to take over the last ten minutes of her shift so she could grab her stuff and get going.

As she was grabbing her purse, she thought about what she was about to do...leave the restaurant with a complete stranger...albeit handsome, but still, a stranger.

She should've been more alarmed and wary but for some reason, she wasn't. The way Jake carried himself and talked...he seemed like an OK guy. Besides, it wasn't like she did this all the time...this just happen to be one of those rare occasions and damnit, she was going for it!

When she came back out front, she saw he was ready and waiting. She gave him a warm smile, "So, how was everything?"
Jake thought about the evening while he ate the food. He wasnt sure what he was going to do with her. He wanted it, oh god how he wanted it. Thinking about how long he had gone without getting laid clouded his mind amd his decisions. He was convinced that even if this was a simple one night fling it would do him some good.

Hell she was probably in the same boat if she had agreed to go with him so readily. She was the one who brought it up anyway. She probably wanted a simple uncomplicated fuck and he was just in the right place at the right time.

She came out to him as he paid the bill and he smiled at her. God she was a sexy little thing.

"Everything was great." He told her and gestured out the door. "Shall we? Your carage awaits my dear."

He took her to his car, a beat up opd sedan that he used on stakeouts to keep from drawing attention. He opened the door for her and then climbed into the driver's seat. "Sorry this is kind of my work car so it gets beat up a little more than your average car." He explained. "So where do you live?"
It wasn't until they were standing side by side that Jess realized how tall Jake was to her...not that it mattered, hell, everyone was taller than her own 5'1" frame. Her dark brown hair and blue eyes seemed plain to her, but she was always told what a pretty woman she was. It also helped she had a great set of 36C boobs that she was proud of...

If she was a material sort of person, Jess would have been put off by the looks of the car he was driving, but she wasn't. As long as it worked in getting him around, what did it matter what it looked like...?

"Don't worry about it." She told him as she got in and he closed the door behind her. She set her purse on the floor and strapped on her seatbelt as he climbed in, asking her where she lived.

"Take a left at the main road and head on over to 35 Baker street, I'm in apartment #34, 3rd floor.." she looked over at him and smiled, feeling not at all like this was going to be a bad idea.
Jake smiled at her and nodded, then he drove off toward her place. As he headed there he wondered if he should stop and grab a condom or something. He decided against it because he didnt want her to think he assumed some pussy when he dropped her off. Honestly if she simply gave him a kiss goodnight and left he would still be happy about the night. But sex would be way better.

He pulled into her apartment complex and parked in a space near her door. He leaned back and glanced at her. "There we go. Got you home safe and sound and completely unmolested." He told her raising his hand. "Im like a boy scout." He smirked.
Jessica had to laugh. He seemed so serious but she could tell he was teasing, that twinkle in his eye she saw as he smirked. She just shook her head and reached for the door handle, "Tell you what, you wanted a beer earlier and I just happen to have a new 6 pack upstairs that is dying to be molested.." Not to mention myself..she thought.

"So, like I said, apartment #34... you can park the car just on the other side of the street and come up and meet me..?" She got up and out of the car and bit her bottom lip nervously, not believing how bold she was being, "That is, if you want to.." With that, she closed the door and turned on her heel and toward the apartment building. Not knowing if he would take her up on her offer or what.
Jake felt that joy in his stomach when she invited him up for a beer. A molested beer. The best kind. He smiled, "That sounds great ill be right up." He told her, watching her get out of the car. Then he quickly parked and darted over to the apartment. She left the door open for him and he slipped inside, taking a moment to shut and locked the door.

Then he moved over to the couch as she brought him an ice cold beer. He took it with a smile, "Thanks. Cheers." He said tapping his beer against hers. "Not a bad apartment. Cute." He said. Suddenly nervous about making his move.
Quickly, Jess entered her apartment, got Jake a beer and disappeared into her bedroom to change from her uniform to a loose fitting t-shirt and a pair of jeans. When she returned to the living room, she picked up her beer and sat down next to him.

"Yeah, it's growing on me..after about 2 years," she said, smiling before taking a long drink before nodded at him, "So, Jake, what do you do? Besides eat late at night all by yourself?"

She as curious as to what a handsome man like him was doing by himself, out alone at a diner.
Jake took a big swallow and said, "Well you know how my car is kinda shitty? I have it like that on purpose because I am repo man. So people tend to try to beat on my car or me when i go take the things that they havent paid for." He explained. Though it was a total lie. After all he couldnt really tell her what he did for a living as it would put her in far too much danger plus could also blow his cover.

He shrugged, "Not the most admirable job and nobody ever thanks me for it, but it pays the bills." He laughed. "Sometimes i envy the postal workers who get the hot girls that come to the door naked. Repo men never see hot girls...well actually i guess im looking at a beautiful girl right now. Must be my lucky night." He smiled at her leaning a little closer.
Jess winced at the term repo men, she had never had dealings with one but from what she saw on TV, it wasn't an easy job. "Wow, I can only sympathize..."

She took another drink of her beer and set it down on the small coffee table in front of her, allowing her to lean back against the couch, smiling as Jake moved closer. "I bet you have some stories to certainly sounds more interesting than my job.."

She ended the last of her words in a whisper...
Jake smiled, "The stories I could tell you...not nearly as exciting as you might think. In fact I can think of something that would certainly generate a much better story." He gently put a hand on her knee and slid it slowly up her thigh. "It might be fun."

Then he risked it and leaned in to kiss her. His lips gently brushed her incredibly soft supple lips. God she was so beautiful, and he couldn't believe he was here with this wonderful girl. His hand slid up her thigh and caressed the side of her ass through the tight material of her jeans. Her whole body was so tight he couldn't imagine what she felt like to be inside.
As she felt his hand on her leg, she couldn't help but gasp, not in surprise, but in relief...this was what she wanted. She knew what this was leading up to and she wasn't going to deny. She felt he needed it too so she could only let it happen.

She placed her own hand on his leg as she scooted over a little closer, her lips now smashing against his. She opened up, letting her mouth open to invite him to deepen the kiss. There was no turning back now...not that she wanted to.
Jake felt her moan into him, her lips parting to allow his tongue a opening. He didn't need anything more to take advantage of that. His tongue slipped into her mouth, touching and twirling around hers. He shifted and grabbed her hips, with a grunt he rolled her over onto his lap.

He paused long enough to look up into her eyes, loving the way her hair fell over her face. "God, your sexy." He whispered. Her weight on his lap was wonderful and he could feel himself hardening in eager need under her.
With a gasp, Jess found herself straddling his lap, a smile dancing upon her lips. She raked her fingers along the side of his face, looking him in the eyes, "You're pretty handsome yourself mister.." with that, she leaned into him again, kissing him as she pulled her tshirt off and breaking the kiss only long enough to toss the shirt to the side, revealing a black satin bra.

She wiggled a bit on his lap as she reached for his shirt, impatiently yanking it from the waist of his jeans...
Jake's eyes went to her breasts and mid section as she pulled the shirt from her body. Her stomach was flat and wonderful, her breasts large and firm in the tight holster of her bra. It absolutely made his mouth water. "Oh my god, I think I hit the lottery." He breathed, only to have her kiss him again causing him to open his mouth and welcome her tongue into his mouth. His fingers moved to brush through her hair.

then he felt her hands tugging his shirt from his jeans and he leaned back enough for her to yank it over his head and make it disappear. He smirked, feeling the excitement pour through him. This was going to happen, he was going to have a wonderful night with this amazingly beautiful woman and he certainly intended to enjoy every fucking second of it.

He reached around her and found the clasp of her black bra, with a squeeze the clasp popped open and he watched it fall off of her. With a lick of his lips he bent forward and wrapped his lips around her left nipple. Her skin was supple and soft, smooth and silky under his tongue.
Jess looked down at Jake, seeing the delight in his eyes as he looked at her and it made her feel good inside...her eyes roamed his bare chest and her eyes caught sight of several scars and...a scar from a bullet?...

Before she could ask or even think about asking, she felt him take her nipple into her mouth and that made her cry out..her back arching against him, pushing her chest out further...her eyes closing as her head leaned back and her hands gripped his shoulders as she ground against his hips. God, his tongue was so magical, it brought stars to her eyes and she muttered to Jake while tugging at his shoulders, urging him, "Jake... bedroom...." she told him, seeing it was all she could muster enough speech for...
Jake only partially heard her. He was so enthralled with the taste of her skin and the softness of her breasts. He licked and suckled her breasts like a man in desperatee need. With a grunt he threw his arms around her and lifted her into the air as he stood up. He held her body against his, feeling her breasts mash against him.

"Where?" He asked, moving toward the only hallway. She pointed out her room amd he staggered inside. He moved to her bed and dropped her onto her back. For a moment he stood there admiring her body while he kicked off his shoes and socks. His cock so hard in his jeans it was almost painful.

"You are the sexiest thing ive ever seen." He growled.