Sandy, Jim and Jake in Vegas


Literotica Guru
Feb 21, 2009
The trio have planned the Vegas trip for a long time.

They're work associates. Jake and Sandy have an affair going. All three are married, and all three have played around on their spouses from time to time. Sandy's often fantasized with Jake about doing Jim. After a long flight, they get to the hotel and their three rooms. It's the afternoon, so there is a couple hours to relax and take a nap before the night. The next three days will all be work, of course.

Jake hears a knock at the door and answers. It's Sandy, and she's got a big smile on her mouth. She comes over to him, and he first smells it, then as she kisses him he realizes what she's doing....she's pushing cum into his mouth. She breaks off and laughs, saying "I finally did it! I gave Jim a little blow job. When I left he was sleeping like a baby."

Jake thinks about the salty taste, the texture and slowly says "yeah...well it is Vegas. " He looks at her, she is clearly really excited. At what she's just done. She looks like...yes...she came over to surprise him with that little gift, then to fuck.

He wonders how far this might go. How far he could take it.

"Sandy, would you do something for me? Just this once?"

She got an excited look and putting her arms around his neck, purred "Sure, love. Anything for you" squirming her thighs against his cock, working him up...

Jake kissed her, a sloppy, spunky kiss, looked at her in the eyes and whispered "Go get me some more..."

Sandy looks at him "Honey I think I used him up, he's out like a light." She looks at him and realizes what he meant.

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how about if Jim instead of having fooled around before is super married, but Jake & Sandy just find that more of a rush...
how about if Jim instead of having fooled around before is super married, but Jake & Sandy just find that more of a rush...

Okay. Sandy goes on out and does what Jake wants. She doesn't go far, after making eye contact with a really nice looking guy in the elevator. It was all downhill from there. Down to her knees, of course. Down her throat. But she was careful to pull out so his wad just went into her mouth.

Sandy has this time a real mouthful. She can feel her cheeks extended from it. But she's really enjoying herself. At least, so far it's been fun. The guys all looking at her and to use one of them like her lover wanted. She wondered what Jake would do after she dribbled it all on his face. Maybe she could do that while he was on the phone with his wife.

Jake had been so good to her. When he first made advances to her, she'd never had an orgasm. She'd always faked the climaxes, and her husband had never suspected. Jake knew how to bring her out. The little things he suggested or that he did, those little things were what did it. Like when he'd popped the chocolate into her mouth, then followed it with one thumb. Then she felt his fingers entering her pussy. She'd looked up at him all the time, sucking that thumb, with the taste of chocolate swirling around it, until she came the first time. He'd held her so gently and then given her another chocolate and followed it with his cock.

Yes, she'd learned to always go along with his suggestions. Because more often than not, when she went along with him, she came multiple times really hard. That was why she'd gone on out to find another guy, blow him and bring the load back.

Sandy thought about her husband and how much she loved him and their two kids. She grinned...Jake was just a friend with benefits, and what benefits! She thought it was pretty likely that he'd do her when she got back to his room. That thought was so exciting she broke out in a sweat. She thought about her husband and suddenly got really horny. Sex with her hubby was so much better since she'd met her lover!

She was headed back down the hall to Jake's room to give him his second treat when she passed Jim's door. She stopped. Jim would be so hot, but he was such a prude. She'd taken him down a couple notches with that little blow job, true. But he had a long way to go before total meltdown. She thought for a second about when she'd had her meltdown, which ended in her first orgasm. She had been a prude too. Jake had taught her to accept her raw, savage sexuality. He'd caused her to recognize what she was. Shouldn't she give back, to Jim? He was so cute.

Sandy moved her tongue around and felt the spunk in her mouth. A hint of a smile comes over her face. She tries to remember, did she leave Jim's door unlocked? Yes, the door was cracked slightly open. Should she...?
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