Say A Little Prayer


Master of My Own Life
Sep 19, 2002
This is for all the people that just need a little prayer or even just a thought.

For LadyBird. Hope you and your guy have the best time together.

Gil_T2- I pray that God will take your pain away or even just lessen it. Your in my thoughts always.

SamanthaK- That he give you the strength to do what you feel you should and the comfort of knowing your friends are with you always.

Jewelz- That things go well for you and your beautiful daughters.

All the couples that are getting together here on Lit- That you find what you need and that it last forever.

(Please feel free to add any prayers you feel are needed)
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Sexy Amber- Hope you get the job hun.

Orlanth- Praying that God helps you with your eyes and that you have fun with the swimming and racing.

All those who are sick- May you get better soon.

All of the people involved in the Bali bombing- May God send comfort to your hearts.

All the people affected by the sniper shootings- Again, comfort. And that s/he is caught very soon.
For you Kiki, that He may lift your burdens and fill your heart with the joy that you deserve.

yes kiki .. for you..

kIKI , That God continues to show you that you are truly a beautiful person ,inside and out and I join with you on the other prayers also and ask that you also pray for me that my attitude changes to love for my enemies and those that curse me and not the same hate which they feel for me ,ty:rose:
:heart: I pray for you Kiki, that you continue to heal and that you find the love that you deserve.

:heart: Gil I pray that your pain goes and that surgery becomes an option.

:heart: Orlanth, I pray so hard sweetheart that your eyesight doesn't worsen.

:heart: Jenny and Oman, my prayers are with you both for long and happy life together.

:heart: My dear friend Dragonette, I pray that your continuing health problems settle, and that you find the love you're searching for.

And lastly, I thank God for the many friendships that I have formed here, for the friends that have helped me through a very difficult year... I love you all.

*Hotlittlegirl- that your reason for crying goes away or gets better.

*Dream- That you find happiness and peace.

I pray for more patience to better deal with asshole trolls lol

I mostly pray for all the families who have lost members due to the 'sniper shootings'

I pray that He hets caught!!

I pray that our country does NOT go to war!! Too many innocent lives have already been lost!

BAtch- that she realize she's NOT old and that she IS beautiful both inside and out.

*Freya2- May the feelings between you and Pseudo grow.

*Amber and Tsn- May you be with one another soon.

* All those in pain- weither it's physical or mental, May God ease it for you.

KK- I hope you find your answers and they give you peace of mind.
:heart: My prayers are for those that forgive, and those that need to be forgiven.
ty kiki

kikmosa said:

Everyone that is being hurt by the flaming.
ty for this prayer and this thread sweetheart:rose:

All of the people who can't sleep-May God grant you rest.
I'd like to say a prayer to my sister, brother-in-law, and brother-in-law's Navy Carrier the George Washington is on it's way to Iraq! God's Speed! And to anyone one else who's family, friends, and loved ones who are fighting for our country!

Also for everyone who has or may be in the path of this sick minded sniper, may he be caught and killed IMMEDIATELY!

And for anyone else that may be ill or feeling heartache, may sunshine fill your day today, and put a smile on your face!...:)


Don K Dyck- I'm sorry my words brought back bad memories for you. May God take them from your mind.

Fiesty- May God help you through the hard times ahead and guide your father home when the time comes.

Fiesty- the she make it through :D

Jewelz- that she find the strength to make it through the troubles

NG- that she finds the job she wants today.

God bless you all.
See. This is exactly what I was talking about. You are amazingly beautiful. Your soul is so rich and so giving. Thank you for the prayers. Love you!! :kiss:

I pray for my sweet friend Kiki. That she soon realizes what a beautiful gift she is to so many people. For her to realize how many lives, hearts and souls she has touched through her words of kindness. May she always be surrounded by the grace of goodness and beauty of which she exudes herself.

If you dont know are missing out on a precious friend. :rose:

All of those who have sons or daughters, husbands or wives, fathers or mothers fighting for our rights and freedom- May God watch over you all and bring you back to each other safely. God bless those who stand up for people they've never met and face evil head on.

kikmosa said:

All of those who have sons or daughters, husbands or wives, fathers or mothers fighting for our rights and freedom- May God watch over you all and bring you back to each other safely. God bless those who stand up for people they've never met and face evil head on.


Ditto the AMEN!!!!!:rose:
A prayer for...

...those whose hearts weigh heavily
...those who will not bend to tyranny
...those who would stand in front and shield the pain
...those who will not take ill-gotten gain
...those who seek to please
...those who make such threads as these.
...those who would lend a hand
...those who would lend a shoulder
...those who will take a stand
...and for those who warm us as the world grows colder.

Kiki, I do not believe we have met. I am Bashful, both in monicker and action (well, most of the time). I have seen what others have written of you and what you have written of others. Thank you for this thread and for the friendship I see you have provided to those I know and to those I have yet to meet.
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Re: A prayer for...

bashfull said:
...for those whose hearts weigh heavily
...for those who will not bend to tyranny
...for those who would stand in front and shield the pain
...for those who will not take ill-gotten gain
...for those who seek to please
...for those who make such threads as these.
...for those who would lend a hand
...for those who would lend a shoulder
...for those who will take a stand
...and for those who warm us as the world grows colder.

Kiki, I do not believe we have met. I am Bashful, both in monicker and action (well, most of the time). I have seen what others have written of you and what you have written of others. Thank you for this thread and for the friendship I see you have provided to those I know and to those I have yet to meet.

It's easy to be friends with such wonderful people as these. And I'll be glad to include you among them. Your prayers are beautiful.