Scrolling old posts


Nov 25, 2020
Is anyone else guilty of scrolling through old posts on the prowl for something interesting? Then you find something intriguing, want to reply to it, but don't because if you do, everyone will know you made it to December of 2021 in desperate search because posting to that threat would lift it to the front page from it's previous location on Page 17.
Is anyone else guilty of scrolling through old posts on the prowl for something interesting? Then you find something intriguing, want to reply to it, but don't because if you do, everyone will know you made it to December of 2021 in desperate search because posting to that threat would lift it to the front page from it's previous location on Page 17.
No but you can also just private message them.

But also what Faralicious said. Don't worry about what people think.
I imagine most of us have done that at one time or another. Quite often the original poster is no longer with us. And, what they said above...
Is anyone else guilty of scrolling through old posts on the prowl for something interesting? Then you find something intriguing, want to reply to it, but don't because if you do, everyone will know you made it to December of 2021 in desperate search because posting to that threat would lift it to the front page from it's previous location on Page 17.

Heh .. so there are a bunch of us gentlemen who keep the various "Virginia" and "Maryland" threads alive by bringing them back to life after they go dead for a couple of months. The only people I make fun of are the ones where there was a seductive thread started by a woman 2 or 3 years ago, and then a bunch of replies, but she never posts again .. and then someone replies to her original post that is 2 to 3 years old.

I know that's bad of me .. but seriously .. if you're going to reply to someone .. at least check out their profile and if they posted only once, and it was a year or more ago ... it's kind of like yelling into a cave only to hear your own echo.