Rock Star (Open to females)


The Sexual Writer
Mar 10, 2009
Steve Leeson had last been in Louisanna when he was 14 years old. He had looked alot differently then.

At fourteen Steve had medium length blonde hair that almost covered one of his two deep sea blue eyes. He was at the time only 5,3 and had only ever wanted to be one thing in his life a rock star.

He ran away from home shortly after his 14 birthday as his school band fell apart and his dad was trying to get him to become a car sales man. His dad had warned him that rockers only drink, do drugs and have sex. Steve had promised that he would never do drugs ever.

Now after five years Steve was now nineteen. His body had changed alot in those five years.

His hair was now short brown and spikey. It still had some of his blonde hair colour on the tips of his spikes. He had grown to 6'1 and his body had been built with years of moving his gear and keeping in shape.

Now he had proved his dad wrong as he belted out the last couple of lines of his most well known song in the band called solid rock to a small crowd of over 7 thousand people. This gig had been special as it was his home town. Which was why the following night he was doing another gig for over 60 thousand people in Louisanna again.

He had kept his word to his father and never done drugs of any kind. He didn't smoke. He drank but never more than he could handle but he was shy when it came to sex.

However on stage he could drive the girls wild as he was doing now. He was wearing a black short sleeved shirt open to show his almost forming six pack and tight deep blue jeans that were ripped at the knees and thighs and white sneakers. As he grabbed the mike to the start of the band's oncore called Live it.

He didn't know it then but there was a few people in the crowd that knew him very well.
Name: Callie overment
Age: 19
Description: blonde long hair,5 foot 7, 30 c boobs,100lbs, pretty smile and cute ass

Link to Steve: she had been his best friend always had a big crush on him. She had been devastated when he left without telling her.

Cornelia had dragged herself along to the concert because she really wanted to see her old friend. She missed him even to that day. She was in a short black skirt, red corset and stilettos. She was wanting to look good because she wanted to show him what he missed out before he ran away she was going to tell him how she felt and she was going to make him see how much she liked him by letting him take her virginity but he lost out big time. She was near the front because she knew one of the security guys. She looked onto the stage seeing Steve even though he left she still want him but she felt like she didn't stand a chance because he was a rock star she didn't even think he'd remember her.
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Aslan Takuri smiled as she stood at the back of the crowd watching the stage. Five years since she had seen her friend. He had changed alot siwnce they had played togeher in their band at fourteen. And then again so had she. At fourteen Aslan had been much like her namesake in apperance. She had a mass of golden brown hair and big tawny colored eyes. She was the close friends with him for many years and it had hurt when the band had broken up and even more so when he had suddenly dissappeared.

Over the years she had changed and obviously so had he. Aslan had slendered down and now she stood ant 5'6 with a body that even a model would envy. She was lithle and leanly muscled from years of dancing and performing in her new punk band. She had developed a healthy olive skin tone and her hair had grown to her knees. It was waist length and she had dyed her hair black with a single green streak near the front. Her tawny eyes had turned more gold than anything else and were rimmed with long thick lashes.

She was dressed in a skin tight bondage top and a black leather mini with a pair of black Demonia heels. She couldnt wait til the show was over. She wanted to talk to him again.
Steve kept belting out the song as his band played on behind him. Moving towards the front of the stage as he sang Live it.

Getting so close to the edge of the stage allowed the front row of people to reach up and touch him. Having done this at many of his gigs before he thought the fans enjoyed it as they could touch his feet and ankles. However this stage was lower which allowed the girls to reach all the way up to his groin.

Before the song ended he had to back off the edge of the stage as their hands on his legs and groin had started to take effect.

As the song ended Steve quickly ducked away and headed for toilets to cool his face off.
Aslan was coming out of the bathroom and had she not been watching where she was going she would have collided with him. Somehow though she managed to both avoid a collision and effectively block his path. "Long time no see."she said with a smile resting a hand on her hip. What good fortune ig was for her to hav ran into him. It saved her the effort of fighting thebmobbing fans to find him. She took thiz opportunity to study him up close. The years had definately been kind to him and he looked pretty damn sexy now. It was a total change from how awkward he used to be when they were kids.

"Remember me?"
Callie watched him on the stage she saw the hands grabbing at him she thought to herself god he's as awkward as he use to be. She could see the signs of him feeling awkward she had knew him pretty well seeing as she had been his best friend. She walked away from the crowd going to get a drink she got a bottle of water. She sipped on her bottle seeing her friend in security. "Can you get me into Steve's dressing room you know you owe me big time for what I did for you last summer." She had lied to police for him. He nodded his head he lead her through a door that said staff only it lead to the stairs that took you to Steve's dressing room. She really wanted to see him she still missed him he had been her best friend and he left without even leaving her a note explaining why he left. She went into his dressing room and sat down she looked around the room waiting for him to come.
Steve looked at the girl in front of him from top to bottom. She was hot looking at her face was when he realised.

"Oh wow Asian. It's been to long."

Stepping forward he embraced her in a hug taking her by surprise. Steve hugged her tightly. When he felt her boobs pushing against his bare chest made him stop. As he stepped back he heard a loud noise from behind and saw a large group of girls heading their way. The bouncers managed to stop them as Steve pulled Asian into the empty toilets.

"So wow how have you been? What have you been up to? Still playing guitar?"

Steve then realised they were alone in the toilets an his cheeks reddened a little.
Aslan couldnt help but smile as her old friend recognized her. The hug caught her slightly off gaurd and she thanked the heavens that her complexion spared her the embarrasemt of blushing visibly. The sound of screaming females distracted her from any improper thoughts that being pressed against his shirtless body had inspired and before she could react he had already dragged her into the empty bathroom.

He was still as motormouthed as ever firing off the question no sooner than the door had closed and Aslan smiled. He was still somewhat the same dorky guy who used to tease her about being named after a character from the Narnia series at every chance he got. He even still blushed all the time.

"Well to answer all those questions: I've been okay, I started my own band, and of course I still play guitar but I sing now to." she said with chuckle. "You look good. But dont think for a second that means Im not pissed at you for disappearing on me you jerk."
Steve laughed and blushed as Asian said he looked good. His motormouth got the better of him as he spoke.

"You think I look good that's crazy. You look hot as sin. Er er I mean you look great too."

Trying to change the way the talk is heading slightly while mental kicking himself for popping that out.

"So good that your still playing and that your a singer too. Maybe you can give me some lessons. An I'm not a total jerk."

Steve smiled hopeing not to take a blow from Asian for running away. An also doing his best not to make a more stupid comments.
Her name is ASLAN sorry if it looked confusing

She shook her head once again glad she had been saved from a blush. She was genuinely surprised that he had called her hot out loud. Then his usual shyness kicked back in and she couldnt help but laugh. Tilting her head slightly to the left she gazed at him for a moment with her intense gold eyes. She gently tapped his chest with her knuckles slightly relishing the feel of his skin, smooth and muscled.

"If how you rocked that stage is any indication you dont need any help from me." she said, "Youre really damn good."
Callie was pacing back and thorth in Steves dressing room she was scared he wouldn't remember her. She was regretting coming but she was here now. She looked at a few photos on the wall of him he still had the same awkward smile but it was cute.
Steve smiled his shy smile at aslan as he heard her comment about how he rocked the stage.

"I don't think I rocked the stage the only thing I rocked was the girl fans near the front. Now I bet you could rock the stage aslan."

On feeling aslan's knuckles on his bare chest made him remember that his shirt was open which made him blush like a tomato.

His rocker jeans didn't help as the top button had been cut off which showed off his white boxer shorts.

"So are you in a band? Do you still live round here?"
Aslan made a sound that was hald a scoff and half an amused snort at his comment. It was tru that for the most part his fans had been females but the guys that had been there had seem just as excited by his performance albiet in a non sexual manner. Aslan herself had quite a talent for pumping up crowds but in her opinion she was nowhere near as good as he was. On stage he possed a naturally intoxicating pressence. Even now she could see traces of it beneath all the blushing.

"Yea, my band MissInterpret plays locally for the most part so I still live here. Got my own apartment and everything now." she said, "What about you? Are you back for good or are you just stopping through?"
Steve smiled listening to Aslan as she told him the name of her band and how they played locally an her own apartment.

However Steve's mind couldn't let him forget he was stood infront of a very hot looking girl. As he felt his cock slowly begin to come to life in his jeans.

Aslan had asked him a question. Shit his mind played it back to him as a slightly shocked expression was on his face.

"Ohhh not at the minute. We are doing a tour all over America first. Then I'm going to look into buying a place out here so I can start writing on the next album."

Steve was just about to carry on when he heard a bunch if screaming girls outside the bathroom door. An the last time he was caught in a group of girls without his bodyguards and was signing autographs he had lost half his clothing.

Without thinking Steve grabbed Aslan again and pulled her into a toilet stall and shut the door. Now there bodies were pushed against each other as the girls burst in and begun chatting about the gig as they put their make up on.
Aslan blushed, thankihg the gods once again for tge fact spared making it visible. The stall wasnt very big and obviously wasnt designed for two. She sighed and knudged him behind her. "Sit down and put your feet on the door." She whispered knudgihg himm slightly, "It'll give us more space plus it wont look like two pairof feet if someone starts peering under the doors." As she spoke she turned her back so that her feet were facing the stall door. In the enclosed space, the action had the effect of pressing her backside against him and she could feelhis heat radiating up her body. Outside the stall the girls continued to yammer on about the show.
Steve quickly did as Aslan asked sitting down on the toilet lid and lifted both his legs up either side of her and placed them on the stall door.

As Aslan turned away to face the stall door her ass was pushed into Steve's face. Steve's 10 inch cock quickly hardened in his jeans making a large bulge in them.

His face was buried into Aslan's leather mini skirt covered ass. Steve watched as the more Aslan leaned over the more he could see. Her ass cheeks could be seen under the skirt as he wondered if she was wearing panties.

"I love it when your bossy."

Steve smiled as he spoke it softly into her ass cheeks.
Alsan tturned slightly, giving him a cute grin over her shoulder. Slowly the girls filtered out of the bathroom and as the door swung shit with a small soft thud and she gave a sigh of relief. Turning to face him she stepped back some so that her back was leaning against the stall door. Leaning forward she plucked his forehead playfully, only semi-conciouss of the fact that her leaning afforded him a view clear down her shirt. "Tlk to me not my ass, dude." she said with a light musical laugh, sticking her tounge out at him.
Steve smiled up at Aslan.

"I like talking to your ass. It doesnt chat back."

Steve meant it as a joke however the bulge in his jeans may give Aslan other ideas if she saw it. It was hard to miss the 10 inch bulge in his tight jeans.

Getting a view down Aslan's top to her breasts only kept his cock rock hard. Steve stuck his tongue back out at her.
Callie wondered where he was she thought maybe he's with a groupie but if he was anything like he used to he wouldn't be. She was regretting coming so many thoughts were running through her head; what if he doesn't remember me, what if he's got a gf and where is he. She started to fidgetted with her hair.
Aslan giggled lightly her gold eyes roving lightly over the bulge in his pants. She smiled at him before seating herself lightly on his lap facing him. She draped her arms over his shoulder and smiled. " has life been as a superstar." she asked with another light laugh.
Steve was happy as aslan sat down on his lap. Her skirt covered the large bulge in his jeans. He smiled back at her as she wrapped her arms over his shoulders. He was listening to her question when he realised his bulge was now rubbing against aslan's pussy every time she moved a little.

"It's been good. But hard work. I never seem to get time to let off steam and relax. It's always a gig or signing or single to promote."

Steve blushed a little as he talked big of himself. His red face was because of what was happening under aslan's skirt.
"That sounds like it sucks." Adlan said with a laugh, "You need to relax more Steve. But then again you always were such a workaholic."

Aslan brushed her hair from her face and adjusted herself slightly on his lap. As she moved her pussy rubbed against the his hard on. The delicious friction of his jean clad hardness on her panty clad pussy almost made her moan. She looked him in the eye and cracked a mishevious smile.

"You need to learn to have a little fun." she said her coice low and seductive.

Still holding his gaze she lran the tips of her fingers down the side of his neck. She feathered her fingertips over his collarbone before resting the palms of her hands on his chest. Then, holding his gaze, she slowly ground her hips against him in slow circles.
Steve felt Aslan's fingers sliding over his neck to his shoulder. He was almost smiling at that then he felt Aslan's hips move in circles on his lap.

Steve couldn't help but let out a moan escape his lips. As his bulge was pushing into Aslan's panties.

"What type of fun do you mean?"

Steve cheeks were bright red as his breathing deepened. Aslan's body was having the desired effect on him.

"Aslan did i turn you on with the show?"
"The show was great and theycway you command total control up there is a bug turn on, but I liked you before you dissappeared. And seeing you again...and all grown up too, is just about as much as a girl can take." Aslan said with a mischevious grin.

She stopped grinding on him and gently traced patterns on his chest with her fingertips. She thought it was cute that he was blushing and that moan had gotten to her in the worst way. Tilting her head to the side Aslan gazed at him, desire burning in her golden eyes.

"And it seems like Im not the only one turned on."
Steve is now panting as he looks into Aslans eyes helpless in search of a release. With his chest bare as his shirt is barely holding onto his shoulders. His bulge was almost hurting as it pushed so hard against her jeans.

"Ohhh Aslan. i can't help it. Your so sexy.I never knew you liked me."

Steve's body feels weak and helpless as Aslan has him at her mercy.

"as much as a girl can take? Does that mean your going to take me?"