Road House 2024


Rustic rapscallion
Jan 19, 2015
Well, I watched the remake of Roadhouse on AMZ Prime last night. Its limited commonality to the original film is the leading character's name. Overall the remake falls short of the first film's greatness. It could have been better, had the acting talent necessary for success but failed. If you like films with action, fighting, and scenic locations then this film has them.
Well, I watched the remake of Roadhouse on AMZ Prime last night. Its limited commonality to the original film is the leading character's name. Overall the remake falls short of the first film's greatness. It could have been better, had the acting talent necessary for success but failed. If you like films with action, fighting, and scenic locations then this film has them.
What??? No sex scenes??? Forget it! :rolleyes: :D
Everyone who is a fan of MMA will be watching for Conor McGregor in it...

From what I've seen, he should stick to assaulting old men in pubs and cruising round the Mediterranean on his yacht. The obnoxious and arrogant git can't act.
What??? No sex scenes??? Forget it! :rolleyes: :D
Nope. Nada. Zilch. šŸ˜²
Everyone who is a fan of MMA will be watching for Conor McGregor in it...

From what I've seen, he should stick to assaulting old men in pubs and cruising round the Mediterranean on his yacht. The obnoxious and arrogant git can't act.
I suspect he was just encouraged to play an exaggerated version of himself...he was hilarious.
There was acting in the original? Must have missed it.
I'm not sure Patrick Swayze could have been accused of greatness in the movie... or any of its cast of misfits.
I actually really liked the new one. Jake G does a great job. The movie is on par with the original in that it's a lot of slam bang pulpy fun carried by charismatic leads.

I'm actually with you guys, though. Could have used a sex scene. ;)
Well, I watched the remake of Roadhouse on AMZ Prime last night. Its limited commonality to the original film is the leading character's name. Overall the remake falls short of the first film's greatness. It could have been better, had the acting talent necessary for success but failed. If you like films with action, fighting, and scenic locations then this film has them.
They don't make 'em like Patrick Swayze anymore.

How sad is that sentence?? šŸ˜› :unsure:
Actually want to see it just to see how bad it is. Jake G would not have been my choice, and that's sort of what keeps me from watching it.
I actually really liked the new one. Jake G does a great job. The movie is on par with the original in that it's a lot of slam bang pulpy fun carried by charismatic leads.

I'm actually with you guys, though. Could have used a sex scene. ;)
I really liked it, too. I did go in with low expectations, but found it a lot of fun to watch. I am a Jake G fan, though, sure that helped.
Well, I watched the remake of Roadhouse on AMZ Prime last night. Its limited commonality to the original film is the leading character's name. Overall the remake falls short of the first film's greatness. It could have been better, had the acting talent necessary for success but failed. If you like films with action, fighting, and scenic locations then this film has them.
The original was so bad it was good.

The new one is just CRAP!
Finally watched it. It sucked. Watched the original the following night. I'll admit that in today's light the original isn't award winning, but it's still miles better than the new one!
What??? No sex scenes??? Forget it! :rolleyes: :D
What do you mean, it was all sex scenes, I watched it over and over.

. . . Oh wait, that was Road Head that watched.

I love all of the comments. The original film is more to my liking even though some of you don't like it. The new one is just a different kettle of fish. But I don't consider it as being terrible otherwise I wouldn't have finished watching it.
The new version is the last movie I watched about 3 weeks ago. I prefer the original with Patrick Swayze :heart: