Robbie, the Robot, is coming for your job...


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
The simple fact of the matter is technology marches on and we all eventually benefit from it. To the extent it appears we do not, let me point out a six facts.

The Fed (central banks in general) have made the cost of capital so cheap that it encourages employers to replace workers with cheaper alternatives.

The Fed (central banks in general) can enhance trends, but cannot change them. Thus, I am not stating the Fed is the cause of "Robotic Outsourcing". Rather, I am stating that cheap money has accelerated that trend.

Minimum wage laws, protectionism, unions in general, and inane government policies also encourage "Robotic Outsourcing".

Long-term, everyone benefits from productivity improvements and associated cheaper prices.

Unfortunately, Keynesian clowns as well as the clowns at the Fed (central banks in general) see cheaper prices as the enemy.

In their effort to prevent falling prices, the Fed has lowered the cost of money so much that it is a no-brainer to replace human workers with technology at an increasing pace.
It could happen!

Reminds me of Sheldon's efforts on The Big Bang Theory...

That and Wolowitz "falling" onto his robotic arm.

;) ;)
ROBBIE THE ROBOT is the title of a story I wrote. Send me a money order for a bazillion barack bux.
Teachers cant imagine it but machines are gonna replace them within the next few years.

The community college where I live has two sites about an hour from each other. One site has a teacher the other site gets to watch them on tv. I can see it happening for older students.
And how are all these companies that are laying off their workforces going to sell their products to robots?
You know, I googled it, and Robbie seems to be a specific robot actor from the grayscale movie days.


I'd say he's as obsolete as a robot could be. He might be a job from one of those hipsters obsessed with retro shit. But I've got more processing power in my phone.

I know that the thread is about the threat of technology on things like factory jobs, but still, Robbie's a real thing.
And how are all these companies that are laying off their workforces going to sell their products to robots?

Most of the populace will be on the dole, some kind of guaranteed minimum income. Already happening de facto.
Robots replacing humans? Where have you been since 1970? That's when this story was new.
OMG I wish there was a robot to pull up this flooring and put down the new shit. I so don't want to do it...
I repair robots, so the more dependent we are on them, the better. The money in repair and maintenance of commercial production equipment is very lucrative. When a consumers robot(car, refrigerator, microwave, computer, etc) breaks down, they only compare the cost of repair to cost of replacement.

A production operation has to look at lost income while their shit is broke down.
I'm going to throw wooden shoes at the Dunkin' DOnut robots who are taking jobs away from those hard working Pakis...

:D :D :D
Most of the populace will be on the dole, some kind of guaranteed minimum income. Already happening de facto.

Uh, no. Whats happening is folks are working under the table. About 2 trillion Obama Bux worth last year. IRS figgers they lost a diaper load of taxes.
remember in the old days how tv, books, and magazines would say that in the future robots would do all the work, and humans would live a life of leisure? what they didn't say was, people would be unemployed, on welfare, and living in subsidized housing.