Schools CFO attacked for criticizing wasteful spending

I always said that political correctness wouldn't stop at demographically controversial statements. Once you start down the road of censorship, it won't stop.

We're now seeing it expand into more areas of restricted speech including things that teacher's unions don't approve of.

Free speech is dead. :mad:

From your article
Derpmaster Stanley said:
People have this belief that if you increase class sizes, it has a negative impact on student learning.

That is not documented, proven anywhere. Actually, there's not one piece of literature published to prove that. As a matter of fact, just the opposite.

The above statement proves to me that your guy is little more than a shuffling, grinning Herman Cain-wannabee.

Here's a nice web page documenting 10 studies showing the positive effects of smaller class size.
I always said that political correctness wouldn't stop at demographically controversial statements. Once you start down the road of censorship, it won't stop.

We're now seeing it expand into more areas of restricted speech including things that teacher's unions don't approve of.

Free speech is dead. :mad:

You need to do research on the word censorship.
For the right fringe, "censorship" = someone saying they're full of shit. Example:

Right fringe: "[some dumbass opinion]"
Left: "You're full of shit."

It never fails to amuse.
Free speech is dead. :mad:

That's right, retard, you're a victim.

You seem to regard the right to free speech as freedom from criticism.

That's simply not gonna happen.

You can yammer all day that "2 + 2 =5", but you shouldn't be surprised when people laugh at you.

One suspects you get laughed at quite often.
One suspects you get laughed at quite often.

I doubt he has the nut sack to spew this garbage out loud in real life.

My guess is, if he had a liberal boss, he would kiss his ass. He's weak.