Science Discovers What We've Always Known About The Left


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Left-Wing Extremism Tied To Psychopathy And Narcissism, Study Finds​

By Mairead Elordi

May 26, 2023

Left-wing extremism and aggression are linked to psychopathic and narcissistic tendencies, a new study has found.

People with narcissistic or psychopathic tendencies are more likely to strongly endorse left-wing aggression against authority, according to a study published in the peer-reviewed journal Current Psychology.

The study found that people with dark personality traits like narcissism and psychopathy tend to be drawn more to certain aggressive left-wing political and social activities. Their desire to engage in these activities is not always rooted in a genuine desire for social justice, though, but rather is a way to satisfy their ego, the study suggests.

The study introduced a new term for this behavior called the “dark-ego-vehicle principle.”

More on the pathology here:

Just wanted to help 1174, DebunkedAuto, and Rubsoneoutdownsouth, understand the "dark-ego-vehicle principle" that controls their "dark personalities" "high narcissistic and psychopathic traits." It's admirable to stop once in a while and help those less fortunate than ourselves.:D
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Left-Wing Extremism
I’d guess that the Daily Wire defines ‘Left’ as any not to the Right of Attila the Hun.

I also suspect that when the vastly larger portion of the world’s resources are held by no more people than can be seated legally on one, double decker bus, those people will be preoccupied with law, order and authority issues. I’ve no hard evidence to support this. But I believe it is correct.
Go on, tell us. How many mass murders in the US in the last few years (heck - since WW2) were committed in the name of 'Left Wing Extremism'?

Unless you're counting religious extremism as left wing, there won't be many. So define 'left wing', after you've defined 'woke' obviously.
"After several days of telling the media that Target’s stores were under threat from people who objected to their pride display and satanic merchandise to celebrate transgender ideology, an email that detailed a bomb threat was sent to media outlets.

"It should not surprise you to find out that this email was sent by an LGBTQ fanatic who was upset that the store removed some items from its Pride display. Target started pulling some of the items from their stores after boycotts were organized by customers who don’t want to see Pride merchandise targeted at their children including bathing suits with tucking technology."

Source: PJMedia
And the merchandise was removed from the display in the first place because of Trumptard threats and cancel-culture.
I'm still looking for the "emergency."
Play me some Jim Morrison..., when you're strange...

I think the "emergency" is the panic over discovering that your doom and gloom pastor keeps moving the end-of-the-world date which makes you look kind of stupid for staying in the pew so long and passing the plate with such ardent fervor. The panic when you realize that joining the choir is pretty much the activity of a cultist.
I think the surprise and feelings of ambush are all on the Left.

I live in a pretty well-adjusted small-town community where people are more on the Bell Curve of "normal."
The more they're ignored the more desperate they become in word and deed. It could prove to be an interesting summer.
I’d guess that the Daily Wire defines ‘Left’ as any not to the Right of Attila the Hun.

I also suspect that when the vastly larger portion of the world’s resources are held by no more people than can be seated legally on one, double decker bus, those people will be preoccupied with law, order and authority issues. I’ve no hard evidence to support this. But I believe it is correct.
Well now let's take at those double-decker buses, that don't exist. There are 2640 billionaires in the World and 56.1 million millionaires in the world::D

The average double-decker bus holds about 30 people so you're going to need 88 of those buses to seat the billionaires and 1.870,000 for the millionaires.

I suspect the Dailywire defines the left as the Democrat Party and all destinations to its left.
Well now let's take at those double-decker buses, that don't exist. There are 2640 billionaires in the World and 56.1 million millionaires in the world::D

The average double-decker bus holds about 30 people so you're going to need 88 of those buses to seat the billionaires and 1.870,000 for the millionaires.

I suspect the Dailywire defines the left as the Democrat Party and all destinations to its left.
Estimating the percentage of the world's population that has as much wealth as the wealthiest 80-100 people, requires knowing the total amount of wealth held by them. Forbes' 2021 Billionaires List reports that the top 100 billionaires have a combined net worth of over $2.4 trillion.

According to Credit Suisse's Global Wealth Report 2020, the total wealth of the world's population was estimated to be $392 trillion in mid-2020.

Assuming that global wealth distribution is roughly proportional, the wealthiest 80-100 people can be estimated to control approximately 0.6% to 0.025% of the world's total wealth.

So the wealthiest 80-100 people control roughly the equivalent to the combined wealth of the poorest 99.4% to 99.975% of the world's population. This ‘fits’ my definition of the criterion I set in the antecedent post.
