Robert Jordan Book 10


Apr 15, 2002
Wheel of Time Series - Crossroads of Twilight

I have just finished this, and whilst as well written as all the rest, it left me completely unsatisfied........

The book ended not far from where it started, in fact the only truly momentous piece appeared to happen on the last page.

Is it that the world he has created has become so full of 3d characters that it is too big?

Did anyone else feel the same, or am I just being overly critical?
I haven't gotten it yet...which in a way shows how I responded to book 9. I am re-reading them all and currently on 6.

I've been reading these since...well...for many years (I read the first book in hard-back) and fell in love with the world and inhabitants he has created. Unfortunately the past 2 books...and book 10 from what I hear have just gotten lost in the vastness of the world.

It is what is best about the books as well as worst.

My question is does he dig himself deeper in this pit? i.e. create more characters and plot lines? Or does he pretty much remain even on those issues?
ozraven said:
Wheel of Time Series - Crossroads of Twilight

I have just finished this, and whilst as well written as all the rest, it left me completely unsatisfied........

The book ended not far from where it started, in fact the only truly momentous piece appeared to happen on the last page.

Is it that the world he has created has become so full of 3d characters that it is too big?

Did anyone else feel the same, or am I just being overly critical?

That matches pretty well with what I have heard of the book, so I haven't bought it yet- I'm gonna wait for either the paperback, or for it to appear on the bargain shelf at Barnes and Noble.
I"m pretty much where the two of you are, too. I stopped reading about halfway through Book 9. I just got tired of detailed setting and onerous character details for the gazillionth time. I was craving any small thing to move any of the thousands plots just a centimeter. After a hundred pages, the plots still sat there, so I stopped reading. :(

It's a shame. The world is so rich and detailed and Jordan is a very good writer. I wish his editor would whang him upside the ehad with one of his books, though.
JazzManJim said:

It's a shame. The world is so rich and detailed and Jordan is a very good writer. I wish his editor would whang him upside the ehad with one of his books, though.

That's it EXACTLY. He needs an editor to pull him back away from this swarm of stuff that is filling his thoughts and focus him on narrowing the vision. I run into this when I write as well...there's just SOO much to get out that I lose focus and the story gets lost in the words.

He is a good writer...maybe just too good.
dreamer0919 said:
I haven't gotten it yet...which in a way shows how I responded to book 9. I am re-reading them all and currently on 6.

I've been reading these since...well...for many years (I read the first book in hard-back) and fell in love with the world and inhabitants he has created. Unfortunately the past 2 books...and book 10 from what I hear have just gotten lost in the vastness of the world.

It is what is best about the books as well as worst.

My question is does he dig himself deeper in this pit? i.e. create more characters and plot lines? Or does he pretty much remain even on those issues?

Agreed, nine was very similar, and now he hasn't really added new characters, but has really complicated some plot lines......
And example, (without giving too much away) Perryns' wife is still hostage at the end of book 10......having been taken half way through 9.......

But I do the reread to, when I bought this one akasha thouht I was strange because I went back to book 5 and read the last 5 again to refresh the story......

It's still an enjoyable read, it just left me wnating a lot more and filling slightly gypped.....
Re: Re: Robert Jordan Book 10

Carp said:
That matches pretty well with what I have heard of the book, so I haven't bought it yet- I'm gonna wait for either the paperback, or for it to appear on the bargain shelf at Barnes and Noble.

lol, it's not that bad...........bloody frustrating though!
dreamer0919 said:

He is a good writer...maybe just too good.

Yes, you could be right Jim, and dreamer, maybe that is the problem he is such a good painter that he forgets to be a storyteller sometimes.......
I bought book 9 and finished it (although I had to force myself to do that). I REFUSE to buy book 10. I'll wait until the plot moves along, and pick it up from there. I dislike having to plow through a plot that repeats itself.

In my frustration with Jordan, I discovered another series by George R.R. Martin that's excellent. I would suggest to anyone who likes Jordan's Wheel of Time books (the ones he wrote before he started studdering). The series is called "A Song of Ice and Fire". The first book is "A Game of Thrones". This is a five book series that hasn't been finished. Book 4 is due out this year though.

If you've read this series, I'd be interested in your thoughts on it. If you haven't, pick up the first book and see what you think!

Alyx said:
I bought book 9 and finished it (although I had to force myself to do that). I REFUSE to buy book 10. I'll wait until the plot moves along, and pick it up from there. I dislike having to plow through a plot that repeats itself.

In my frustration with Jordan, I discovered another series by George R.R. Martin that's excellent. I would suggest to anyone who likes Jordan's Wheel of Time books (the ones he wrote before he started studdering). The series is called "A Song of Ice and Fire". The first book is "A Game of Thrones". This is a five book series that hasn't been finished. Book 4 is due out this year though.

If you've read this series, I'd be interested in your thoughts on it. If you haven't, pick up the first book and see what you think!


It's an excellent series.......I love the character Jon Stark......

Also try Kate Forsythes "Withes of Eileanan" 6 book series, the sixth book was actually the last book, so the story had an ending....really good stuff.

As is Sarah Douglas's two series, the first one was the Axis trilogy an dthe second was "The Crucible", outstanding but each totaly different..... (She has a new one out "Hades Daughter" which I've bought but haven't read yet....
ozraven said:
It's an excellent series.......I love the character Jon Stark......

I don't think there is a better series going right now. Martin is at his peak.

I do adore Jon Stark...but how can I not admire Cersei? All that beauty, intelligence, lust and greed.;)
Thanks for the suggestions, Ozraven. I'm always on the lookout for good books to read!

juicylips said:
I don't think there is a better series going right now. Martin is at his peak.

I do adore Jon Stark...but how can I not admire Cersei? All that beauty, intelligence, lust and greed.;)


don't identify with her too closely!!!!!:devil:

They are an interesting mob the Lannisters, but you have to love the imp...... that is an incredibly rich character creation....:)

And my pleasure Alyx......... me too!:)
Right. Hundreds of pages and the plot.... the plot moves forward an inch.

I hate this. The stories are crap, are dry and unoriginal and yet I buy every book.

They're neither trolls nor orcs, they're trollocs!

The men, aie, the men are worth something until a women comes along and dominants them. Jordan needs to keep his sexual politics out of it.

The big thing in the Crossroads of Twilight is the lack of forward motion. Nothing happens. Nothing.
ozraven said:

don't identify with her too closely!!!!!:devil:

They are an interesting mob the Lannisters, but you have to love the imp...... that is an incredibly rich character creation....:)


No worries. I have no plans to start fucking my twin brother.

Yes..Tyrion is a very layered character. Every book reveals another facet of most of his characters. It's impossible to lose interest.
Ooh! George R R Martin!

Excellent series. :) Don't get too attached to anyone, though (heh heh heh)

I'm also entranced with the series (two books thus far) by Melanie Rawn called "Exiles". I've never been a big fan of Rawn, mostly because I consider her a hair's-breadth away from being a romance writer, but these books really jazzed me.
ozraven said:
Agreed, nine was very similar, and now he hasn't really added new characters, but has really complicated some plot lines......
And example, (without giving too much away) Perryns' wife is still hostage at the end of book 10......having been taken half way through 9.......

But I do the reread to, when I bought this one akasha thouht I was strange because I went back to book 5 and read the last 5 again to refresh the story......

It's still an enjoyable read, it just left me wnating a lot more and filling slightly gypped.....

ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I lurve Faile....that sucks he can't wrap at least that part up.

As for the sexual politics...I really enjoy that aspect. I think the insights are really entertaining even when not so accurate. And they're accurate more often than not.
You enjoy the sexual politics. Perrin was the best character; now he's the worst. Rand whines too much. We're left with Matt. What a turn around.
Sixth said:
Right. Hundreds of pages and the plot.... the plot moves forward an inch.

I hate this. The stories are crap, are dry and unoriginal and yet I buy every book.

They're neither trolls nor orcs, they're trollocs!

The men, aie, the men are worth something until a women comes along and dominants them. Jordan needs to keep his sexual politics out of it.

The big thing in the Crossroads of Twilight is the lack of forward motion. Nothing happens. Nothing.

And you still buy them........

I actually think plenty happens, maybe too much, which is why the plot rarely moves forward, which is, incredibly frustrating.....;)
juicylips said:

No worries. I have no plans to start fucking my twin brother.

Yes..Tyrion is a very layered character. Every book reveals another facet of most of his characters. It's impossible to lose interest.

Pleased to hear it! ;)

Do you know if he has any other series around?

The song of ice and fire is the only one I've seen......

(And........aren't I supposed to be stalking YOU??) :D
ozraven said:
Pleased to hear it! ;)

Do you know if he has any other series around?

The song of ice and fire is the only one I've seen......

(And........aren't I supposed to be stalking YOU??) :D

Here is his website

I think we can compromise and do a mutual stalking thing.;)
JazzManJim said:
Ooh! George R R Martin!

Excellent series. :) Don't get too attached to anyone, though (heh heh heh)

I'm also entranced with the series (two books thus far) by Melanie Rawn called "Exiles". I've never been a big fan of Rawn, mostly because I consider her a hair's-breadth away from being a romance writer, but these books really jazzed me.

She(?) did a series of books a while back that I quite enjoyed, can't remember the title but something about Dragon prince rings a bell........ I love anything to do with dragons, I still reread the Pern series at least every 18 months, and it's not by any means a literary great......
Sixth said:
You enjoy the sexual politics. Perrin was the best character; now he's the worst. Rand whines too much. We're left with Matt. What a turn around.

I agree with you and dreamer on the sexual politics part.......

The whole Aes Sedai thing was nicely complicated by Cadsuanne in particular........ And the Aeil interaction I enjoy....

Not sure I agree on the character part......

Perrin has become a bit of a whimp.......

Rand is so complicated now that I am not sure where he is at, but not whining I don't think......

Agreed that Mat has become by far the most interesting male character now......well, him and the male forsaken passing itself of as Egwynne's massage therapist! :devil: :D
ozraven said:
I have bookmarked it, ty :)

And mutual works for me.........

I'll take first watch.;)

Then you can watch me sleep.;) It's waaaaay past my bedtime here in Buckeyeland. (10:30pm)

I think I should confess something....I've never read a book by Jordan. I do enjoy L.E. Modesitt's Recluse series as well as Terry Goodkind's Wizards First Rule series...although the last two or three have been quite forgetful. Tad Williams Otherland books were weighty...but spectacular reading.
