Running a Coffee Shop Under Anarcho-Tyranny


Jan 23, 2011
Running a Coffee Shop Under Anarcho-Tyranny

As Benjamin Franklin famously observed, if you give up freedom for security, you end up with neither. For example, inmates of the authoritarian dystopia Michael Bloomberg has made of New York City are hyper-regulated right down to how many ounces of soda they can drink from a cup. In exchange for their liberty, this is the public order they receive:

A violent homeless crowd is plaguing a popular Chelsea coffee shop — repeatedly attacking customers and each other with chairs and tables, the store’s management said.

Think Coffee manager Matt Fury told cops [Wednesday] that he’s concerned with a lack of police response to his company’s 8th Avenue location, near 14h Street, where 911 calls are constant.

“One [homeless person] has thrown a chair once, one has hit someone, one has thrown a table,” Fury, 40, told NYPD brass [Wednesday] at a Sixth Precinct community meeting.

The manager said sometimes, when he called police, NYPD either didn’t respond or officers at the scene didn’t “take the matter seriously.”

The manager reports in a fury that

“One time the police officer said he would arrest me if I didn’t stop bothering him.”

On what charge? Why not felony reckless endangerment? Ask John Hockenjos for details.

Emergency 911 calls from Think Coffee have gone unanswered at least 19 times. The extravagant taxes New Yorkers pay are for redistribution to those who vote for a living, not for providing the safety required to conduct business.
They should have said someone was throwing assault chairs. :cool:
Running a Coffee Shop Under Anarcho-Tyranny


This is your best thread ever!

Did you see a few posts up where Vette parroted your misunderstanding about the Subway CEO? If he didn't have me on ignore, he would have seen the correction I gave you and then he wouldn't look so stupid by repeating your mistake.

He's your Acco Late though.
the SUBWAY guy did say that

among other things

that he gets 50K calls for peeps who wanna be SUBWAY guys just show the depths of economic collapse