Russian mammoth remains renew cloning talk

Didn't we hunt those to extinction because they were delicious? Because if they clone those, I want to try one. I want to know what they tasted like. I'd like to taste a dodo too!
Considering they've been talking about this for almost a decade on and off I'm kind of in the I'll believe it when I see it camp.
Nature isn't evil nor is it good. It just is. But that's how I know your evil.
I think we should clone dinosaurs then set Christians the task of taming them. :)
This makes no sense.

It does if you remember that Christians are always harping on about humans and dinosaurs living alongside each other. Why is it people around here are so willfully obtuse about certain things? Yeah, it wasn't that funny, I'll accept, but it makes sense.
It does if you remember that Christians are always harping on about humans and dinosaurs living alongside each other. Why is it people around here are so willfully obtuse about certain things? Yeah, it wasn't that funny, I'll accept, but it makes sense.

No, it wasn't and no, it didn't.
You will always be a n00b. Evernoob would be a better username for you than Blobfish.