School Matron at Boys' Public School in England

Sep 7, 2021
There aren't many stories on here with this theme. I have written one (that needs to be tweaked) And is also based on fact, or at least fantasy, mixed with fact. It would be my first submission out of the three written.

Anyone interested in this topic? And who has written about it?

Love you all!
Ooh, Matron!

To get anywhere on Lit you'd need to spell out that it's an upper sixth boarding house with all the lads magically being 18 (stayed on for Oxbridge entrance in Seventh Term, back in the day?), very very carefully. Mentioning them easily being served in local pubs would help avoid the impression of being under age stories in disguise.

Most boarding school tropes won't fly on this site because of the 18+ rule. A uni hall of residence has staff, though.
Keep an eye on the no sex under eighteen rule, that's all I can say.
That's such a big part of your story that I don't think it's going to fly on this site. But don't despair, there are other places to put it.

The erotic cartoons of a guy named Dave Ell are a good source of inspiration. From his details, I would guess he was actually at such a place in the late 1960s. His schools are either co-ed or have boys' and girls' schools adjacent to each other. Definitely adds to the fun. If you Google him, you will find numerous art pieces by him; in fact, he seems a bit obsessed with the whole topic. A very kinky guy too. His fetish is narrow but very intense.
Ooh, Matron!

To get anywhere on Lit you'd need to spell out that it's an upper sixth boarding house with all the lads magically being 18 (stayed on for Oxbridge entrance in Seventh Term, back in the day?), very very carefully. Mentioning them easily being served in local pubs would help avoid the impression of being under age stories in disguise.

Most boarding school tropes won't fly on this site because of the 18+ rule. A uni hall of residence has staff, though.
If they're involved in the sex, that is. If it's clear that they're not, just having them in the story shouldn't sink it. I have one story here with a second-grade teacher. The kids appear in the story but nowhere near the sex, and that went through fine.
Way back in the day, it was sat in the 4th term, towards the end of Christmas term.
At state schools, yes, and to give public school candidates a taster. But the private school candidates usually planned to return to school post A-levels for an extra term. It was in the late 80s that Seventh Term was abolished by both Oxford and Cambridge; Oxford kept the exam but it was fourth term and optional - you could choose to just do Mode I, interviews, instead of Mode E, the exam, but then you'd have to get the required A-level grades, rather than the minimum 2Es if you passed the exam.

Cambridge simply changed STEP from Seventh Term to Sixth Term Examination Papers, which you sat alongside A-level and any S-levels.

But for a story it should be OK making the last year of school all 18 (maybe lots of foreign students from countries where they start later, so turning 19-20), just like all the 12th-graders on Lit who are 18 - because no-one mentions the ones who are 16-17 when they finish high school.

IIRC some of the St Trinian's books featured a similar boys school.
I don't see a problem with the under-18 rule if you're careful. There are a gazillion stories at Literotica that are set in American high schools, with the characters presumably all being high school seniors. Just make it clear that they are 18 or over and in their final year and don't have them act too immature.
The matrons at my boarding schools were NOT the subject of any horny school boy's sexual fantasies! :D

They were all 60+, strict, gray, overweight, and very ... matronly.

Good luck with your stories, though. I can definitely see how a younger boarding school matron could get caught up in all sorts of fun - or fantasies.
...The erotic cartoons of a guy named Dave Ell are a good source of inspiration. From his details, I would guess he was actually at such a place in the late 1960s. His schools are either co-ed or have boys' and girls' schools adjacent to each other. Definitely adds to the fun. If you Google him, you will find numerous art pieces by him; in fact, he seems a bit obsessed with the whole topic. A very kinky guy too. His fetish is narrow but very intense...

Sheesh - I just Googled that.

I was caned on the ass so many times as a schoolkid! (Yes, they did that a LOT in those days!) But it was never a bare ass like these pictures, and there was never anything sexy or amusing about it.

I need to research his pics a bit more - they seem amusing. What's the best place to view them?
Corporal punishment wasn't banned in private schools in England until 1999, though by 1990 it was only actually used in a couple public schools (Ampleforth and Worth Abbey, IIRC) and a few tiny 'Christian Fellowship' schools, aka nutjobs who went to court to argue to be allowed to hit children after the ban, and lost.

I'm reliably informed it was still the classic 'six of the best' came strokes on a bare arse in front of the class, even in the 90s, and that the lads generally preferred that to a weekend detention, gating, kitchen duty or other punishments which had been invented and were much more effective as deterrents.
Sheesh - I just Googled that.

I was caned on the ass so many times as a schoolkid! (Yes, they did that a LOT in those days!) But it was never a bare ass like these pictures, and there was never anything sexy or amusing about it.

I need to research his pics a bit more - they seem amusing. What's the best place to view them?
It's very tongue-in-cheek. He seems to know something about it all but it's not supposed to be taken literally.

I don't know, just Google Dave Ell spanking drawings. They're all over, but there seems to be no one place that has everything. He also has a side project called "Bordello of Doom." I think the plot of that is one of the female students later goes astray and, being very kinky, decides to work in such a place.

I didn't know until the Internet came along how common a fetish it is. The amount of materials about it, including drawings and photos, is huge and readily available. Before that, I had thought it was a sort of niche interest.
I’ll say this as the American who’s live abroad so actually knows what your subject means…

Separate from the under-18 difficulties, your basic premise will go ‘whoosh’ right over the heads of the vast majority of American readers, unless you do something to ‘explain’ it. Your danger will be what you see as simple statements and expecting it to be understood by context or that the reader will know the context.

Note that ”Harry Potter” managed to appeal sufficiently to American readers, so it’s possible to convey very British settings successfully. But it’s something to keep in mind.
I’ll say this as the American who’s live abroad so actually knows what your subject means…

Separate from the under-18 difficulties, your basic premise will go ‘whoosh’ right over the heads of the vast majority of American readers, unless you do something to ‘explain’ it. Your danger will be what you see as simple statements and expecting it to be understood by context or that the reader will know the context.

Note that ”Harry Potter” managed to appeal sufficiently to American readers, so it’s possible to convey very British settings successfully. But it’s something to keep in mind.
The details are different, but Americans of a certain social class - perhaps upper-middle class and up - also usually go to boarding schools or private day schools. If they go to a public school - I know that is not the term used in England - then it's in a particularly tony suburban town where almost everybody is of the same social class. The private schools may admit a few scholarship students, which they may also do in England - I'd have to check.

So both countries are similar in the nitty-gritty of how the social order is maintained and how people are slotted or "tracked" into place for their entire educational experience.

P.S,: In the United States, "public school" means one run by a municipality and supported by tax dollars. Anyone in the district can attend, although those with other options may go elsewhere. So what is that called in England?
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P.S,: In the United States, "public school" means one run by a municipality and supported by tax dollars. Anyone in the district can attend, although those with other options may go elsewhere. So what is that called in England?
In the UK a 'Public School' is a historic educational charity open to any child in the world. They don't have an entrance exam, they have an entrance fee. Wealthy people send their children to these.
They're a subset of Independent Schools, schools not directly funded by local government, often charitable, and admitting children of specific religions, or who are specific charitable beneficiaries. Schools, directly funded by local government, are 'State Schools', and have a catchment area, and an obligation to admit all children of school age in their catchment. Another common type of school is a 'Grammar School', so called for historical reasons. These may be state or independent, but they're selective, they have an entrance exam, and the independents will have an entrance fee. Anyone can set up, and staff a school, and advertise for pupils, then run it as a business. Many do. These latecomers are called 'Private Schools'. There are further subdivisions of 'State Schools' relating to their governance.
...I'm reliably informed it was still the classic 'six of the best' came strokes on a bare arse in front of the class, even in the 90s, and that the lads generally preferred that to a weekend detention, gating, kitchen duty or other punishments which had been invented and were much more effective as deterrents.

Six of the best was only for the most serious offenses - and I only got it once. But it was in the principal's office. You got extra points among your buddies if the caning would "draw blood". (Mine did.)

But I got 1, 2, 3, and 4 stokes in front of the class MANY times. For me, it ain't a fetish! :D

The girls weren't caned - they got smacked on the open hand, not with a cane, but with a very thick ruler, or (worse) a big wooden blackboard compass.
In the UK a 'Public School' is a historic educational charity open to any child in the world. They don't have an entrance exam, they have an entrance fee. Wealthy people send their children to these.
They're a subset of Independent Schools, schools not directly funded by local government, often charitable, and admitting children of specific religions, or who are specific charitable beneficiaries. Schools, directly funded by local government, are 'State Schools', and have a catchment area, and an obligation to admit all children of school age in their catchment. Another common type of school is a 'Grammar School', so called for historical reasons. These may be state or independent, but they're selective, they have an entrance exam, and the independents will have an entrance fee. Anyone can set up, and staff a school, and advertise for pupils, then run it as a business. Many do. These latecomers are called 'Private Schools'. There are further subdivisions of 'State Schools' relating to their governance.
In the United States, "public schools," as you probably know, are run at the municipal level. There are "regional school districts" in which several towns will work together. I've never heard of schools run at the county level. Then there are the more recent "charter schools," which I believe are private but are at least partially funded by public monies. I don't know if they are non-profits or not. The New York, the Department of Education has some responsibility for regulating them as well as funding them.

New York also has a number of public high schools which have entrance requirements, including exams, and are open to anyone within the city limits who can get it. Some of them, like Bronx Science and Stuyvesant, have been controversial at times because of the perceived unfairness to various racial and ethnic minorities. A partial compensation is that most of the big public high schools have been broken into smaller units (within the same building) with sightly vague specialties like "communications" or "public service." How well these work is not something I'm up on.
There aren't many stories on here with this theme. I have written one (that needs to be tweaked) And is also based on fact, or at least fantasy, mixed with fact. It would be my first submission out of the three written.

Anyone interested in this topic? And who has written about it?

Love you all!

I had never even heard of such a school. Maybe I'm wrong, of course, and I'm not thinking about that at all. Anyway, I'm waiting for your story. When I wrote something like this I found a plagiarism checker, used for it. Of course, I can't say I'm talented. But I was good at some things and not so good at others. Anyway, I'm trying, probably like you.
What kind of school is so interesting?
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What kind of school is so interesting?
Many English Public Schools are boarding - the pupils stay at the school for the whole term including weekends. The also tend to be single sex although that is changing.

The parents have to pay substantial fees. They would have to earn two or three times the median wage to be able to afford the fees.
I wish I'd gone to an English Public school. At least I wouldn't be conflicted about my sexuality.
I wish I'd gone to an English Public school. At least I wouldn't be conflicted about my sexuality.
I dunno - I went to one and it put me off the same sex until, ooh, at least three weeks after I left. Anyone you've shared a bedroom with for much of seven years is way too much like a sibling!

Since the 90s, the number of oil companies jobs, Armed Forces jobs and Foreign Office jobs that pay for boarding school for your brats have plummeted, so there's now only 2-5% as many boarders as there were then, and many many independent schools, especially boarding ones, have merged or closed. Sixth forms (last two years of school) can have as many boarders as they want if they get them from SE Asia, China, Russia etc - but if you have too high a proportion of foreign students their families complain they aren't getting the proper British experience.

Most ex-boarding schools now admit day pupils - IIRC the only ones that don't are Eton and Winchester, and enable weekly boarding and flexi boarding (where the pupil can stay late for an after-school activity and not have to worry about getting home late, or if the parents are away for work). The bonkers cloistered atmospheres are a thing of the past.
The matrons at my boarding schools were NOT the subject of any horny school boy's sexual fantasies! :D

They were all 60+, strict, gray, overweight, and very ... matronly.

Good luck with your stories, though. I can definitely see how a younger boarding school matron could get caught up in all sorts of fun - or fantasies.
They sound perfect to me … a sensual , ample older matron … yes please
The matrons at my boarding schools were NOT the subject of any horny school boy's sexual fantasies! :D

They were all 60+, strict, gray, overweight, and very ... matronly.

Good luck with your stories, though. I can definitely see how a younger boarding school matron could get caught up in all sorts of fun - or fantasies.
They sound perfect to me … a sensual , ample older matron … yes
They sound perfect to me … a sensual , ample older matron … yes please
but I am in my sixties !