RIP Jonathan Winters

that's fucking creepy. i just looked him up less than a week ago wondering if he'd died or just quit.
Jonathan Winters

was definitely ground breaking. Truly an original at improv. He would routinely make the hosts of the tonight show or others break up, they couldnt take it. His role in Its a Mad Mad World was really memorable.
I just read about his passing. Now I'm all bummed out (and I also feel old, lol). He was truely one of the greats, and for his time, knew just how far to push the edge of censorship without getting into trouble.


One of my all time favorites. Rest in peace, Maude. :rose:

My first favorite comedian as a little kid, the first one I remember knowing was something called a comedian and understanding that he was funny.

Next was George Carlin (dead) and Richard Pryor (dead).

If I say that Robin Williams came after that, do you think it will hurry things along for him?
was definitely ground breaking. Truly an original at improv. He would routinely make the hosts of the tonight show or others break up, they couldnt take it. His role in Its a Mad Mad World was really memorable.

I loved it when he said

ITS THE BIG W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Couldn't stop laughing!
He used to always eat lunch at a corner diner in Santa Barbara. When I worked up there, I'd see him through the window, same seat, almost every day.

And that's all I gotta say about that.
One of the funniest things I ever saw was an interviewer try to interview Jonathan Winters and Robin Williams together. He got in most of his first question, and then it was all them. I could hardly breathe I was laughing so hard. Marvelous funny guy. And always seemed so gentle.

If there is an afterlife, it just got to be a LOT more fun.
Back when I was a teenager one of my good friends mother was a dead ringer for Jonathan Winters with long graying hair.

Holding a conversation with her without busting out laughing was...damned difficult!:D
One of the funniest things I ever saw was an interviewer try to interview Jonathan Winters and Robin Williams together. He got in most of his first question, and then it was all them. I could hardly breathe I was laughing so hard. Marvelous funny guy. And always seemed so gentle.

If there is an afterlife, it just got to be a LOT more fun.
