Screen Shots in DOS


Lord of the Morning
Mar 27, 2001
Anyone know how to take a screen shot in dos? I know how to do it in Windows, but I have a dos only program that I need to take a screen shot of ... Can't figure out how to do it... Any suggestions?

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LordMagicMan said:
Anyone know how to take a screen shot in dos? I know how to do it in Windows, but I have a dos only program that I need to take a screen shot of ... Can't figure out how to do it... Any suggestions?


Is such a thing possible? Can you not get hold of a print driver that will print to a graphics file instead of a printer? Then you can hit Print Screen and dump it to file.

OK, I have to admit, I'm talking out of my hat, I have no idea about DOS, being a Mac based person. But that would sound sensible to me.
I think you need to run a screen capture program (don't have one right now, can't recall what I used to use) that has a capture hotkey, then start the DOS program via windows. I don't belive it's possible to capture the screen via dos.
I'mVan said:
I think you need to run a screen capture program (don't have one right now, can't recall what I used to use) that has a capture hotkey, then start the DOS program via windows. I don't belive it's possible to capture the screen via dos.
Exactly so, but lord knows who might still have one.
If you are running DOS in a Windoze window there are a number of ways to capture a screen:

1) You can do a Windoze screen capture using the PrintScrn key as you would with any other program.

2) You can right click on the upper left corner of the window and select "Edit" then select "Mark" and use the mouse to select the area of the screen you want to copy. When you have selected it, then press the enter key and it will be in the clipboard buffer:

Directory of C:\Download

10/24/2002 10:32a <DIR> .
10/24/2002 10:32a <DIR> ..
10/24/2002 10:32a <DIR> Palm Desktop Setup Files
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 27,407,982,592 bytes free


I don't know if this works on graphic programs though.

3) Full screen, Ctrl-PrintScrn does the same thing - again, I don't know if that works with graphics as I don't have any command line graphics programs to try right off.
LordMagicMan said:
Anyone know how to take a screen shot in dos? I know how to do it in Windows, but I have a dos only program that I need to take a screen shot of ... Can't figure out how to do it... Any suggestions?


run it from windows dos shell and in window mode (alt + enter) then use the windows method. :)