Saddam Hussein should disarm and reveal all his WMD…


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
Then hand them over to me for safekeeping, right? Sounds like a plan to me! Wouldn’t you all sleep soundly each night, snug as a bug and as peaceful as a newly born baby knowing that I was watching over all those nasty chemical and biological weapons for you????
Frimost said:
Then hand them over to me for safekeeping, right? Sounds like a plan to me! Wouldn’t you all sleep soundly each night, snug as a bug and as peaceful as a newly born baby knowing that I was watching over all those nasty chemical and biological weapons for you????

Talk about a nightmare :D
Gotta hand it to you. It sure is quiet and peaceful inside this thread. A shame nobody else is reading it.
Gotta hand it to you. It sure is quiet and peaceful inside this thread. A shame nobody else is reading it

I have it on a reliable source that Pappa Smurf has gathered around the entire village and is reading this thread this very second! And of course the Kebbler Elves are watching, DAMN THEM! They are ALWAYS watching me!!!! But I'll get them... OH YES, they're day of retribution is coming! Someday soon I will poke all their eyes out with my trusty spork!
Please forgive Frimost for the last few days posts. He's all giddy now that we're going to war and has decided to try comedy for the first time.
oh...righto then. I knew there had to be a simple answer...
Frimost said:
Then hand them over to me for safekeeping, right? Sounds like a plan to me! Wouldn’t you all sleep soundly each night, snug as a bug and as peaceful as a newly born baby knowing that I was watching over all those nasty chemical and biological weapons for you????

I think they would be safer in Hamas' hands.