

Literotica Guru
Dec 18, 2002
Does any one here like the sport?

Do you go to your local fairs ?

Do you wait and go to the Finals?

forgot to ask: Do any of you participate?

or sponsor youth?
Sheaf_Beast said:
Does any one here like the sport?

Do you go to your local fairs ?

Do you wait and go to the Finals?

forgot to ask: Do any of you participate?

or sponsor youth?

always have, always will
No, never even thought about it
I have served many a 'frito pie' at 4H rodeos - does that count?

oh and I have dated a few bull riders, and I wouldn't reccomend it, their always to sore for sex.
Sheaf_Beast said:
Does any one here like the sport?

Do you go to your local fairs ? yep

Do you wait and go to the Finals? yep
forgot to ask: Do any of you participate? I Team Rope now and I used to bulldog in college.

or sponsor youth?
I'm going to the big Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo tomorrow night! I go at least once a year - it goes on over a few weeks. I go more for the fun of it than anything else - but gee it sure is nice to see all them young guys in their wranglers!!!
Thanks for ringing in Coca~Cola

The Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo just finished up. Have a good time Secret Kate.
Sheaf_Beast said:
Does any one here like the sport?

Do you go to your local fairs ?

Do you wait and go to the Finals?

forgot to ask: Do any of you participate?

or sponsor youth?

It's the best sport in the world, of course!!

I've not gone to the local fairs because we don't have rodeo's during those times, but afterwards. One of these days, I'll make it to the NFR, but in the meantime, I just follow the standings and keep going to the local ones here.

I rodeo'd (I was a team roper, and heading was my specialty) all my high school years and even though I don't rodeo anymore, I currently secretary for the local ropings. I worked on a real working ranch and didn't have time to rodeo after high school.

I sponsored the youth when my daughter rodeo'd in high school. She's graduated now and doesn't rodeo anymore, and I also sponsored my nephews and neice when they were in high school. One is a professional roper and the other two are recreational ropers. But, we all do it for fun.
Thank You for stopping by SkyBluAngelEyes. I was fortunate enough to come to the sport by a mentor also. Would it just give ya a good warm feelin to get that right horse and saddle up again. I have heard that there are alot of rual people on this board. I have a dream myself to bring along some of the finest Bucking Bulls.
I love rodeo's! I spent a few years competing (equestrian events) but now I just go to watch.
We're in Houston, taking the kidlets to their first rodeo this weekend! I saw one when I was a kid and LOVED it! I can't wait to see the boys' reactions. :D
Re: Re: Rodeo

Coca~Cola said:
oh and I have dated a few bull riders, and I wouldn't reccomend it, their always to sore for sex.

SOOOO TRUE!! But i'm a sucker every time for those wrangler wearin jean types. I must say i'm still an old timer and I want them damn W's on them pockets!! :D

Still love to watch-- but I'm more inclined to the small town local affairs. Yes, the August 4-H Fair ones. Although Cheyenne Frontier Days is a hoot too.

When I was a young one.........never at an adult level. My kids are in 4-H and we do sponsor their youth events!

Hey Sheaf- how was the last rodeo we talked about? How ya been??
I enjoy going to rodeo's ... I always make it a point to go to the Calgary Stampede at least for one day. It used to be when I lived in Northern Alberta I'd go spend a night watching the Canadian Finals Rodeo.

Thanks everyone for stopping by. I go to all kinds of Rodeo's from the smallest practice with just about 3 or 4 of us to the State level.

cowgirl heaven
There was a practice wed eve and a semi pro Sun.

Texas alone will have somewhere around 300 rodeo's this year. I went to Cheyeane Frontier Day's as a young guy. Great show.
Hey, I remember this topic! Last time I learned that high schools out west actually have rodeo competitions.

Where's Problem Child, our rodeo expert?
Used to live on a farm. Every now and then we'd go out and hop on the bulls. They weren't nothing like rodeo bulls. But they'd still snap and buck like hell.

......Watch out for those cowpies!.
Sheaf_Beast said:
Does any one here like the sport?

Do you go to your local fairs ?

Do you wait and go to the Finals?

forgot to ask: Do any of you participate?

or sponsor youth?
Let's see... yes, no, no, used to, no. Or is that maybe?

Back in the day (does that make me sound old or what?) i used to do anything and everything i possibly could from horseback, including breaking and training. i kept it all under wraps as much as possible - at least in the home area - though quite a few got to know the little bitty bitch on the blue mare. ;)

Of course, this was all back 'west' where there are actual fairs and actual rodeos instead of the piddlyshit stuff that passes for it around here. They don't even have mutton bustin around here for the little ones. :rolleyes: The most the kids get to do is pull a flag off a calf's tail. It's just not worth the time and effort to go to a fair in this area. They only last three days and the rodeos only go for one afternoon (instead of all day Friday and Saturday like back home). There are a few of us that have been petitioning to get mutton bustin started here, though. It would be a blast!

As to the Finals, or the 'big' events, they're simply not worth it. Tourist traps. The small-town events are much more fun, much less expensive, and many of them offer the PRCA/WPRA/PWRA points.
Heh heh heh...when I was around nineteen a couple of 'buddies' got me real drunk then talked me into bullriding at a local rodeo. I got on the beast, huffing that he was, the bell rang, the gate opened, I hung on for dear life. rode until the whistle, and the guy on the horse came alongside. Got off to applause and yelling. I had a great ride. Went behind the stands, lost my lunch, (more to the booze than anything, although the mixmaster I was riding did a bang up job on that too). Guy comes up to me and says...'GREAT ride looked good out there, never knew you knew how to ride the bulls before.'

'I don't...I was too terrified to let go. Like sitting on a runaway locomotive with no brake handle...let go and you are screwed, glued and tattooed.'

Went home and slept. Next day my arm was stiff, my kidneys hurt like hell, my back felt like the bull had stomped me into the dust. Rodeo commision calls...'You going to ride the bull today? You did so well yesterday, you will probably place in the top end and win some money!'

"HELL NO! What, do I look or sound THAT crazy? That damn thing pretty near killed me yesterday and you want me to go out there again? No way Hoser...No way! Besides, I am too hungover."

Never drank with those friends again. Well...not that much drink anyway.
True story.