Science kills sex dead.


Really Experienced
Oct 12, 2000
Forgive this mostly meaningless post. I'm four away from 100 and my very first AV; guess I'm just a little impatient. So anyway, here I sit before my computer with lecture notes all around for the reproductive physiology test I have to take tomorrow, only instead I'm dicking around on Literotica. How come sex is fun, but reading about gonadotropin-releasing hormone surges or prolactin release during sexual climax is just plain not? How is it that I can use the word 'vagina' or the phrase 'manual stimulation' in conversation multiple times a day and still not get to be aroused? Where is the justice?
There aint no justice. Change the wording. I suggest submitting a paper using words like "cock" instead of "penis", "pussy' instead of "vagina","jack off" instead of "manual stimulation" and "chocolate tunnel of love" instead of "anus".

You may flunk, but it certainly will be more entertaining to read.
Imagine giving a lecture like this with a straight face.

Explain a graph that shows sexual frequency increases around the time of increased fertility in females. Including autosexual activities.
CoolidgEffect said:
Imagine giving a lecture like this with a straight face.

Explain a graph that shows sexual frequency increases around the time of increased fertility in females. Including autosexual activities.

"As this graph illustrates, people tend to fuck more when women are fertile. There is also a marked increase in masturbation, either alone or with a fuck buddy."
Yes, and don't for get to explain the different curves:

Subjects using intrusive methods.
Subjects using non intrusive methods.
This reminds me of when one of my professors in Criminal justice was trying to explain sex crimes. He said that forced fellatio was rape under the statutes. About half of the class had thier eyes glaze over. He noticed and asked how many people did not know what fellatio was. When most of the class raised their hands, he said "Its a blow job."

All things considered, it was rather entertaining at the time.
Right, like when the Stanford marching band spelled COITUS.

But when people figure it out, you have their attention.
CoolidgEffect said:
Right, like when the Stanford marching band spelled COITUS.

But when people figure it out, you have their attention.

What is really funny to me is that the guy teaching the class was Mills Lane.
Any idea why Graymouse registered in Oct 2000 and still only has 97 posts?

Way too studious.
Yeah, don't I wish. Actually, just got back from a seven-hour study marathon with my other geek friends. But thanks for the laughs. I rather like the idea of the graph of intrusive versus non-intrusive methods.

I'm thinking hanging out at Lit should count as an extra credit assignment.
I took a class called Primate Sexuality. It concentrated a lot on non-human primate reproductive behavior (read: monkey sex). Many of the experiments involved measuring the behavior of the monkeys in reaction to certain stimulae, such as "manual manipulation of the genitals".

What I want to know is who do you have to piss off to get that job?
Practical biology . . .

Back when Adam was a boy and I did Biology, we got to the human reproduction module and the teacher said that practical classes were out of the question . . . all the guys swore under their breath . . . for obvious reasons . . . But for all you armchair Valentinos . . . don't miss out . . . get on over to the How To . . . Board and check out the practical skills available . . .