Reverse lunch


Aug 4, 2002
I've reached the point in a story where it becomes necessary for several characters to ......... vomit. Hey, this is art, you know?

I know the usual terms used to describe the process, but I would appreciate your help with some new ones. I have quite a few people hurling, so I need different terms.

Thank you,

Ps. I already know "Speaking to Ralph on the big white phone."

I thought it was shouting for God on the big white phone.

'Chucking up' of course.

'shooting the cat'

'Technicolor yawn'

'Reaching for you boots'

'Spew your ring up' / 'Spew your guts out'

'Chuck your guts up'

'Dump your lunch'

Think of some more if you like, I know about bodily functions you know.


Who luvs ya baby: pops.............
Reverse Parastalsice. (sp?)

Parastalsice (sp?) is the action of food going down the esophagus to the stomach.
BlessedBe said:
Reverse Parastalsice. (sp?)

Parastalsice (sp?) is the action of food going down the esophagus to the stomach.

Sorry, doesn't work. Peristalsis is the action of the smooth muscle of the intestines which propels the contents anuswards.

Pop, I knew you would have contributions for this one.
According to my physiology prof (back in the day), peristalsis also describes the motion of the muscles in the esophogous when swallowing.

However, imagine reverse peristalsis at the other end. The horror, the horror.

In any case, the symmetry is mind boggling.
Well, hell. I was lied to. lol


Read your story, voted, and tried to send feedback, but it said you don't allow annonymous feedback. Since no one can place their e-mail address in the box without opening the annonymous feedback first, this must mean that you do not wish feedback after all. However if you do this is what I was going to suggest.

After you do your spell and grammar check, you need to personally reread the whole story to correct word errors such as me for my that you have so often in this story as well as others that disrupt the reading process.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
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karmadog said:
According to my physiology prof (back in the day), peristalsis also describes the motion of the muscles in the esophogous when swallowing.

However, imagine reverse peristalsis at the other end. The horror, the horror.

In any case, the symmetry is mind boggling.

I just called my uncle George. He's a gastroenterologist. He said peristalsis is generally considered to be an intestinal function. After swallowing, stuff goes through the esophagus mainly by gravity. Stomach walls churn, but don't really propel, so that isn't peristalsis.

KDog, If you had normal peristalsis at the top and reverse peristalsis starting at the bottom, something rather unpleasant would happen somewhere in the middle. Yes .. The horror... the horror.
karmadog said:

According to my physiology prof (back in the day), peristalsis also describes the motion of the muscles in the esophogous when swallowing.

Well, if I was wrong, then a science teacher in Middle School is the one who lied to me...
BlessedBe said:
Well, if I was wrong, then a science teacher in Middle School is the one who lied to me...

Dear BB,
You certainly seem to cause controversy wherever you go. Is that a piece of pine or oak on your shoulder?
MathGirl said:
I know the usual terms used to describe the process, but I would appreciate your help with some new ones. I have quite a few people hurling, so I need different terms.

Thank you,

Ps. I already know "Speaking to Ralph on the big white phone."

One I use sometimes is "blow chow". :eek:

Pookie :rose:
Hurling Terms

I'd have to say that for terms that don't take over the sentence, "hurl", "blow lunch" or "toss cookies" are appealing - though it really depends on the context - the tone of the story and what your hero and heroine are doing that led to the purging. If they have contracted a violent case of whatever on a vacation in Cancun, it is different than if they are driving home from a drinking party.
COMPLETELY out of context, but my favorite hurling phrase was when a buddy and I were at a baseball game - there was this big fat clown four rows back who was drinking out of an igloo thing of orange juice and vodka, who for five innings was yelling abuse at the players. In the fifth, he got up to go to the can, but instead staggered down and sat on the steps next to our seats. As he sat there, staring glassy-eyed at his ankles, my friend said
"I don't care about my SHHOOEES!" just as the fat guy unloaded on his own Nikes. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard.
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Peristalsis is technically the regular contraction of muscles along a section of gut and therefore swallowing is a form of peristalsis. So reverse peristalsis is the scientific name for chucking up.


Speaking to the porcelain, displaying the Golden M, hurling, chucking up, heaving.

A common euphemism if it's a woman doing it and there's a man nearby to help is 'holding back her hair.'

The Earl
How about 'gastrically contributing' or 'doing lunch' or maybe even 'undoing lunch'?
it's all about context


I would choose different words depending on the context.

Wild party: spewing, blowing chunks, puked (her guts up)

Food poisoning/ virus: violently ill, retching (my personal fav), barfing, throwing up


experienced this up close and personal last night as my 5 year old threw up all over me... twice.
What an edifying thread this is, MG.

Have you got a title yet for this story?

If not may I suggest,

Retch for the Sky


55 Days in Puking

Around here they say ralph as in I ralphed all over my shoes or I spent most of last night ralphing.

How about:

Calling Ralph, you know R-aa-ll-fffff!

Or if it's really intense you might be calling, C---a---d---d---i---l--l--a--c!
