Hi all, Is there anybody out there that just wants to have a normal, fulfilling affair. Its not easy to find that person that might be full of passion to want to explore and enjoy someone else. I never want to mess with anyones homelife. All I want and need is someone to fulfill me. Take care of me. Let me cum and cum till I cant stop, and let me come back for more. Dont want to be used, but thats not easy to accomplish either. So what do I do? Suffer, poor me. Oh sure I could go out and just have anyone thats willing, guess thats one way to get it. Im not into that tho, so I suffer. I have my wild, erotic dreams of what I could do to please a man. I know if the right person comes along he would not regret it, oh no he would not regret it.
Someone tell me how to find this wonderous affair that im so needing in my life. First question, yeah im married, and he needs to be also. Second, Im an old lady, big whopping 45, I dont have much longer, haha. Highly, highly sexually intense and no where to go with it. So I ask again, how do u find this one glorious lover. Is there not anyone out there looking to have an affair, am I the only one. I have no idea how to go about this. Really not a good idea to walk up to someone and say, hey u wanna. Nah, dont think that would work. Well on second thought, might be up for discussion.
So, i shall keep on suffering, moaning and groaning in my desires. Needing and wanting that one person to please. Begging for more, needing that discipline.................Where are you?
Someone tell me how to find this wonderous affair that im so needing in my life. First question, yeah im married, and he needs to be also. Second, Im an old lady, big whopping 45, I dont have much longer, haha. Highly, highly sexually intense and no where to go with it. So I ask again, how do u find this one glorious lover. Is there not anyone out there looking to have an affair, am I the only one. I have no idea how to go about this. Really not a good idea to walk up to someone and say, hey u wanna. Nah, dont think that would work. Well on second thought, might be up for discussion.
So, i shall keep on suffering, moaning and groaning in my desires. Needing and wanting that one person to please. Begging for more, needing that discipline.................Where are you?