
Sch00lteacher rocks. He gave me my first big laugh of the day on the "Freedom of speach" (sic) thread today. He also wrote a cool bit in the Blurty Cat Community.
:D I love his new av.
He is a straight shooter lol
and cool. :)
Ahhh, make me feel better, keep it up ladies!

How have I been? I have been better, and worse. Nothing new going on, thank god! I am praying that on the 22nd of October the doctor will let me go back to work on the 28th. But I got this bad feeling... I am still a bit sedated some mornings. Fell asleep Thursday morning watching the news, spilled a big mug of very hot coffee in my lap. I haven't moved that fast in years!

Thanks Laurel, anyone who loves cats has got to be a great person. My poor dog, I ignore him so, but he is just so damned stupid! Big goofy and stupid. Never had a big goofy, stupid cat.

Debbie ya know you will always be up near the top of any list I ever make.

Again, thanks ladies.

he av sometimes makes me jump in my chair lol

but it is very funny also .... everyone should pull silly faces in their av's i think

i am in mine you just can't see :p
...he's got a big goofy stupid dog![/quote]

Hey, don't be talking bad about my Teddy Bear! I need to take some more pictures of him. He is big and goofy. Thank god he scares the crap outta people in person. I wanted a watch dog. He will bark at you if he sees you on our property, and he is scary looking. But if you actually broke into our house he would run and hide.

I also need to get some pics of my cats, but my camera doesn't have a flash (who the hell buys a digital camera without a flash? Me.). I'd love to post pictures of Pete and Charlie, my two Toms. Teddy Bear might hide if you broke in. But Charlie would eat your ass.

He does not allow strange males into our house. I have to lock him up if I have a repair man, or male friends slash family come over. He is huge, all muscle. I know from past run ins with him that he is a tough son of a bitch too. I have been to the ER twice because of Charlie. Both times my fault. I was playing with him once, a little too rough. The second time I was bringing him in the house, and he didn't want to come in the house. I used to let him out on a leash. I took the leash off, and was bringing him in. He went wild on me. I had to either hold onto him until we got inside, or let him run off and chance losing him. I held on. Then I went to the ER. He had bitten through my hand. And had used his back legs to flay my forearm.

One tough little attack cat.

I have two female cats as well, but for some reason I don't like them as much as the Toms. The females are sneaky little shits. They do things behind my back. Pete and Charlie do stupid shit right in front of you.
shyybabe said:
... not too old to drive a Wrangler. ;)

You think so? Good. I am not sure what I want. I really do wish they had continued the regular Cherokee. They still sell the Grand Cherokee. I need to go talk to 'Bud', our car guy.

Hope you have a great Sunday Sis!
Hey teach, lovely to see you. Your av is still cracking me up! :)
Thanks Debbie. But I feel like I have created a monster. What do I do next?

I can leave this one up for awhile, and give it some thought.

Your Avatar on the other hand...

I didn't know you were lecherous!


You don't seem it baby!

Main Entry: lick·er·ish
Pronunciation: 'li-k(&-)rish
Function: adjective
Etymology: alteration of lickerous, from Middle English likerous, from (assumed) Old North French, from Old North French leckeur lecher
Date: 14th century
2 obsolete : tempting to the appetite
- lick·er·ish·ly adverb
- lick·er·ish·ness noun

Did you know it was an actual word? I didn't. Fancy that.


I hope you are only a greedy cum slut.
sch00lteacher said:
Thanks Debbie. But I feel like I have created a monster. What do I do next?

I can leave this one up for awhile, and give it some thought.

Your Avatar on the other hand...

I like your av! Change if and when your mood says time for a change. :)
This is my Halloween av.
sch00lteacher said:

You think so? Good. I am not sure what I want. I really do wish they had continued the regular Cherokee. They still sell the Grand Cherokee. I need to go talk to 'Bud', our car guy.

Hope you have a great Sunday Sis!

The sun finally came up and is burning off the fog so I'm crossing my fingers it's going to warm up.

Turkey is in the oven and munchkin is still asleep. Can it get any better? :nana: