Rush Limbaugh is a big fucking chickenshit!

Purple Haze

Literally Stimulated
Sep 19, 2000
I've gotta tune him in once in a while, just to hear what genuine bullshit he's spewing lately. Today he called all war protestors communist and unAmerican. Unfortunately, a disagreer slipped through his screening process and called him on his shit. In typical fashion, the caller was silenced (this happens when Rush gets a caller who can stand toe-to-toe with him, all of a sudden you won't hear from him anymore, Rush will blabber for a minute or so and go to a commercial) but I thought 'ol Limbaugh was going to have a coronary this time. You could hear his sweat dropping on the mike. What a fucking schmuck.

Ditto-heads, step up and be counted.

You're backing a chickenhawk coward...
Rush makes my ears hurt. Give me more Howard Stern! At least he knows when to laugh at himself and he doesn't take himself so seriously...... Rush is a dinosaur - nearly extinct.
I don't give a shit about the guy, BUT you know what?

He managed to do what he wanted to do, get people (like you), talking about him. And he succeeded. Good job!
crazybbwgirl said:
Rush makes my ears hurt. Give me more Howard Stern! At least he knows when to laugh at himself and he doesn't take himself so seriously...... Rush is a dinosaur - nearly extinct.

Howie interviews naked chicks during his show.

I respect that.
RosevilleCAguy said:
Howie interviews naked chicks during his show.

I respect that.

howie's a dildo breath too, and while I don't have to respect him, I do have to hand it to him for being able to have naked chicks on the air. But really, what's the point, if you can't see them? I wonder when they'll come out with the video or DVD of naked chicks form his show. With all the adds for GGW on E!, it can't be far behind.
lobito said:
He managed to do what he wanted to do, get people (like you), talking about him. And he succeeded. Good job!

I'm pretty sure his job is to forward the right agenda. Who cares if people talk about him? I talk about the dog shit I stepped in, but that doesn't help the dog all that much.
Rush is an entertainer and a very succesful one at that. A big part of his success can be directly attributed to the very people that find him so offensive. He's seldom if ever mentioned in the media (other than his radio show) unless liberals bring him up because they're so outraged by his comments.

I for one can't relate to his views and don't find him entertaining. For those reasons, I don't listen to him.
And we would not have a similar posting if there was a far left liberal with the same type of show as Rush?

Anyone that is far from middle of the road is going to have their detractors.

Plus, I don't think Rush makes it any secret what his show is about and who he is going to have on it and what they are going to talk about. It's his show, he can do what he wants with it. The person paying the bills obviously agrees with him and wants him on the air.

I rather prefer a show like Bill Marr's show where things are closer to being equal sides (note: I'm not saying they are totally equal, just closer).

Every time I hear the name Rush Limbaugh...

I get this strange urge to put someone's head in a toilet and flush it.

Odd no?
At least Howard is harmless - not spewing that conservative, right-winged garbage.......
crazybbwgirl said:
At least Howard is harmless - not spewing that conservative, right-winged garbage.......

Does anyone see any of the entertainers such as Rush as harmful? There are several on both sides of the fence.

10 of 10 for irritation.

-3 for lasting impact.

Unless youre on something, get all fired up, and take drastic action. But you'd have to be on something SERIOUS for that.
Rush is not an "entertainer". That's a cheap way to out yourself from journalistic intergrity with a Get of Rhetoric Free card.
P. B. Walker said:
Does anyone see any of the entertainers such as Rush as harmful? There are several on both sides of the fence.


Of course not. Maybe she meant offensive. If so, she should realize that Howard is a conservative and has used his celeb status numerous times to influence politicians.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Rush is not an "entertainer". That's a cheap way to out yourself from journalistic intergrity with a Get of Rhetoric Free card.

thank you for saying what I couldn't find such polite words for.
I guess the only way Rush or Howard could be harmful is if someone believes that what they're saying is the truth without checking it out for themselves. And that's true of any 'celeb' or 'entertainer' or 'politician'
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Rush is not an "entertainer". That's a cheap way to out yourself from journalistic intergrity with a Get of Rhetoric Free card.

I don't consider Rush a journalist anymore than I do Bill Maher.

Having said that, I don't consider Bill Maher a comedian anymore than I do Rush Limbaugh.

However, they are both entertaining to some degree and to what degree, varies from individual to individual.

By the simplest definition of "Entertainer" I argue that Rush is simply that and so are many others that (for reasons I can't comprehend) think that they are more than that.
That made less sense than Rush's last show.

He's not an "entertainer" -- he's a commentator. If you stretch the meaning of the word "entertainer" that far then Rush, George Will, and Peter Jennings are all "entertainers".
Dixon Carter Lee said:
That made less sense than Rush's last show.

He's not an "entertainer" -- he's a commentator. If you stretch the meaning of the word "entertainer" that far then Rush, George Will, and Peter Jennings are all "entertainers".

The danger in people like Rush and the others is that they allow people to validate their opinions without thinking about why they believe what they believe in, or ever be willing to change their opinions. Hence why they're called dittoheads...they dont' actually think about what they're agreeing with...they just nod their heads and agree.