samurai jack

hell yes...and he's got a nifty sword...mmhh....yummy. And he kicks ass too...heheh:heart:
i think i want to take him up to my room...*laughs* naw..something tells me sex with an animated character would not be fun..i mean geez. who wants to cuddle with a 2 dimentional figure anyway?!:rolleyes:
Nothing wrong with fantasy. Why do you think I like Vegeta so much? He would be the perfect man.
not to me. i mean he's perfect because he's not perfect...(vegeta)

hell i dunno why i like jack so much...heh i just do...
There is something about a zenmeister (jack)

And Vegeta is much like me that I am almost scared.
Silverluna said:
eesh....a FEMALE

*locks her door* ;)

I am not joking, really. So many similarities. How sad. I am pathetic.

Anyway, Jack kicks ass that is that!
*laughs* I prefer videl....damn she was *wicked evil grin*

ok BACK to JACK!!!

I need some pictures of him but when i get my own pc up and running ill add some up here...
Jack pics are cool. I love the ones where his hair is down and it's disheveled and whipping around.......I think I need to lie down!
*laughs and throws a pillow at you* silly fuc- erm

*scurries off to bed*:devil:
*farts on pillow and throws it back*That is what you get for calling me a fucker out of thread!

Night, honey!

I'm a guy, so whilst I don't have any sexual feelings toward Samurai Jack, I think it's the coolest cartoon I've seen in quite awhile. I mean, the guy's practically oozing style:D
Ha, ha, ha! Thanks so much!:kiss:

And to say you have great taste would be accurate!


I wanna see Samurai Jack VS. Ninjai the little Ninja! (someone please tell me they know who Ninjai is!)

*Tease me!*