Sailer's Cove

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I hope all the American Cove Dwellers celebrated Thanksgiving in fine style and enjoyed themselves.

Today is a beautiful fall day, full of great football match-ups. Hopefully, I'll be able to see one or two of them...then the Blackhawks' game tonight.

I hope everyone has smooth sailing this weekend.
Morning Natty, hope you had a good Thanksgiving.

It's cold and overcast cast here.
Sure has been quiet in the Cove. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
Sure has been quiet in the Cove. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Yup. I hope all the Cove Dwellers had a great week. I had landlubber's duties over the weekend that kept me away from the cove.

It's still beautiful out. I wonder how much longer this can last.
Sure has been quiet in the Cove. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Yup. I hope all the Cove Dwellers had a great week. I had landlubber's duties over the weekend that kept me away from the cove.

It's still beautiful out. I wonder how much longer this can last.

Busy here too. Nice time overall though. But taking the show on the road every holiday gets old.

Weather is getting cold and damp here after a real nice stretch.
Busy but really good weekend here as well.

It was beautiful over the weekend but now it's cold and snowing here.
Good day to all the cove dwellers!

I had a great thanksgiving, I ate too much. It was wonderful.

Hope you are all doing well. I'm only on for a little today, way to much to do in real life.'s nice to think about sailing and stuff for a few minutes.
It is time for me to sail off into the sunset. I trust that the cove will be cared for in my absense.

May you all have a wonderful evening.

Evening all (UK Cove time)

Chilly here and getting colder .... might need an ice-breaker to get us out :)
Evening all (UK Cove time)

Chilly here and getting colder .... might need an ice-breaker to get us out :)

I've found that scotch is a great ice breaker...well, more like melter...well...more like accompanyment to scotch...

Ah hell, let's just have a drink!
Good morning to all the Dwellers. It's a fine morning hear, brisk but not windy, a great day for a sail.

Snow is expected tomorrow though...

I hope everyone has a great day.
ARG...that's the sound a sailor makes when they don't want to do what they have to do...
Avoiding work, wishing I were sailing...
Well, I'd love to hand around here some more, but unfortunately duty calls. And I gotta tell is "doody"...

Hope you all have a spectacular night.
Good morning, Cove Dwellers, for once I'm the first on the dock.

Still no inclement weather, but that may change later tonight.

I hope all of you have clear sailing today.
A little sad this morning...walked down to the marina and all the boats are drydocked for the winter....who was that on the temp thread showing 81 degrees the other day????
ON topic/OFF topic question: you have red on starboard hand in the States?
A little sad this morning...walked down to the marina and all the boats are drydocked for the winter....who was that on the temp thread showing 81 degrees the other day????

Well, it's always about 78 in the Cove (water temp is whatever we need)...

but yeah, the boats around here are all buttoned up too. :(
But, we can dream right?

ON topic/OFF topic question: you have red on starboard hand in the States?

No. Red is Port the world over.
Green Starboard the world over. It's actually in the international maritime laws.

Channels are marked with green and red bouys. Green is on the starboard side on the way "outbound", hence the phrase red right returning.

Good morning all.
Exactly what I remembered ... but take a look:

Interesting, I don't have time to research the issue further, but my immediate thoughts.

First, clearly this is for bouyage (as it says), not lighting of the boat. There is always an issue of what is the right and left side of the channel because it depends on which direction you are traveling. What that shows is consistent with my experience which is red right returning, since I seldom have trouble finding an outbound channel (e.g. coming or leaving a port somewhere is where this mostly applies). At night, in particular, finding the channel of a strange port is difficult. All of my experience is in the US, and actually everything in that is consistent with what I know.
Again, that page only applies to bouy markers of channels.
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