Say hello to the new Engineering Liason Officer... MR. Kiwiwolf


Gun Totin'
Oct 14, 2001
Yep I finally have a job I can sink my teeth into. I'll be working for a steel forging company and the job looks to be one hell of a challenge.

I am going to be a cross between, office manager, production person, quote organiser, marketing dude, health and safety officer, and Norman the Foreman Storeman. I need to learn all I can about metallurgy, forging, stress relief as it applies to steel, tempering, and the operation of some of the baddest looking machinery I have ever clapped eyes on.

I owe this to Mrs TH Oughts. She rang me the other night and said that she knew of a job going. Things rolled on from there and I got the damned thing. At the moment I am as happy as a two tailed dog. Many thanks TH.

My accomodation woes have also been alleviated, again by TH. I'll be camping out at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Oughts until I can get a place of my own.

Life is wonderful boys and girls. Life is wonderful.:D
Fantastic news!
I am so pleased for you. :)

Thank you T.H.Oughts and Mr Oughts.
just rememebr to keep your hands to yourself, no matter if Mr Oughts says he wants you or not
Congratulations hot stuff.

I've got mental images of you working now........they are fantastic.
:nana: Life is good... thank you all. The support I have received from folks here at lit has been bloody marvellous.

Lo, I think Mr Oughts ass is safe with me buddy.

GG... picture me in overalls... covered in grease and other assorted crap and corruption.:D

Debbie... thanks for all the help hon.:kiss:

Cybergirly kissing Mrs Oughts might be fatal... her hubby is a big bastard... and a damned good guy.;)
Congratulations on your recent job and accomodations. :)

T.h. oughts and her husband are very sweet and giving people!
k¡tty said:
Congratulations on your recent job and accomodations. :)

T.h. oughts and her husband are very sweet and giving people!

You got that right Kitty.

I wish I had a job. :(
The Heretic said:

I wish I had a job. :(

Man I know exactly how you feel. Hell there must be something out there for a guy with your experience and knowledge.

No, I'm not looking at all the posts with the spelling errors!
Sure is good to see some good things turn your direction kiwiwolf.


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kiwiwolf said:
I need to learn all I can about metallurgy, forging, stress relief as it applies to steel, tempering, and the operation of some of the baddest looking machinery I have ever clapped eyes on.

"Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly, I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it." - Theodore Roosevelt

Good luck amigo
YAY!! Congrats Kiwi! :) I'm so happy that things are working out for you, you deserve it. :kiss: Best of luck in your new job!
congratulations kiwi. good things happen to good people.
kiwiwolf said:
Man I know exactly how you feel. Hell there must be something out there for a guy with your experience and knowledge.
Yeah well, there are jobs, but there are also a bunch of other unemployed people with more and better buzzwords on their resume. Three years ago my buzzwords were enough to have recruiters calling me up cold, now they aren't enough to get them to return my calls.

To top it off, I recently interviewed for a job that I was very uniquely qualified for, and now I don't think I am going to get it. It is getting very frustrating - so much so that today I even went out in the rain to wack away at the brambles. :mad: And I hate rain!