...such serves as groundbreaking "news" in the world's most Shariaesque nation (by way of Wahhabism).
Saudi religious police are now allowing Saudi women to ride not only bicycles, but also motorcycles, but...
...only in restricted areas like parks, and a male relative must accompany them, and all bike-riding females must always be dressed in the full Islamic head-to-toe abaya, and females can ride only for "entertainment" purposes (as opposed to "transportation" purposes) and, of course, females on bikes are advised to avoid all area where young men may gather so they can fulfill their responsibly "to avoid harassment".
Allah Akbar, mofos!
Saudi religious police are now allowing Saudi women to ride not only bicycles, but also motorcycles, but...
...only in restricted areas like parks, and a male relative must accompany them, and all bike-riding females must always be dressed in the full Islamic head-to-toe abaya, and females can ride only for "entertainment" purposes (as opposed to "transportation" purposes) and, of course, females on bikes are advised to avoid all area where young men may gather so they can fulfill their responsibly "to avoid harassment".
Allah Akbar, mofos!