Romial is half arab

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Romial you fucking camel scrote licker - Deny you're an arab

Oh what little you know Hanns. Too bad you don't know more.
eagleyez said:
quarter wit?

brick shy of a load

all his oars aint in the water...

hiya SSK...:rose:

Hi ya Eagelz... :kiss:

I kinda like Robin Williams description of Dan Quayle

One taco short of a combo plate
Hey you've made it Romial!

A Hanns created thread just for you.

I have fond memories of my own. :D
k¡tty said:
Hey you've made it Romial!

A Hanns created thread just for you.

I have fond memories of my own. :D

It's like making the Debutant list! When last year's debutante (Hanns) crowns her successor.

Congrats to Kitty and Romial.

Hanns is dead. Old news. Last weeks dirty underpants complete with skid marks.
k¡tty said:
Hey you've made it Romial!

A Hanns created thread just for you.

I have fond memories of my own. :D

I'm flattered. Hanns is actully taking time out of his life to make a thread just for me.