Sailer's Cove

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LOL, yeah, you got a point there, although that deadline fever can make a guy do INCREDIBLE things. Well, at least an incredible AMOUNT of things.

Besides, once the we have the boat wired for the net, it's there to use for any reason, and I have a feeling most of them would be recreational in nature!

LOL...Let's see, surfing porn while, beautiful nubile women cavort around me, sailing and drinking scotch...hmmmm...
Sounds like a good idea to me :D
So read in Men's Health Magazine this morning (Ryan...I get it for the articles!) that these two guys in Montreal wanted to do a study on the impact of internet porn on the "types" of sexual activity men want and participate in.
To do this they wanted some men who had watched internet porn and some who didn't (makes sense). The problem...they couldn't find ANY who hadn't watched internet porn...:D
I laughed and laughed and laughed.
So read in Men's Health Magazine this morning (Ryan...I get it for the articles!) that these two guys in Montreal wanted to do a study on the impact of internet porn on the "types" of sexual activity men want and participate in.
To do this they wanted some men who had watched internet porn and some who didn't (makes sense). The problem...they couldn't find ANY who hadn't watched internet porn...:D
I laughed and laughed and laughed.

If they had identified any men who said they had never seen internet porn, those men should have then been referred to the psychological study on bald face liars!
The lovely Morri has graced this boat with her presence. This ship is now free from all harm. :)

apart from the fact the UK is having some sort of Hollywood Blockbuster Natural Disaster Closes down the Country kind of moment :D

I'm sticking to boats (and it seems a lot of others are tonight too)
If they had identified any men who said they had never seen internet porn, those men should have then been referred to the psychological study on bald face liars!

I've never seen internet porn.....:eek:
And I've never inhaled......:eek:
I think we need a call-to-port run to release the pent up urges,,,, :nana:
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