Rush Limbaugh said ....



"the UN is a diplomatic toilet". How do you feel about that?

It's an outdated concept with today's computing and communications technology. The diplos can stay in their own fucking wastelands, and conference call. That way they have to live with their peers, instead of living the extravagant lifestyles they live while they are in NY. At best, move the UN to the seat of the new reich in the EU. That way they can redistribute Europe's money. Fuck 'em all, diplomatic welfare. :D
Re: Ditto....

Lost Cause said:
It's an outdated concept with today's computing and communications technology. The diplos can stay in their own fucking wastelands, and conference call. That way they have to live with their peers, instead of living the extravagant lifestyles they live while they are in NY. At best, move the UN to the seat of the new reich in the EU. That way they can redistribute Europe's money. Fuck 'em all, diplomatic welfare. :D

LOL. I've seen that post before.

They already have a big site in Geneva, let them go there.

If we dump them, then we won't have to continue paying 25% of the dues.
I don't really care who said it and I'm not going to "shoot" the messenger (Mr. Limbaugh). Instead, I'll discuss the idea.

The UN is nothing but trouble for the US. I've said this before, it's like having someone kick you in the pants and then being forced to pay them for their effort. I can live without that.
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I dont usually post about politics but I thought that was a funny quote. The UN is like tits on a nun, whats it good for?
De Sade said:
I dont usually post about politics but I thought that was a funny quote. The UN is like tits on a nun, whats it good for?

The white APC's make good targets. The serb gunners used to aim for the center of the "U".
Not the same post..

It's just that I'm consistent with my beliefs. NY loses millions a year in fines unpaid by the diplo-deadbeat attendees, who cry "immunity" when they're caught breaking our laws. :D
The UN has basically become a haven for paid off cronies of third world dictators. Bloated and wasteful. There is little that the UN acomplishes that can justify the money it spends on itself.

Sad really.

Taking political advice from Rush is like taking parenting advice from Pee Wee Herman.

Neither has any worth to back up their prejudiced opinions. Don't listen to these hacks, they aren't worth wasting your brain cells.
hey guys...

It's my thought that the UN was a good idea on paper....much like socialism....just in reality both just don't work....

*chips in her two cents*