SA man seeks lady in area and other SA literotica members


Literotica Guru
Feb 3, 2002
Married SA Male, seeks Married woman in the area who is neglected by her husband for a discreet relationship. Also would like to here from fellow Literotica members in the San Antonio area, to establish converstation and contacts.
I think I will post to everythread just to get them above the gay maryland post.
SA man seeks SA lady.....

Dang, hon. You sure are tempting! I just read one of your stories, and it makes it even more of a temptation.

But, unfortunately, I'm going to have to resist and be a good girl. I'm in the SA area, and while I would love what you are looking for, I'm determined to remain faithful to my husband of 18 years.

Just wanted to let you know that at least one SA woman is interested...even though not available!

Not a problem!


I completely understand! Would love to chat and exchange email, thoughts or stories. It is your call, don't what you to do something you are not comfortable with!
saxetman said:

I think I will post to everythread just to get them above the gay maryland post.

For future reference, that would be a form of "trolling". Every ad here is allowed its place. No one ad is "more important" than another.

Mike....are you trying to get yourself banned from the boards or what? You're really gonna tick the Mod's off if you aren't careful! Besides that, IT IS ANNOYING!!!! LOL!

Sorry again

As I posted in the Texas thread, I appologize! And to have do it in a thread I started, bad boy!
It is ok!

Not only can you tell me what to do, but tell me how you want it done! ;-)~
Of Course you count

Welcome to you Creamluvin! Former SA lady, where are you at now? Marital status at this point is not important, just talking to you is!
Hey Saxetman...

You know, just occurred to me. The way to get more SA Lit ladies to post or contact you might be to post your pic! I know, I're probably like me and don't want chance being recognized by someone you know, but if your pic was your av...

Note to SA Lit ladies: I've seen his pic and he looks very yummy!

Now, Sax...after seeing your pic tonight, you don't know just how much of a temptation you are!

Blue....trying very hard to remember that I took wedding VOWS
Wow Blue! Thank you for the kind words and I know that would help but yikes! To be recognized!
saxetman said:
Wow Blue! Thank you for the kind words and I know that would help but yikes! To be recognized!

You're welcome, Sax.

Yeah...some of us really don't want anyone to know of our "secret lives"! LOL!

I'm currently livin in Alpine, goin' to college at Sul Ross State. Lived in SA for 7 years, parents still live there, so I get to visit on holidays and odd weekends. Hmmm.... anythin' else? I'd like to get to know ya, all this is rather new to me :confused: I s'pose that's what it means when I'm classified as a virgin, huh? Maybe I'll catch up with ya later sax.
Hugs and kisses to all san antonians lol :D

:heart: cream
creamluvinbabe said:
I'm currently livin in Alpine, goin' to college at Sul Ross State. Lived in SA for 7 years, parents still live there, so I get to visit on holidays and odd weekends. Hmmm.... anythin' else? I'd like to get to know ya, all this is rather new to me :confused: I s'pose that's what it means when I'm classified as a virgin, huh? Maybe I'll catch up with ya later sax.
Hugs and kisses to all san antonians lol :D

:heart: cream

Well, welcome to the gang. We're a nice bunch, if I do say so myself. Not that there are many of us here in SA, that I know of! LOL! At least not that are posting, anyway.

Keep posting and soon you won't be a virgin anymore!

creamluvinbabe said:
I'm currently livin in Alpine, goin' to college at Sul Ross State. Lived in SA for 7 years, parents still live there, so I get to visit on holidays and odd weekends. Hmmm.... anythin' else? I'd like to get to know ya, all this is rather new to me :confused: I s'pose that's what it means when I'm classified as a virgin, huh? Maybe I'll catch up with ya later sax.
Hugs and kisses to all san antonians lol :D

:heart: cream

Hi Cream,

Well when you hit 30 post you lose the Virgin tag, at 100 it changes to Really Experienced and you can chose your own AV. Hey relax, let just talk and get to know each other! Ask anything you want I will answer it. Glad you wrote back!
