

Dec 26, 1999
Can I have your hair?

No really. You have the best hair ever.

Whenever you get a trim, feel free to save the pieces in a bag and when there is enough for me to get a weave with, I'll pay you to send it.


Thank you Angel. *muah*

p.s. I used to hate my hair because it wasn't curly.

There is a saying about the grass being greener, but I can't remember it.

I used to hate my hair because it wasn't straight.

I put a relaxer in it back at the beginning of summer and while it didn't have the desired effects at all, I do find it easier to style it straight (Well, more like straightER - with body) for when I get bored of the curls. It probably also helps that it's short now.

I miss my long hair though. :( It is growing out finally.

I still adore your hair. I'd sit in front of the mirror brushing it all day :D
The right person brushing my hair could make me cry. It's such a tender act, isn't it? Nobody's brushed my hair in years - nobody but me that is.

You know, I think it's best to work with what nature gives you. I used to perm my hair all the time when I was younger and it looked and felt like crap.
I agree to an extent. Especially when my hair was long.

I just get really bored of doing the same old things with my hair all of the time. It also annoys me that my hair is not only curly, but dry and not shiny - although since I cut it and havent had to use much styling product at all on it it's gotten much shinier.

Okay Picture go bye bye for now :D
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Rubyfruit said:

There is a saying about the grass being greener, but I can't remember it.


You let me have a look on the other side of the hill and I'll refresh your memory.

I promise.
Lancecastor said:

You let me have a look on the other side of the hill and I'll refresh your memory.

I promise.

Was that a flirt?

Are you becoming...fluffy?
He's a big, fluffy marshmellow inside, Love.

Angel, I saw your picture before you took it down, but didn't have time to comment then as I had to get the kidlets off to school.

I think your hair looks beautiful and have come to the conclusion that you're simply crazy. ;-)

Do you color your hair? I used to go to the salon but on my current austerity program, $100 a month for color seemed too much. However, I've discovered Faria and I've never been happier. I don't know what they put in it, but it gives my hair so much shine, gloss and silkiness. I love it.
I used to color it all kinds of colors. Have you seen me with purple hair? :D

Right now it's natural, brown and boring but the front of my hair is bleached. Basically exactly like Lickerish's. I know bleaching is terrible, but my hair tends to not hold haircolor very well at all so I've gotten pretty much stuck with bleaching random parts of my hair when I get bored with it.

I've used Feria before and loved it more than any other brand, but it still won't stay in my hair. :(
Have you tried Open?

I used it just to lighten my hair and its been 4 months and it still is there.
I'm spoiled

I love it when my Big Guy brushes my hair. :)

He sits me in his lap, gently strokes through the ends to get the tangles out, lengthening his strokes until finally I feel the bristles of the brush massaging my scalp. Mmmmmmmmmm ... it's Heaven!

I just wish he would let me pamper HIM in return, once in a while.
I haven't tried Open yet.

I don't really want to go lighter, I kind of wanted to enrich my natural color - and it never stays for more than a week or two. Drives me insane. Eventually I might try another brand if I find a color I absolutely love but I doubt it.
Angel, Faria makes semi-permanent and permanent color. Make sure you use the permanent type. That could have been your problem with it.

Cherry, I don't have to tell you how jealous I am. :)