Rock star friend (closed for momoftiwns13)


The Sexual Writer
Mar 10, 2009
Steve Leeson had last been in Louisanna when he was 14 years old. He had looked alot differently then.

At fourteen Steve had medium length blonde hair that almost covered one of his two deep sea blue eyes. He was at the time only 5,3 and had only ever wanted to be one thing in his life a rock star.

He ran away from home shortly after his 14 birthday as his school band fell apart and his dad was trying to get him to become a car sales man. His dad had warned him that rockers only drink, do drugs and have sex. Steve had promised that he would never do drugs ever.

Now after five years Steve was now nineteen. His body had changed alot in those five years.

His hair was now short brown and spikey. It still had some of his blonde hair colour on the tips of his spikes. He had grown to 6'1 and his body had been built with years of moving his gear and keeping in shape.

Now he had proved his dad wrong as he belted out the last couple of lines of his most well known song in the band called solid rock to a small crowd of over 7 thousand people. This gig had been special as it was his home town. Which was why the following night he was doing another gig for over 60 thousand people in Louisanna again.

He had kept his word to his father and never done drugs of any kind. He didn't smoke. He drank but never more than he could handle but he was shy when it came to sex.

However on stage he could drive the girls wild as he was doing now. He was wearing a black short sleeved shirt open to show his almost forming six pack and tight deep blue jeans that were ripped at the knees and thighs and white sneakers. As he grabbed the mike to the start of the band's oncore called Live it.

He didn't know it then but there was a few people in the crowd that knew him very well.
Reagan Montgomery
Long mahogany hair, bright green eyes, 5'2, 110 lbs, several small tattoos placed throughout her body

Reagan stood in the crowd and watched as Steve and his band wrapped up the set of music. He looked a lot different than he had when they were freshmen. But then again so did she. Her pixie cut hair had grown out to be long and flowing and she had filled out incredibly since then. She now looked like a woman as opposed to a girl.

A lot had changed since that day. The last day she has seen Steve- her best frowns at the time.

She remembered texting him, calling him relentlessly. His parents' panic over losing their only little boy. They had papered the town with Missing Posters. Until one day he had called from a pay phone. He had explained to his parents that he had run away and was going to start a rock band.

And he had done just that.

Reagan had all but been forgotten about in that time period. She had faded into the background, quietly becoming who she was now. She had several men at the restaurant in town where she was a waitress, who always asked her out persistently. She was easy on the eyes, but she was laid back and didnt seem to realize it though.

Glancing at her watch she saw the show was over and it was only not even 10pm. She could quickly pick up a half shift at the diner since they were open til 2am. And probably they'd be busy because of the crowd ...

Reagan turned and dashed down a back alley, heading for the diner.
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Steve was dragged out by the band for meet and greets with the fans. Girls had their pictures took with him. He could feel their hands going inside his open short grabbing his body feeling his almost formed six pack.

He also signed alot of CDs and DVDs and posters for the fans.

Once he had enough he went to leave but the fans kept training and pulling at him.

He managed to struggle his way back stage as the rest of the band hung back. Looking at his clothes.

They had been torn his jeans more than most with his button somehow ripped off. His shirt was barely hanging onto his shoulders.

It was only then that he realised how hungry he was. Doing his shirt up he snuck out the back stage door and into his dodge viper.

He drove a few streets down looking for a food place open this late. He saw a dinner as he went to turn the corner and quickly pulled up into a parking spot.

It looked quiet for the minute so he wet inside finding a corner booth picking up the menu.
Reagan had worn a pair of tight fitting denim jeans and a clingy black tank top that showed some cleavage to the concert. She quickly threw an apron on over that outfit, and grabbed order pad, shouting hi to her boss as she came in. He was on his office, looking at his computer and merely raised a hand in acknowledgement.

Reagan went out front and was disappointed there wasn't many people there. She needed the money. She lived on her own since both of her parents had died- two months after Steve had disappeared from town. She worked incredibly hard to have her own apartment. It wasn't easy but she did it.

A bus boy, Tommy, nodded towards a back booth. "Back there. He just snuck in and sat down. Didn't even wait to be seated."

Reagan thanked him and headed back there.

"Hey there, how ya doing? Can I get you something to drink?" She asked as she approached. Then he put the menu down and she saw his face. Her own face lost all color and she froze in her tracks, unable to move or speak momentarily.
Steve smiled up at her she was pretty. From the look on her face however seemed like a star struck fan. He tried to make a joke.

"You might want to shut your mouth."

He smiled at her again as he glanced down at the menu.

"Can I get a bacon double chicken burger with fries and a large coke.please."

Looking back up at her there was something about her that seemed friendly. He looked at her quickly. She looked stunningly beautiful as two old truckers were also checking her out.

Looking back into her face he was sure he knew her from somewhere. As he waited for her reply.
He didn't even acknowledge that he knew her, let alone that they had once been best friends. It was like a stab in the heart. All of the pain from when he left the first time came flooding back. They had been inseparable back then. Always doing school work together, hanging out. And suddenly he had disappeared. Not a word of goodbye. And then her parents had died within two months- and she had needed him. Needed his support. But he wasn't around.

Suddenly her eyes filled with tears.

"You're a bastard" she choked out before wheeling around and heading back into the kitchen. Tears on her face she sent a waiter named Pierce out there.

Pierce approached and noticed who he was.

"Woah! Dude! What's up!? I can't believe you're here! He hesitated. What'd you do to Reagan, man? I've never seen her cry before".
Steve sat stunned as the girl called him a bastard and left. Still trying to work out what happened he saw a waiter come over to him.

His eyes widened when he heard the name. IT was Reagan. His Reagan.

Without another second passing Steve jumped up out of his seat and ran behind the counter and into the kitchen.

Seeing her there is arms locked round her in a hug only he could gave her. As he kissed her cheek.

"Ohh my god Reagan. It's you. I'm so sorry."

He couldn't believe it his best friend Reagan was back in his arms again. This time he wouldn't let go.

"Please forgive me for leaving. It's so great to see you."

His arms staying wrapped round he as he didn't care where he was. He could smell her sweet scent of her hair that would always bring back happy thoughts.
Reagan heard the door to the kitchen fly open and quickly looked up to see Steve rushing in. He immediately wrapped her in his arms and began apologizing. She stood frozen for a moment, unbelieving that she finally was with him again. They had never been more than friends. But they HAD been the best of friends.

Finally her brain kicked in and she pushed him away.

"You think I'm mad because you didn't recognize me?!" She exclaimed. "That's not the problem you asshole." Her eyes teared up again. "how could you leave like that? Without a word?" The tears overflowed.

"Do you know what I went through after you left?! I needed you. And you were gone." She smacked him on the shoulder, shoving him against the wall. "You bastard. You were GONE! The worst days of my life and I didn't have my best friend with me by my side.... You have no idea what even happened." Her voice broke on the last word.

The fight left her and she slumps against the wall. Her watery eyes me his.

"Why, Steve?"
Steve stood there stunned as his back hit the wall and she hit his chest over and over.

In the corner of his eye he saw the chef duck away wanting no part of this drama. Steve slid his arms back round her waist as he saw her look into his eyes.

"You know why. If I told you then I was leaving you would of wanted to come with me. An I wanted you to finish school and get that degree you always wanted. I wanted to tell you believe me more than anyone in the world but I couldn't. I'm sorry."

Steve's eyes fell shut as he lips her forehead gently. It felt so good to be in her arms again. They had always been close hugging each other and playing even studying together. He'll Reagan had even seen him naked once when she come over and caught him in the shower.

"I bet you must hate me. I really didn't mean to hurt you."

He whispered to her as he held her with his back pressed against the wall.
Reagan collapsed against his chest, feeling the strength in his arms as they surrounded her. His lips touched her forehead as her tears soaked his shirt. She wasn't one for breakdowns like this. She rarely had them. But the shock of seeing combined with the overwhelming flashbacks of her parents dying and him leaving were enough to wear her down.

She sobbed softly and wrapped her arms around his waist, her face buried against his chest. Eventually she got herself together and stepped back, her arms dropping to her sides. She swiped at the tears on her cheeks and looked at him.

He looked gorgeous standing there, with a mildly befuddled look on his face.

"I never finished school" she finally said. "I mean I graduated high school but not college. My..." She sucked in a deep breath. "Well, I just had to get a job instead".

She wasn't sure if she was ready to admit to him that she had been broke with nowhere to live and had had to support herself so college had been out of the question. It still was. She was barely getting by on her restaurant income. But she was too proud to admit that. He was rich now. She didn't want to be a charity case to him.
Steve heard what she said about finishing high school but then had to get a job. Looking round he saw a man stepping out of the office toward him. Stephen didn't like the idea that Reagan was working her shift while being upset and he wanted dearly to catch up with her.

Without a second thought Steve grabbed at her apron pulling it off her and threw it on the counter as he pulled out his wallet.

He dropped 100 dollars on the counter and said.

"I'm taking Reagan home. She's not working tonight."

Stephen took her by the hand and led her outside. The moment they got outside he scooped her up in his arms like he did when they were younger and carried her over to his car.

"We are heading back to your place. I want to hear everything you have been up to."

He let her down next to his dodge viper.
Reagan tried to protest.

"Steve! I can't. I NEED this job! He will be so pissed off that I left!" And yet he merely scooped her into his strong as and carried her away. She ceased fighting and let him carry her, leaning into his embrace briefly, reliving the old days when this was a regular occurrence.

People had often suggest they date they were so close but they had never quite taken that step.

She settled into the plush car seat and waited as he walked around. "Nice wheels" she said softly thinking it would be awesome to be able to afford such luxuries.

She looked over at him with her big, expressive eyes. "I've missed you Steve..." She said softly in the dark interior of the car. "You really have no idea how much... My life changed so drastically after you left. I don't live where I used to anymore".

She gave him directions to her apartment, embarrassed for him to see it. It was a shabby one bedroom place that she could barely afford. She had tried her best to make it homey but it was still run down and in bad shape.

"Uh this is it" she said softly.
Steve had speeded through the city knowing he was heading to a bit more run down area of town he pulled his car up.

Quickly running round and opening her door he pulled her onto his back giving her a piggy back to the front door of her apartment.

It felt like he had still known her all his life. Just feeling so comfortable around her. As he entered with her his eyes took the place in.

"It looks homely. Oh cannon ball."

It was an old thing he used to do when she was on his back he would run up and swing her off his back and land her on something soft normally the bed or sofa.

He picked the bed as it was larger and ran over spinning her off his back and throwing her lightly onto the bed on her back.

He smiled down at her.

"I missed you most of all."

His eyes flashed with sorrow for a second but his smile quickly replaced it as he was looking down into her face as she lay there.
Reagan couldn't help but laugh as Steve gave her a piggyback ride and ended up cannon balling her onto her bed once inside. It seemed like he was still exactly the same Steve that he used to be. It was the best she had felt since the day he left.

He stared down at her and she up at him. Her cheeks turned a little pink at his scrutiny. She couldn't believe that he was actually back and suddenly all she wanted to do was kiss him. They had never kissed before. It had always been just a really awesome friendship.

She fidgeted on the bed, then sat up.

"Uh, yeah so... This is it... It's not the greatest place but it keeps the rain out I guess" she said, shrugging. She stood up, her shoulder brushing his chest. "You meet got food at the diner. Are you hungry? I can cook you something .. "

She was nervous. In some ways it was just like old times but in other ways it was new and strange. So much had change in their lives.

She looked at him again and smiled. "I've missed you".
Steve blushed as she looked up at him from the bed. He was still the shy boy she knew. He felt her move from under him and asked was he hungry.

As he felt her move past him he had felt her breasts push against his chest and shoulder the reaction was instant as his cock came alive inside his pants and started to harden.

With her back to him he walked up behind her saying.

"I'm starving. An I missed you too."

He hugged her from behind. As his hands closed round her he could feel his hands partial on her breasts. As their bodies were against each other his cock hardened against her ass as his head rested against her neck.

He took a deep breath through His nose smelling her hair. Then without another thought his lips touched against her neck.
Reagan leaned back into his touch. She clearly feel his hardened cock against her back and was surprised. They had never before had reactions like that to each other, and yet she had just imagined kissing him...

Then she felt his lips on her neck and her world felt right. All of her anger at him faded away. Instead she lifted her chin so she was looking up at him over her shoulder, and pressed a kiss to his jaw.

Slowly she felt his head lower and their lips touched for the first time. It was like an electric current course through her. Her body tingle slightly and she pressed back against him farther.

"Steve..." She whispered softly against his lips, tears once again filling her eyes much to her dismay. She turned in his arms and pressed her chest to his lifting her lips and kissing him more deeply this time.
Steve could believe this was happening. His lips had gone onto her neck and then Reagan had kissed his jaw before turning her body round in his grasp and whispering his name.

It sounded like a moan of pleasure from her lips as their lips met again. Steve realised he wanted this badly as his tongue pressed for access into her mouth.

His hands had fell to her rear and took hold of her ass cheeks gripping them tightly through her pants.

He felt his cock rock hard inside his pants all 10 inches were pushing against her stomach as he held her tightly.

He wanted Reagan. He needed Reagan as he kissed her with so much passion.
Steve and Reagan kissed passionately, years of pent up lust pouring into the kiss. She clung to him, her hands squeezing his shoulders softly. She could feel his length pressing against her body and somewhere in the back of her mind she noticed how much bigger he was than she would have thought. His hands were on her ass, caressing her.

After several minutes of kissing Reagan finally pulled away. She looked warily up at him.

"What are we doing?" She asked. "We never use to be like this together... I... I'm not like some star crazed fan who will do anything on Earth to sleep with You. You know that right?"

She hoped he wasn't just looking for a piece of tail, that this actually meant something to him more than just lustful kissing.
Steve looked at her hurt by what she had said. He looked down at his feet suddenly getting shy by what he had just done.

"I have always missed you the amount of times I nearly came back for you. I never wanted to wreck your life but you Reagan have been the one thing missing from my life and now having you here with me. It feels right."

Stephen had spent many nights thinking of his best friend till one night it dawned on him that he loved her.

He was to scared to say how much he loved her in case she didn't feel the same way. That thought crushed him and made him not say the words.

He looked up with his deep blue puppy dog eyes at her. She was the only person who ever understood him. He put his hands in his pockets feeling a little awkward after grabbing her rear.
Reagan realized she had upset him by her words and stepped close again, brushing her palm along his cheek. "I'm not saying this" - she pointed to them both - "is a bad thing. I just need to take it slow. You... disappeared from my life for years and now you're back... And that's the most amazing thing that has happened to me. Ever."

She gave him a tiny smile.

"Food, Steve. You need to eat" she whispered. She kissed him once again and then pulled him into the kitchen. She loved to cook. Cooking relaxed her and allowed her to think. She needed to think now.

She began pulling out ingredients for homemade tacos. As she assembled them, she glanced at Steve.

"Are you wondering why I live here?" She asked quietly.
Steve was so happy when she said that she wanted to take it slow. He nodded his head as she dragged him into the kitchen.

He sat on a stool watching her cook. She looked so beautiful then he remembered she had asked him a question.

"Yeah so why do you live here?"

Steve smiled at her as he stole a glance at her rear when she bent over to grab something.

"An your the greatest thing that ever happened to me."

He let out his school boy smile at her.