Run off with the Raggle Taggle Gypsies


sexual catalyst
Sep 3, 2000
In essence a wild band of gypsies, that would travel and love them and leave them or love them and lure them into the gypsy camp, which could lead to multiple possibilities depending on the gypsies pull on the lust struck innocent or not so innocent as case may be. Gypsies should have a distinct personality but be willing to share any possessions with their band.

So to start off my first epic multiplayer thread of the year (as far as I know) here I go.


The small wagon held all my belongings, it had everything I needed, and if I needed anything else it could be easily acquired. I finally made it to the encampment and hopped down and took care of the lovely roan pony that took me where I wanted to go. I unhooked her from the wagon and put her with the others as I headed to the fires to nab something to eat, hear the latest news and find out who was heading into the town and who was setting up shop during the festival. There were few things gypsies liked better than a good party.
Gabor Szabo

Finishing off the last of the rabbit from the spit over the fire, Gabor wiped his greasy fingers on his pants and picked up his violin. Standing and walking around the fire, he played a mournful song about lost Romany and the beginnings of the wandering. The fire crackled under the spit as drops of grease fell into the flames causing them to leap higher and splash light upon the faces of the gathered band, men, women and children dressed in traditional gypsy garb.

"A tear for the past, but now my friends, we celebrate!" Gabor's bow began to dance over the strings as he played a lively dance. "Esmerelda! Dance for us" the black haired beauty jumped up and began to whirl, her skirts flaring out to show off her shapely legs. Her blue eyes flashed as she danced and bounced her tambourine off her hips. Her full breasts moved delightfully in her peasant blouse as she moved to Gabor's music. The children clapped, the women laughed lustfully, some of them leaping up to join her, and the men sat ensorceled by her magic.

The gypsies moved before the flames, casting dancing shadows over the wagons. Gabor laughed heartily as his fingers danced over his violin and threw his head back, looking at the star filled sky. "Dance, gypsies, dance"

I had picked the name when it was found out I had the gift. I talked with everyone before the evening party rolled around as food and wine and dancing was all that mattered.

We would be in the town festival early tomorrow morning to set up.