Ruby and Rose

They're evil temptresses sent by the GBLT Mafia to convert Lit women.
Ya know, I keep hearing that I should give it a try.

Laurel, has evil ever looked so good?
Hell no. Between those two, slg, and lexie, Manu might be in for a surprise...
pagancowgirl said:

Rubes, when ya comin to visit me? soon as I get a weekend to myself and the cash to travel, which unfortunately, I don't anticipate happening anytime real soon.
So we need someone who lives between here and there to offer to put us up for a weekend, huh? Someone who likes kids and would be willing to entertain them for awhile...
I can't believe nobody has offered us a place yet, Girlie. It'll just be five kids all under the age of 7 and us. Sheesh.

Some friends we have, huh?
I know!

Do you know how hard it is to insult people on a porn board? If I say "They all suck!", none of em are gonna be offended.