Rocking the Boat (closed)


Divinely Experienced
Nov 20, 2008
Rebecca's mind was already racing on what she was going to do to her husband as she got home, as she shared an uber home with Tessa. While the divorce party from her Tessa had been fun, hearing all the horrible stories of the women at the party, Rebecca had only felt shame at how for granted she had taken her own marriage. While after close to 35 years of being together, Robert had his faults, but he had always supported her, always made time for her and the kids, even when he had to work two jobs for a while during the depression, and even after all that, she couldn't remember when she had just blown him for no other reason than to make him happy. Thinking back on it, she didn't even know why she ever stopped, and like the good man he was Robert had never complained about it, but worse even, he had not stopped giving her oral just for her pleasure without asking anything in return.

"Hey Becca, do you mind if I walk in with you?" Tessa whispered in her ear, giving the driver a little suspicious look. Rebecca, didn't know what prompted this, but she figured something he had said had creeped the girl out. So without thinking she said.

" Oh wait you never had mead have you!" Then before the girl could react, she tapped the shoulder of the driver and said. " Don't worry i will pay for the full fare, but we are going to finish the party at my place."

The man seemed a bit miffed and offered them to wait until they were done, but as this confirmed her suspicion, she said there was no need. She then turned to the young woman and explained to her how her husband made his own mead and since tonight he had some friend over to sample some of their newest brews, they were sure to have some delicious ones to try, and for the rest of the drive, she explained to the woman just how passionate her husband was about brewing.

Arriving at home, Rebecca was slightly disappointed to see that non of Roberts friends were still there, so she couldn't ask any of them to give Tessa a lift, so instead, the two women stumbled into the home, looking for Robert
Robert was rushing around the house cleaning up ones the last of his friends had departed for the evening. Though she didn't mind him having fiends over to try out his latest batch of mead he knew she didn't like to walk in to find the house a disaster. He imagined she'd be especially sensitive to it after attending a divorce party where he expected that the main topic of conversation was how everyone's husbands are awful.

He'd always done his best not to be one of those husbands and always put Rebecca but he couldn't help notice how she'd changed toward him over the years. A lot of it was to be expected. The pressures of raising a family and everything else that goes along with life tend to make people's priorities shift and it was understandable that he'd fallen down the pecking order. Knowing that didn't didn't make it sting any less though.

He'd hoped that once the kids were out of the house she'd start to move back in his direction but he hadn't really seen any signs of that yet. Though he didn't have many worries that she'd come back from the divorce party thinking that was what she wanted he knew the chances were not zero and that bothered him a lot.

"I'm back here." Robert called out from the living room where he'd just finished getting everything back in order.
Hearing Robert call out from the living room, she grabbed the demi-john of what seemed to be her husbands cherry and hibiscus mead, and several glasses and guided Tessa in.

"Hey honey, sorry about the unannounced visitor, but the Uberdriver was being a little creepy, so I figured she and I could sample some of your mead, while we wait for you to be under the limit so you can drive her home."

She said as she poured out two glasses. Tessa shook hands hands with Robert before taking a seat in their love seat.

"Well maybe that was an excuse to meet the legendary husband."

The young girl said as her coworker went to unceremoniously sit on her husbands lap, giving him a big smooch on the lips. Seeing the man's puzzled look she added.

"I had to hear all our coworkers bitch about their husbands tonight, but didn't hear a peep out of Becca. So I was curious to see why that was."
“Not a problem at all. You can’t be too careful with that sort of thing so I’d be happy to.” Robert said as he took Tessa’s hand to great her.

He never really had much of a roaming eye but he did notice how attractive she was. She won’t be long for the single life he thought as he took a seat then Rebecca landed on his lap and gave him a kiss, surprising him.

“Really? I figured she’d be chiming right in with the rest of them.” He said jokingly even though he did kind of expect that. “Well here he is in all his splendor and I make good mead. Turns out keeping Rebecca drunk is the secret to my success.”

Robert wrapped his arms around Rebecca’s waist and gave it a squeeze, enjoying the attention she was paying to him.
Rebecca smiled at the exchange, she also hoped for the girl that her marriage had not turned her off of love in the first place. She also hoped that Robert had listen to her when she had explained to him, that just like them Tessa and her ex had been high-school sweethearts, but unlike them the ex had married her in an attempt to hide his homosexuality form his Conservative parents.
The marriage came to a brutal end when the young girl and her mother in law walked in on her ex getting spitroasted by two of his gym buddies.

"He is a lair, it's all because of his big duck."

She blurted out before apologising to Robert as she knew she crossed a line talking about his Penis in company.

" to big dicks"

Tessa said and took a big gulp of her mead, her face giving the stereotypical delighted expression of someone trying their first mead.
Robert’s cheeks turned a bright crimson when Rebecca mentioned his dick. The color only deepened when Tessa then made her toast.

He noted her expression when she took her a sip of her drink.

“Never really had mead huh? It’s not for everyone. I can get you something else if you’d rather.” He offered in case she didn’t want to muscle her way through it.

He couldn’t imagine just how difficult the end of her marriage had been. The fact that she didn’t see it coming must have been devastating but she seemed to be holding up pretty well.
"Oh no, it's great, I just thought it would be super sweet but it isn't."

She said as she took a bigger sip now, relaxing in the seat. Smiling seeing how comfortable Becca was on her husbands lap.

Rebecca was enjoying sitting on Robert so much she almost forget about their guest. Putting her lips next to his ear she whispered. " By the time you get back from bringing her home, I will be showered, shaved, and waiting for you by the door to be savaged."

Noticing how uncomfortable her coworker's husband was looking, mixed with the clear pitty, he had in his eyes when he looked at her, Tessa gave him a reassuring smile and said.

"Oh don't worry about me. It actually warms my heart to see a couple still be so warm with one another. So feel free to just act if I wasn't here."
“Yeah, definitely not sweet.” He agreed pleased that she didn’t want to give up on it.

Robert had no idea what had gotten into Rebecca but he liked what he was hearing from her. As it was, just having her in his lap had gone a good way towards arousing him but when she whispered in his ear he was sure she wouldn’t be able to mistake the feeling of his hardened cock pressing against her backside.

“Oh, we wouldn’t be so rude.” Robert said of her suggestion. On a normal night alone he’d have no reservations about a priest watching them now suddenly this. The whole thing was somewhat confusing.
Feeling his hardening rod under her, Becca shifted around a little to trap it between her cheeks, so she could tease her husband. Then as he said he didn't want to be rude she decided to throw some oil on the fire by asking.

"So Tessa, what do you think is ruder. A man giving proper and loving attention to his wife? Or a man not doing so, right after being told that it warms a person's heart to see love in full display?"

She giggles as she thought to herself how funny it would be if she got up off his lap right now, but knowing how self conscious he was about the dickprint in his pants around other people, she just thought better of it and just kept gripping at it with her cheeks.

Tessa gave her hostess a conspiratorial smile and said.

"Well denying a broken-hearted woman hope on a better tomorrow is kind of rude."
Robert groaned inwardly as Rebecca shifted her position, planting his hardness squarely between her cheeks. He knew she had to know what she was doing. She was rarely like this when they were alone together and the fact that she seemed intent on doing it in front of a coworker was confusing.

“Well, if you put it that way.” He said as his hands encircled her waist then slowly moved up her sides, stopping just below her breasts before retreating. “I’d be more than happy to accommodate you.

Robert leaned forward, pressing his lips into the back of her neck as he ever so subtly rocked his hips beneath her, trying to give Rebecca a taste of her own medicine.
Rebecca giggled as Robert showed more boldness than he had in years, and it might me the booze talking but Rebecca was not going to stop him. Instead she looked at Tessa and asked something that had been nagging at the back of her mind all evening.

"So if it's too personal of a question, feel free to ignore it, but was it really such a shock that your ex turned out to be gay?"

Tessa gave a grimaced smile before replying.

"Yes, although with hindsight being 20-20 it should not have been"

Smiling as she saw how Robert was teasing Becca with her hands and how the woman in turn ondulated on his lap to push him further along she added.

"We had little intimacy over the years, and when we did he was a lot more comfortable giving me anal than regular sex. He also very much did not spend any attention to my breaats. But since he was my first and only, I guess I just had nothing to compare it too."

Rebecca felt bad for the girl, and almost felt guilty when she was curious about her anal experience. With Robert being so big down there, she had never let him even entertain the thought of doing that. But seeing the healthy blush the girl had talking about it, she at least enjoyed the little she got, but then that was expected when one was touch starved.
Robert’s eyes went wide at Rebecca’s question. It wasn’t like her to ask such a question but he trusted that if she felt comfortable enough asking it, it was because her and Tessa’s relationship was such that it allowed it. Even if it did push the boundaries slightly.

The image of Tessa’s face pressed into the pillow with her ass in the air flashed through his mind briefly before he forced it out then re-focused.

“Yeah, that does seem like a red flag. I don’t think I’d be able to ignore your…”. Robert caught himself as his cheeks burned with embarrassment “I mean a woman’s breasts. I didn’t mean to imply that…. Not that…. Never mind.”

Robert wanted to crawl under the sofa and die as his entire face turned red.
Both women burst out laughing as Robert clumsily stumbled on the topic of Tessa's breasts. While it was clear that this was not what he meant, they both took delight in the situation. While the young blond thanked him for the compliment, Rebecca in a mock offended tone said.

"Oh for 30 plus years you said my breast were perfect, but the truth comes out now."

While she had never been blessed up top, she had never been insecure about it, but seeing what Tessa was packing she wondered how a man like Robert could do with them.

"Can you excuse me and the girls for a second? I need to use the little room."

Laughing at her friend she pointed towards the downstairs bathroom. As she exits the room, Rebecca turns around a little on the lap of her husband, wrapping her arms around his neck and started to passionately kiss him.
Robert caught himself looking at Tessa’s breasts then quickly looked away as she got up to go to the restroom. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by him that she had nice breasts but he’d never intentionally comment on them much less in front of his wife.

As she door closed behind her his hand slipped to Rebecca’s breast, caressing it as they kissed.

“These are the only breasts I care to look at.” He said reassuringly trying to extricate himself from the hole he’d dug for himself.

She said as she pushed her hand between their bodies and groped his massive manhood through his slacks as she dove back into a long French kiss.

Closing the door of the bathroom Tessa quickly attended to her business before freshening up. Between the booze, the sex games during the party and seeing Becca and her husband cuddle up in front of her, she found herself to be very much aroused.

Popping a button of her dress to expose a little but more of cleavage, she wondered, just how much of an exhibitionist her coworker was, or if just like with her, the drinks and the sex talk during the party, just took over her common sense.
Robert let out an audible groan as Rebecca's fingers closed around his cock.

"You knew what you were doing to me didn't you?" he said before letting his tongue explore her mouth again.

He pulled his lips from hers for a moment, looking into her eyes.

"Maybe I should get her home now."

His desire was starting to get the better of him and he desperately wanted to take advantage of her mood before she inevitably got too tired and only wanted to go to sleep.
"I am, and you should know what I am planning to do to you."

She said as there was no point in playing coy. As he told her he should bring Tessa home, she agreed but still asked.

"Are you under the limit yet?"

Since regardless of how badly she wanted him right now, a DUI was not worth it. But before he could answer she kissed him again hungrily.

Walking back into the room Tessa was not surprised to see the older couple going at it rather passionately. Taking her seat in the single loveseat again, she made sure he cleavage stood out before simply enjoying the sight, curious to know just how big the man was as even if her arm was hidden to her from this angle, the motions Becca was making were rather large.
Robert sensed movement in the room then opened an eye seeing Tessa taking her seat again in front of them. He pushed Rebecca subtly signaling that they weren’t alone any longer.

“Sorry about that.” He said, after clearing his throat a little.

Even though he desperately wanted to get her home he probably was a little too drunk to drive still and standing up right now was going to be just as pressing a problem for him.
Rebecca was panting a little as Robert pushed her away a little. She felt a stab of annoyance, but she understood the limits of her husband. Looking back at Tessa, she understood why her husband had been so thrown aback by her bossom as it looked inviting.

Seeing the glass of the girl empty, she stood up from a Robert that was too slow to keep her on his lap and as she took the demi-john she saw the slight jaw drop of the girl as her eyes were glued on the tent in Roberts pants.

Filling her glass and her own, she then slipped onto the sofa, next to Robert, unsure if it was to tease Robert, or show him off, but either way she felt butterflies flutter in her stomach
Robert the wave of embarrassment wash over him as Rebecca stood and Tessa’s eyes locked onto his hard on tenting his slacks. Even though he felt a bit of pride that he could cause an expression like that it still make him self conscious.

Moving to hide it seemed pointless in the moment so he didn’t bother trying to close the barn door once the horse was already out.

“Sorry about that.” He said, drawing her eyes up to his crimson cheeks. “She kind of has a way of doing that to me.”
Rebecca was shocked at how stoic Robert had reacted to the exposure as she had expected an awkward dance and cushions to be strategically placed. She giggled as he told Tessa this was the effect she had on him and she couldn't help but to beam with proud at this comment. Turning to nuzzle a kiss behind his ear, she heard Tessa ask.

"Isn't it uncomfortable like this? I mean it's even larger than those I have seen in Porns, and they always complain, they need to take it out because of discomfort"

Rebecca looked back to the blond only to see her eyes were still fully fixed on her husbands tent, and without thinking about it she teasingly placed her hand on his stomach, slowly stroking it suggestingly.
When he acknowledged the erection Robert had hoped that the conversation would move on but that didn’t seem to be the case. It was one thing to be on display as he was but it was quite another that it was now the topic of conversation.

“It’s not that big. It just looks that way because of how I’m sitting.” He said trying to maintain a bit of modestly about it all.

Robert reached down grasping Rebecca’s wrist as she stroked him, stopping her movements. “I’m sure she doesn’t want to watch that.” He said trying to back her off a little.
"Don't be so modest, its huge no matter how you sit."

She said as she did not protest as Robert pushed her hand away from his stomach.

"To be honest, I would much rather see it open and about."

The young girl said, quickly adding

"Just to look at."

Giving Robert the space he tried to claim on the sofa, Rebecca gave him a challenging look, as to say your move buster.
Robert was frozen. His eyes moving between each of their expecting glares. Up until now, his cock was something Rebecca hadn’t shown any interest in sharing with anyone and now, all of the sudden, she’s expecting him to whip it out in front of his co-worker.

As much as he liked the idea of the lusty look he imagined might cover her face when he did, he couldn’t help but imagine the aftermath when Rebecca woke in the morning sober and remembered what he did. He couldn’t imagine any scenario where that went well.

He looked back to Rebecca and noted the challenging look on her face then noticed his hands moving to the button of his slacks, seemingly defying his will.

“If you’re sure.” He said as he popped the button then unzipped his pants. “But you’re the one taking it out. I’m not going to have you saying you can’t believe what I did in the morning.”
Both women collectively audibly held their breath as Robert unbuttoned and then unzipped his trouser. Used to the sight Rebecca turned her gaze towards their guest, and as her jaw dropped even further, she knew Robert had finished opening up and the tent now looked even bigger.

"Okay, take my seat then Tessa."

She said as she stood up and guided the blond to sit on the further end of the sofa, to give her the best view in the house, before kneeling between Roberts legs and slowly reaching for the waistband on his boxers.

Tessa was excited at the idea of seeing a cock in real life again, and even if it was unlikely she would touch it, this was as much action as she had gotten in a long time. As Becca's fingers curled into the waistband and pulled it up and over Robert's dick, who immediately sprung to full attention.

Message felt herself leaning toward a little to get a better look at it as Becca closed both hands around the shaft and slowly started to stroke her husband, making him grow even harder.