San Antonio LitTogether


Literotica Guru
Oct 8, 2002
Hey folks. I've got a tentative date for the San Antonio area LitTogether. Right now I'm aiming for April 26th.

This is not just for the Literoticans in San Antonio only. If you can find a way here and you are a Lit person, you're welcome. I will be asking for a headcount closer to the actual time because I'll be having to make reservations at whichever restaurant I decide to have it.

If you think you might be interested in coming, please PM me so I can gather a list of names for my contact list (I will be giving details via PM instead of on the open board).

Never been to a LitTogether? Check out Nora's "Austin Lit-Together" thread. We had a blast. And I know that Houston has had one, too. And I have it on good authority that some of the Houston/Austin/Waco folks will be trying their darndest to be here for ours.

Your friendly San Antonio/west Texas Lit Den-mom