Same Title - Chapter 7


Really Really Experienced
Apr 30, 2001
I thought long and hard on this, getting inspiration from anything people said or anything I read. Snatches of conversations overheard led to titles such as:

The Earth is Due Monday

A Hunter's Premonition of Success

Salamander Style

Reading over the shoulders of hapless strangers revealed the following:

controversial appetizer

deep breakfast

elements of alchemy

But it was finally Emily Dickinson who brought forth the gem I want to use as the next title.

Prodigal of Blue

Since I won't insult your intelligence on the definition of "Blue" (or of "of" for that matter), I will include this definition from my Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (The one that comes with the Reading Glass):

Prodigal (adjective)

1. Given to extravagant expenditure; recklessly wasteful of one's property or means

2. Of things or actions: wastefully lavish

3. Lavish in the bestowal or disposal of things

Prodigal (noun)

1. One who spends his money extravagantly and wastefully; a spendthrift, waster

2. In pregnant sense, with reference or allusion to the career of "the Prodigal son"


Go write. We can submit our poems Friday, March 14, to be read on Saturday the 15th. Is this enough time? Since I am choosing the title, and I am a notoriously slow writer, I think a week is ample time.

Fast writers: write two if you must.

Okay. There it is. It isn't "Foaf," but I am not the genius Rybka is.


I love it!

I'm in.

Cordelia said:

Since I won't insult your intelligence on the definition of "Blue" (or of "of" for that matter), I will include this definition from my Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (The one that comes with the Reading Glass)

I have that OED!

(and you know if Bill Clinton were in our little group and "is" were in your title, you would have to define it for him. just a thought...)

I'm just really glad we don't have to write salamander poetry. :)
i dunno

Salamander Style has a lot of potential. Will there be a used-title yard sale? That darn Elda will show up at the crack of dawn to get "Deep Breakfast"

I think I'm in, but if the work week wins, I may be absent.
So many poems, so little time.
Feel free to use any of the discarded titles, my oaken friend.

"deep breakfast" almost won. I may have to write one with that title.

just for the record

Even tho Cordelia decided to not insult us, I have no such qualms.... :D

I was amazed at the definition from my American Heritage dictionary. Here 'tis

blue (bl›) n. 1. Abbr. bl. Color. The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in the human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 450 to 490 nanometers; any of a group of colors that may vary in lightness and saturation, whose hue is that of a clear daytime sky; one of the additive or light primaries; one of the psychological primary hues. 2.a. A pigment or dye imparting this hue. b. Bluing. 3.a. An object having this hue. b. Dress or clothing of this hue: The ushers wore blue. 4.a. A person who wears a blue uniform. b. blues. A dress blue uniform, especially that of the U.S. Army. 5. Often Blue.a. A member of the Union Army in the Civil War. b. The Union Army. 6. A bluefish. 7. A small blue butterfly of the family Lycaenidae. 8.a. The sky. b. The sea. --blue adj. blu·er, blu·est. 1. Color. Of the color blue. 2. Bluish or having parts that are blue or bluish, as the blue spruce and the blue whale. 3. Having a gray or purplish color, as from cold or contusion. 4. Wearing blue. 5.a. Gloomy; depressed. See Synonyms at depressed. b. Dismal; dreary: a blue day. 6. Puritanical; strict. 7. Aristocratic; patrician. 8. Indecent; risqué: a blue joke; a blue movie. --blue tr. & intr.v. blued, blu·ing, blues. To make or become blue. --idioms. blue in the face. To the point or at the point of extreme exasperation: I argued with them until I was blue in the face. into the blue. At a far distance; into the unknown. out of the blue. 1. From an unexpected or unforeseen source: criticism that came out of the blue. 2. At a completely unexpected time: arrived out of the blue. [Middle English blue, bleu, from Old French bleu, of Germanic origin. See bhel-1 below.] --blue“ly adv. --blue“ness n.
I'm in.

Extra credits for anyone who mentions 'wavelengths of approximately 450 to 490 nanometers'
Eve is in and I don't know about me but we definitely want some of those titles. OT, deep breakfast is not a title I would choose. :eek: (already have the first two stanzas of deep breakfast in my dirty mind.)
This gal ...oh! you said next Friday? I get a week to fantasize about ...never mind!

"Blue on blue, oh my darling...."
umm * clump clump* i can't seem to * juggle jugle* keep the life monster out for* hammering nails in to the door* long enough.. but ill try ,,
looking forward to it ,,

" huge thought bubble* ok blue eyes ,, blue earth ,,,, ohhhh i know ,,, blue and black ,,,, ,,,* muttering to my self**

ohh count me in ,...:rolleyes:
*staring off into space* I have no idea where to take this one, but I will figure something out....
Angie -

Big HINT! I'm on the west coast. I hope you are not covering the blue that I am.


PS - I'm like... in.
Re: Big Hint

JUDO said:

Angie -

Big HINT! I'm on the west coast. I hope you are not covering the blue that I am.

I dig you, baby. I was thinking of goin to Kansas City myself. :D

(and I find it rather amazing that we--who have never even met in the corporeal world--just had this obscure conversation, yet are in total understanding. lol)
Re: Re: Big Hint

Angeline said:
JUDO said:

Angie -

Big HINT! I'm on the west coast. I hope you are not covering the blue that I am.

I dig you, baby. I was thinking of goin to Kansas City myself. :D

(and I find it rather amazing that we--who have never even met in the corporeal world--just had this obscure conversation, yet are in total understanding. lol)

It's a language that only we cats believe. Dig?

The prodigal part of this is stumping me...trying to come up with ideas but all that has come out is an unrelated Haiku doodle. Back to the drawing board--AA

As my tongue
wets your inner ear--
a sudden shiver.
ok posted DAY early ,,, but its there.. after all the sweat and tears ,,, it turns in to a haiku type thing..
ohhh well good luck xxxxxxxxxstar
ok posted DAY early ,,, but its there.. after all the sweat and tears ,,, it turns in to a haiku type thing..
ohhh well good luck xxxxxxxxxstar
stargirl32 said:
ok posted DAY early ,,, but its there.. after all the sweat and tears ,,, it turns in to a haiku type thing..
ohhh well good luck xxxxxxxxxstar
I will have to look at it star! Hugs...ltns! Still trying to figure out something to write do you guys do it? It's like my creativity brain cells are shorted!

Don't forget. Tomorrow (Friday, March 14, 2003) is the day to submit those "Prodigal of Blue" poems.

Anxiously awaiting,

Re: Tomorrow...

Cordelia said:
Don't forget. Tomorrow (Friday, March 14, 2003) is the day to submit those "Prodigal of Blue" poems.

Anxiously awaiting,

Darn it...I spent an unscheduled day in the hospital today. Won't get my poem finished in time! :(

Thanks Cordy for coming up with a good title (nice av, too!)

I happen to know there are some very good poems being posted today, so I'm glad I'm the one doing the new poems tomorrow. :D

Oh, and my Prodigal of Blue is posted.
Has submitted my blue too.

Btw, 'blue' or 'bluey' is Australian slang for a redhead.

Is looking forward to reading all the prodigals tomorrow.
