Romney just lost the election

Only in your imaginary, it's-still-1955 world would "tens of millions" of people not vote for Romney because he showed he believes in fairness and equality.

But I'm thrilled you're disappointed. Thrilled. :)
At least Obama putting them into the Army was about adults around other adults.

This is just sick.
Yes, I can see why a lack of homophobia in a candidate might be a dealbreaker for someone like you.
Yes, I can see why a lack of homophobia in a candidate might be a dealbreaker for someone like you.

You can't make an argument so you resort to pathetic pseudo-Greek sounding non-words masquerading as apparent inane insults.

Weak, even for a homophillic moralophobic moron such as you.
You can't make an argument so you resort to pathetic pseudo-Greek sounding non-words masquerading as apparent inane insults.

What was "pseudo-Greek sounding"? "Homophobia"?

Dude, you should at least know the origins of the name of your disease...
right or wrong, i like to see politicians saying what they believe instead of brown nosing the voters. honesty. honesty is far too rare in politics.
right or wrong, i like to see politicians saying what they believe instead of brown nosing the voters. honesty. honesty is far too rare in politics.

I'll probably vote for Romney on that fact alone.
right or wrong, i like to see politicians saying what they believe instead of brown nosing the voters. honesty. honesty is far too rare in politics.

You might have to go back to the Roman Republic for that.
I'll probably vote for Romney on that fact alone.

Doesn't matter what you do with your irrelevant little vote, Romney just lost at least a significant part of his base. He can pack it in and make vacation plans for next February.

Also, do you want you kids exposed to gay sex at young ages?
At least Obama putting them into the Army was about adults around other adults.

This is just sick.

What? Gay pubescent and adolescent boys being around straight pubescent and adolescent boys and doing shared activities with them? That's not sick, that's ordinary; you'll find that in every junior high and high school in America, including all the gym classes and varsity teams.
What? Gay pubescent and adolescent boys being around straight pubescent and adolescent boys and doing shared activities with them? That's not sick, that's ordinary; you'll find that in every junior high and high school in America, including all the varsity teams.

Seriously doubt that there. How would you know what goes on in schools today, are you some sort of perv or something? 25 years ago, it certainly wasn't the case.
they let gay kids go to school. and join all the extra curricular clubs. and attend summer camps.

they sit in the same lunch hall and eat with the communal cutlery. they're treated in the same hospital wards.

they're invading!!1 :eek:
To re-iterate, Romney is done. This is a defining issue for millions.

If he had any chance, he doesn't now.
Seriously doubt that there. How would you know what goes on in schools today, are you some sort of perv or something? 25 years ago, it certainly wasn't the case.

What goes on in schools is that all kids go there; and some kids are gay. There were just as many gay kids in school 25 years ago as now, it's just that more of them were closeted.
Seriously doubt that there. How would you know what goes on in schools today, are you some sort of perv or something? 25 years ago, it certainly wasn't the case.
have you ever heard of a modern school banning a kid from going on a school trip because they're gay? or banning them from using the same locker room after gym class?

yes, after gym class they're in there, getting naked with the straight kids. week after week after week.
Romney never had a shot.

Bad hair. Bad religion. Bad genes.

Picked over for the Palin, and rightfully so,

Back burnered for the now and he isn't getting the go.