Rev Brad and the woman (Closed for MzSeductress)

When Brad got to his place, he was still steaming and full of fear for Dalia. Pacing the floor, he wondered how she was doing and if they hurt her. All he could think about was getting even with whoever kidnapped her. The minister side of him tried to console him but he was not in the mood to feel gracious or forgiving.

He was still pacing the room when Teo arrived. Teo wanted to punch Brad for letting this happen and he made Brad tell him again every little detail of what happened.

"Do you know who kidnapped Dalia?" Brad asked.

Teo looked at him, his eyes narrowed. "Yea I know who did this. That fucking asshole Mayor Campbell. But don't worry I have my cousin working on it. If anyone can find out where she is he is the man with all the connections."

Clint, the Mayor's thug called the mayor on his cell phone. "Got the bitch in the warehouse boss and we gave her the clothes to put on but she was pissed as hell."

There was laughter on the other end of the line. "I fully expected that from the fucking whore. I'll be down in a little while and take care of the bitch myself. In the meantime I want you to tell her she better put on the sexy whore outfit for me."

"Will do boss," he replied and then looked at his partner, Joey. "This is going to be fun to see that bitch get what's coming to her." Clint opened the door to the room and looked in to see a very pissed off woman. "Boss says for you to put on your work clothes for him and he'll be along shortly."

When the woman came running at him, Clint quickly closed the door before she could get to him.
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Dalia was scared and furious. She knew what the Mayor meant by "work clothes". He wanted her to put on lingerie,heels and makeup for him. She knew what he was going to do. She felt her hands slide to her throat remembering what happened last time he had touched her and tears slowly ran down her cheeks.

She shook with fear as she regrettingly slipped on the outfit crying knowing that the mayor would force her to wear it if she didn't and would force her to have sex with him and probably let his men touch her as well.

She hugged herself crying and praying for the first time in a long time that he did not kill her. She knew he had tried to last time and never seeing Brad ,her mother or Teo again caused Daila to break out in full blown sobs.

They wouldn't know what happened to her and her mom would have no one to support her financially.

She was broken out of the sobs quieting a bit when she heard noise in the warehouse and heavy footsteps moving quickly toward the door.
Teo and Brad get call from Tony / Mayor pays a visit to Dalia

Brad and Teo waited anxiously for the phone to ring. They both were concerned about what the mayor was capable of and how he almost killed her at the brothel. And then there was the question of Ashley. She had tried to kill her with her cookies. Was she involved in the mayor’s plot to do away with Dalia, the only one who could testify against him?

Finally the phone rang and both men sprinted to the table. Teo got to the phone first and saw it was Tony, his cousin and put the phone on speaker. “We found out where she is Teo but we have to move fast. The mayor is on his way over there and God only knows what he plans to do to her.”

“What about his lover Ashley? Is she in on this?” Brad asked remembering their lustful times but also how she tried to kill Dalia.

Tony paused for a moment before speaking. “She is not involved. In fact she is sitting right here with me and she really regrets what the mayor made her do. Seems he had some dirt on her and if she did what he asked, he would forget about it. Ok here is the plan.” Tony outlined how they had planted cocaine at the warehouse without the mayor’s knowledge. They were going to confront the mayor and when the cops came, Tony’s men were going to disappear and leave the mayor with a stash of cocaine and also charged with kidnapping and attempted murder. At the end he said, “Here’s the address but don’t go in until we let you know it’s safe. Ashley is going to go in as a decoy until the cops arrive. There could be some gun play and I don’t you two getting hurt.”

What he didn’t tell them was that it was his men who kidnapped Dalia for the mayor. Tony wanted the mayor out of the way because he was cutting into his business. With the mayor gone, it opened a lot of opportunities for Tony.


“Open the door,” the mayor said to one of his body guards.

When he walked into the tiny room, his eyebrows raised and he smiled at the sight before him. “Well we meet again bitch. I thought you might not dress appropriately for me but I see you did. That’s good. We have some unfinished business whore.” Mayor Campbell crossed the room quickly while one of his goons stood in the door, ready to block any attempt by Dalia to escape.

Grabbing her hair, he lashed out with his free hand, landing a hard slap across the cheek. “Yea we have some unfinished business whore but before I kill you I figure I might as well have a good-bye fuck.”
Dalia cried out in pain and winced as he slapped her hard causing her body to shake with the force. She struggled but knew there was no chance she could get the larger man off of her.

She chuckled as her head hung refusing to look at him "You are pathetic Campbell... I bet this is the only way you can get off huh? Fucking me against my will cause you can't get it up for thy wife of yours cause she's not interested "

She saw the sneer on his face. Followed by the harder slap causing her to fall onto the cot on the floor and him kick her saying he was gonna make her death hard and slow.

Ashely was nervous about this plan. She had found out this morning she was pregnant but didn't get a chance to let Tony know and he was so busy making sure things went his way they didn't get a chance to speak.

She also knew that his men had captured Dalia along with some of the mayors men but if the mayor got anywhere near her he would hurt her badly and even though she was envious of the woman the type of pain the mayor would cause no woman deserves that and they had to get to her quickly before he finished the job.
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Brad and Teo rush to the warehouse / The mayor begins mistreating Dalia

Teo knew the address of the warehouse and he looked at Brad, seeing concern on his face. “Don’t worry Brad, we’ll get Dalia out of there.” He was hoping he wasn’t being too optimistic knowing the mayor had a violent temper. Picking up the gun off the coffee table where Brad left it, he put it into the waist band of his trousers. Brad knew Teo had another gun and spoke up. “Don’t you think I should have that gun in case there is a lot of trouble?”

Teo looked at him and smiled. “Listen Brad if you need to use this gun, then we are going to be in a world of hurt. Besides you’re a minister and we don’t want a man of God going around shooting people do we? Besides we have to keep you safe so you can marry Dalia.”

Brad listened to Teo and he was stunned by the word marriage. He had thought about it but he never mentioned it to anyone. ‘Is it that obvious?” he thought as they headed out the door.

Brad and Teo jumped into Teo souped up car and roared out of the parking lot. The tires squealed when Teo took the corners too fast. He hoped it was not too late. He knew the mayor would try to keep Dalia quiet to protect his little empire. The cell phone rang and Teo saw it was Tony. “What’s your ETA Teo?”

“We’re about 10 minutes to the warehouse,” he replied.

“Ok we’re going to be there a few minutes earlier. Listen I want you and Brad to watch the doors and if any of the mayor’s men come out ……. Well you know what to do. Ashley and I are going to go into the warehouse and see if we can locate Dalia. By the way when we start to go into the building, I’m calling the police and it will take them about 20 minutes to get there. When they arrive you two send them into the building. Hopefully we will have the situation under control by then. ”

Brad’s heart was pumping wildly. Never in his life had he ever thought he would be going to a warehouse with hoods and gangsters to save the most important person in his life. He looked at Teo who was busy concentrating driving like a bat out of hell to get to the warehouse. He only hoped they would be there in time to save his lover.

“You know you are just a cheap fucking whore who happened to overhear some important shit about me,” Wild Bill Campell growled as he stood over Dalia. “After I’m done fucking you and then my boys will have the privilege of fucking that sweet tight pussy of yours Dalia, you won’t be good for any other guy, especially that nice reverend.”

He saw her eyes narrow, filled with hate. “Yea that’s right Dalia or Daisy or how about just plain slut,” the mayor said. “You all didn’t think I would find out about your lover boy the preacher? Hell he the preacher at my church,” he sneered down at her.

Mayor Campbell reached down, grabbing the flimsy lingerie and pulled hearing it rip. “No sense have anything on since we are going to use your body until you can’t walk. And you can yell all you want and as loud as you want because no one will hear you.” The mayor threw the flimsy gown into the corner of the room and gave Dalia an evil smile. Climbing on top of her, he held her head and slapped her a few times. “I like it rough,” he said grabbing a breast and squeezing it hard.
Dalia listened to the Mayors angry words and that he would use her along with his men and ruin her for Brad. She glared at him as he called he a slut causing her to grow angrier and he reached down ripping off the lingerie causing her to wince.

She heard him say she didn't need it because they were going to use her body until she couldn't walk.. She screamed and tried crawling away and she heard the evil grin on his voice "And you can yell as loud as you want because no one can hear you". He said matter of factly before climbing on top of her.

She felt the the hot angry tears as she tried getting him off of her and he slapped her hard a few times and squeezed her nipples hard enough to make her blackout from fear and pain.

Ashely was afraid and nervous during the ride to the warehouse. Not that she didn't know Antonio had everything handled but she was pregnant and afraid if something went wrong she might get hurt.

She felt him hold her hand and kiss her telling her "babe it's fine Just follow everything we planned ok?" She nodded and said "what she was thinking the whole time out loud " Baby... I'm pregnant.."

She saw the shocked looked on his face followed by a grin and he nodded holding her hand tighter before sending something out to his men. "That means I'm sending extra men in with you"
Brad and Teo arrive at the warehouse and meet Tony

Mayor Campbell looked at Delia, lying unconscious on the mat. “Shit she is of no use to me this way,” he said angrily. Looking at his henchman standing at the door, he ordered him, “Go find a pail of water or something to revive this bitch. I want her awake when I fuck her and then watch as you get your chance at the filthy whore.” He looked back at Dalia and shook her to wake up but to no avail.
Brad and Teo were almost to the site fear gripped both of them. “What if we are too late,” Brad asked.

“Don’t think about that shit,” Teo said trying to remain positive but he had a knot in his stomach. When the mayor was involved, one never knew what to expect. He could decide to end it quickly or he could make her suffer for a long time.

Rounding the corner, Teo saw his cousin’s car along with four other black sedans. Men were milling about and his cousin was nowhere to be seen. Teo pulled next to one of the vehicles and saw Tony inside talking to Ashley. When Teo got out, Tony rolled his window down. It was apparent the two of them were having a conversation. “What’s the plan?” Teo asked.

“The mayor and a few of his henchmen are in the building and the only one that can get inside without a scuffle is Ashley. She knows the mayor and his men from the brothel. They mayor also thinks we are in on the kidnapping so he will think she coming to check out what is happening with Dalia.”

“You mean you’re going to let that bitch go into the warehouse after she tried to kill Dalia,” Brad screamed.

Tony looked at him and tried to offer a smile. “Listen, there is a lot of information you don’t know. She is the best bet we have to getting Dalia out of there alive.”

Tony looked at Ashley who looked like she had been crying. “Ok baby, here is the 9mm glock. You know what to do once you get inside?”

Ashley looked at Tony, Teo, and Brad. “Yea let’s get this over with,” she said taking the gun from Tony’s fingers.
Ashely and Tony had a long talk. She was still going in. Hopefully the mayor hadn't gotten to Dalia like he did her. She felt bad for siding with the mayor for revenge because she ended up getting hurt and he said he had information on her brothers.

She went inside disgusted with even looking at the mayor and his men and saw him coming out of the storage unit and she remained strong so Tony's plan stayed in place. "A the bitch in there?"she said stopping a few feet from the mayor folding her arms .

The deal was we get the girl and store her here.. Tony takes care of her .. And we cut a bigger deal of the shipment if your pay us more and plant dealers" Ashely said going over Tony's plan .

She rubbed her cuff which had the button pinned in place letting Tony know the back was clear and they could sneak in.. She just hoped Dalia had still been alive hearing no sound from the room.

" If you killed her deals off Tony has a less messy way of doing things...Let me see her"she said
Brad and Teo plant the drugs / Tony goes to help Ashley

When Ashley left the men, Tony opened the trunk of the car. Brad and Teo looked inside to see three neatly tied plastic bags. "What is that stuff," Brad asked having a feeling he didn't want to know.

Teo looked at Tony with a sly smile. "Brad that is some of the shit that is going to put the mayor away for a long time. It's 100% pure cocaine."

"Yea that's right Teo and then I have a open market without any interference from that son of a bitch," Tony chuckled picking up the packages. Tony looked at Brad and smiled. "You ready to save that woman of yours?"

"Yea ..... I'll ..... I'll do whatever it takes to get her back," he stammered not sure what that would all entail.

"Take these to the east side of the warehouse. Go in through those doors," he said pointing to a set of doors away from the mayor's men. He saw the look on Brad's face. "Don't worry right now the men think you are part of my gang so they won't do anything right away."

"Huh .... Ok.," Brad said trying to act calm and not the fear that was welling up inside him. Hell he was a preacher not a gangster but he had to do whatever it would take to save Dalia.

The men were standing at the back of the car when they heard a beep. Tony looked at his phone and announced, "That's the signal from Ashley. The coast is clear. You boys need to hurry."

Teo and Brad left the car trying to walk slowly toward the doors at the south end of the building. The plan was to plant the cocaine near where the mayor was holding Dalia. Brad got the impression as he walked that Tony knew a lot more about the kidnapping, Ashley and Dalia's run in with the mayor, and god knew what else. He seemed to know a lot about him too.

When Tony saw that Bard and Teo were inside the building, he walked to the door where one of his men and one of the mayor's men were standing guard. He looked at his henchman and winked giving him the signal that it was time to pack it in. "I need my men for another assignment. I think mayor and you guys have it under control right?" he said.

The thug looked at Tony and laughed. "Yea you boys did a nice job. I'm sure Wild Bill will be getting in touch with you when the bitch is gone."

Tony wanted to hit the guy but he only smiled. "Yea she did cause him a lot of trouble. Jackie you go round up the men and get back to the office fast. I'm gong to check on Ashley and then we'll be right behind you."

When his man was gone Tony walked into the building. It was an old warehouse and he knew where the storage area was located. He also knew they had precious little time to get out before the police arrived. Everything was working like clockwork. Now if only Ashley was able to get to Dalia.


Mayor Wild Bill Campbell looked at the luscious woman who wanted to see Dalia. She seemed a bit on edge but that was understandable. Tony had told him she was going to do away with Dalia so that he was clean. "So you want to see the bitch do you? She is a pathetic piece of shit and I'll be glad to get her out of the way." He gave Ashley a smile. "Hey baby ...... maybe when this is all over, I'll pay you a visit and we can pick up where we left off." The mayor smiled remembering the last time ..... enjoying fucking her while she was tied to the bed ..... listening to her pleas to stop.

The mayor pointed to a door and told Ashley, "She's right in here. She should be awake by now. The fucking whore passed out before we could start having fun."
Dalia heard talking outside of the Door hearing the mayor's voice and Ashelys voice. She let out a sob in pain from the mayors brutal kicks and punches and could Hardly mover without there being pain.

She scanner the room looking for anything to attack him with before he finished her off. She was
Certain that Teo and Brad would not make it in time.

She dragged herself toward the glass plate they had stupidly given her with a sandwich and tossed the plate against the Wall to shatter it .

She grabbed a piece of glass cutting herself a bit trying to pick it yo and held it ready to defend herself when the doors opened.

Ashely gave a fake smile as he suggested he pay her a visit and held back the bile rising in her throat at the thought of it.

She was relieved hearing Dalia had passed out and could only imagine the sadistic things he usd done to the woman within the three hours he had her.

They opened the door for her Tonys Men purposely sealinh her índice with Dalia if anything went down.

She glanced over at the broken woman and didnt realize she has been crying as she felt wetness in her own cheeks.

Dalia screamed at her "Just finished me off bitch i know thats what your here for! I dont know what i did so horribly to you Ashely but your one twisted bitch for helping him because im sure hell go after you Next!"she said her eyes red from crying and her voice barely recognizable.

"Dalia calm down...."she tried saying calmly but she saw she wouldn't and came charging toward her.

Ashely spotted the glass in her bleeding hand and shot a bullet that grazed her arm lightly and went to the back wall of the unit.

She heard Dalias earsplitting screaming and went over to check if she's been shot but she hasn't.

She quickly got the sheet to wrap her in apologizing over and over explaining why she was there and that Mateo and Brad were coming for her.

She shot at celing two more times and dropped the bag She had in her hand with medical supply to make it sound like she finished the kill.
Brad and Teo had planted the drugs and were walking to the area of the warehouse where Dalia was being held by the mayor. They heard the sound of shots and looked at each other. Each of them not sure if Ashley had to use the gun or if the mayor was finishing his business. They sprinted to the storage unit and found Tony and mayor standing outside the open door. Tony had a gun leveled at the mayor and his two of his henchmen while the mayor yelled at him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing! We had a deal! You're nothing but a two faced fucking liar! I know how to take care of dumb fuckers like you," he screamed.

"I don't think so you big fat mother fucker," Tony was saying as he glanced at the two men.

As they got to the men, they heard Ashley telling Dalia to calm down and everything would be fine. Brad rushed by the mayor and into the room to see Ashley still holding the gun in her right hand and Dalia wrapped in a sheet. He saw the tears and then the blood on the sheet. "What did you do to her," Brad demanded.

"Nothing. She ..... she cut her hand on a piece of the plate. She was going to use it as a knife," Ashley said looking at Brad and then past him to Teo and Tony.

Brad looked at the broken plate and rushed to Dalia, putting his arms around her and telling her, "everything is fine now." He looked at her eyes and while she didn't speak, he saw tears of joy coming from them.

He was holding her consoling her with his words when he heard Tony speak. "Everyone get out of here except Dalia and Brad." Brad looked at him with a stunned look. "You and Dalia are going to be here when the cops arrive. You two are the only ones that they wouldn't arrest. I see you have the gun Teo gave you. If the mayor moves shoot the fucking bastard."

Ashley moved away from them still telling Dalia she was sorry for what she had done and she wanted to tell her why she was forced by the mayor to do what she did. The mayor laughed, "you bitches are all alike. Spreading your legs for money and thinking you're all high and mighty."

As Ashley walked past him, she slapped his hard across the cheek. "I hope they put you away for the rest of your fucking life," she said.

Teo looked at Dalia and Brad, trying to reassure them. "Brad take good care of her and we'll see you back at your place."

The three of them left and Brad saw a smiling mayor looking at them. "Well now that they are gone, it's just the three of us. Brad why don't you put that gun down and we can make a deal."

Brad felt Dalia's body stiffen as the mayor talked and then moved inside the small room. He heard her sharp intake of breath as he mayor moved closer.

Brad leveled the gun at the mayor. "Don't come any closer or I'll shoot."

The mayor's laugh was loud. "Look at you reverend. Your hand is shaking and you don't have it in you to pull the trigger. Your a man of God and from what my wife tells me, your sermons are filled love and not shooting innocent men like me."

The mayor made a move and before he knew what he had done, the sound of a single shot filled the room hurting his eardrums. Brad saw the mayor crumble to the floor holding his right leg. He was whimpering in pain. "What the fuck ..... what the fuck ..... you're going to pay for this you fucking bastard."

Brad looked at the mayor and then at the two henchmen at the door. The sound of wailing sirens got louder as he sneered at the mayor. "I don't think so you rotten bastard."

The two henchman looked at each other and then at the mayor ignoring his orders to shoot Dalia and Brad. The turned and ran leaving the mayor alone, lying on the floor muttering in pain as blood oozed out of his leg. It was just a matter of minutes until the cops came and found the cocaine and the mayor who would be implicated in the kidnapping of Dalia.
She watched Mateo's concerned face and Ashely apologizing but she was a bit nervous with Teo and Tony leaving them there.

Dalia stayed silent as he held her her fingers gripping his shirt tightly and her tears flowing glad that they had come before he mayor and his men could use her body like they had planned to.

She knew her knuckles were white from her gripping his shirt but Brad wasn't going anywhere and she tensed scared when the mayor stepped in the room and she knew Brad felt her wince seeing the man.

She felt his arm hold her protectively as Bill stepped closer and she gasped afraid he was going to attack them. She heard Brad threaten to shoot and kept on that word as they mayor thought his words were empty threats,

He cursed Brad and told him he would pay for this and she felt the ice in his words. She heard sirens approach and saw flashing lights surrounding the warehouse. She heard police filling in and they quickly came in Brad telling them about him kidnapping and attacking Dalia and him shooting him to protect them.

The Mayor was cuffed and his men had been caught trying to escape the warehouse. Emts looked her over and brought her to the hospital and Brad along with her to make sure that they were ok and brought the mayor in another ambulance to treat his gunshot wound.

She held Brads hand looking at him lovingly and smiled " Baby you were so Brave.. I love you so much Brad" she said softly. He voice a bit hoarse.
Brad and Dalia at the hospital

Brad and Dalia didn't talk too much on the way to the hospital. Each of them lost in their own thoughts as the EMT's worked on her wound. They also checked Brad for any signs of injuries since he had blood on his shirt. He assured the EMT that it was not his blood but he had to do his job and was satisfied when he found no wounds on his body.

Brad squeezed her hand when she told him in a soft hoarse voice, "Baby you were so Brave.. I love you so much Brad"

He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him. "I love you too Dalia," he said leaning over to kiss her cheek.

The action in the warehouse was still swimming around in his head. He couldn't believe he shot the mayor. It all seemed so surreal now that they were in the hospital room .... almost like it was just a big dream.

When the nurses and doctors bandages up Dalia, they told them they could leave. Brad didn't know what the future would hold for them but he knew he wanted to be with Dalia and whatever else happened didn't matter. As they walked out of the emergency room, Teo, Tony, and Ashley were waiting for them in the hall. He looked at Dalia and wondered what she would do now that she would confront Ashley as the trio approached them.
Dalia knew that the mayor scandal would probably be on the town local new first thing in the morning. She held Brad's hand as they released her after a few hours and she saw Teo waiting. She was also shocked seeing Ashely and Tony there.

Teo of course came over first seeing if they were ok and thanking Brad for being able to protect her. She let the two talk about what happened and Tony joined their conversation leaving her and Ashely to talk.

Ashely asked for them to speak alone and she hesitated at first. She thought it over a bit and decided that she would hear her out because she seemed sincerely sorry about the situation.

Ashely told her everything that she was involved in with the mayor and her desperate attempt to find her brothers. She also mentioned that she was now pregnant by Tony and she wanted Dalia and Brad to be the god parents.

Dalia was speechless at first but she still needed time to heal and she told Ashely that she would agree to it only if Brad did. She gave her a hug and made her way over to Mateo and Brad with relieved tears in her eyes feeling the weight of fear gone.

" Baby can we go home?" She asked Brad blushing as she realized she had called his place their home.
Brad takes Dalia to his house

Brad was talking to Teo and Tony about the police raid on the warehouse and how the mayor told he and Dalia that he could pull some strings downtown. Tony reassured him that the mayor was done and he had taken precautions with the police chief, prosecuting attorney, vice-mayor, and the judge to make sure he was locked away for a long time.

He eyes glanced over to Dalia and Ashley, both of them looking uncomfortable. It was understandable since Ashley worked for the mayor under duress and Dalia almost died from the brownies Ashley made for her. He saw her eyes darting back and forth between the three men and Ashley. After another few moments, he saw the two women hug and then she walked to the men with tears forming in their eyes. Brad had a feeling everything would be ok between them but it would take time.

When she got to him, she put her head on his shoulder and her arm circled around his waist. "Baby can we go home?" she said in a soft tired voice. It had been a long excruciating day for both of them and he smiled at her at the mention of home. Her words made his heart light and happy as he bent his head down to her.

"Sure baby but we have one small problem." He smiled down at her when he saw her quizzical look. "We don't have a car here baby," he said with a slight chuckle.

Mateo, who was standing nearby, overheard their conversation. "Don't worry love birds. I'll give you a ride home." He crunched up his face as if thinking hard. "Now pray tell where would I take you. To your place Brad or to Dalia's apartment?" The laugh he let out filled the corridor.

"To my place Teo," Brad said before Dalia could say a word.

Tony laughed and shook Brad's hand while Ashley gave Dalia another hug. After giving Dalia a hug, Tony told Ashley that it was time for them to head home too.

Mateo left and went to retrieve the car while Brad and Dalia waited under the canopy outside the emergency room. There was nothing to say now but later they would talk. But for now they just held each other, glad that the mayor's nightmare had ended.

The ride home was mostly in silence. Brad and Dalia listened to Mateo talk about what was going to happen to the mayor and that the two of them would be fine. At Brad's house, Teo hugged them both promising to see them soon. And then they were alone.

When they got into the house, Brad told her. "You need to take a nice hot bath young lady," he laughed as he hugged her. Taking her hand he led her to the bathroom and began to fill the tub with hot water. As the tub filled he took her into his arms and kissed her tenderly. Breaking the kiss, he smiled at her, "Let's get you out of these clothes."

Dalia didn't argue and Brad knew she needed some down time to reflect on all that happened to her. When she was naked, he led her to the tub and watched as she sat down in the soothing hot water. Kneeling next to the tub, he picked up a washcloth and began to wash her body. "Just relax and let the water soak into your body," he said as he ran the wet cloth over her breasts.
Dalia looked at Brad lovingly as he slowly began washing her body and running the rag over her skin. She felt all the emotions of the day rushing through her and she felt tears began to flow as he continued to wash her tenderly and carefully not in a sexual way but more of a way to relax her.

She remembered all of the mayors disgusting plans for her and she closed her eyes crying harder as Brad comforted her. " I love you so much... I don't think that I could ever handle seeing you in that much pain again Brad and I don't think I can live without you baby"she whispered "I was so scared inside thinking of what my mom or your reaction would be to my Death and I prayed Campbell would not have been stupid enough to kill me."

She grabbed his hand kissing it "Thank you for being my rock in there Brad.
Brad joins Dalia in the tub

Brad saw the tears flowing freely from Dalia's eyes as he slowly ran the soapy cloth over her body. He listened to her tell him how much she loved him and didn't think she could handle seeing him in such pain again. Brad thought it was the other way around. Dalia had been through so much because of the mayor and his need to hurt other people.

He smiled and kissed her cheek when she told him she loved him and couldn't bear the thought of him and her mother dealing with her death. "Everything is fine now Dalia so you don't have to worry about that anymore," he said as he picked up his hand and thanked him for being her rock.

He too was overcome with emotion and all he could think about was holding her close. He smiled and stood, quickly stripping off all his clothes. He saw her look at his flaccid cock hanging down. But sex right now was not on his mind. She needed comforting.

"Move up a little," he said sliding in behind her. "Lay back and let me hold you Dalia for a little while," he whispered pulling her back against him. His arms wrapped around her encasing her like a cocoon. "Just relax Dalia. I'm not going anywhere. I love you so very much," he whispered in her ear. He felt her body stir against his as he added, "I don't ever want to lose you again," he sighed kissing her ear, content to lie in the warm water until it cooled. Afterwards he planned to carry her to the bed and lie there with her just holding and cuddling until she fell asleep.
Daliarelaxed against Brad as he held her in the tub. There was nothing sexual about what they were doing but it was very comfortable and relaxing for her and she felt safe in Brads arms.

She knew that he would never go anywhere and that he was just as much in love with her as she was with him. She sighed relaxing more as he slowly washed her and himself and once the water was cool he lifted her out of the bath and dried them both off carrying her into the bedroom. It was comfortable silence as he helped her relax and she was a bit sore from the mayors beating. She asked for some wine for them and then they could sleep for the night.

Once Brad returned she sat up drinking the glass quickly wanting to forget what happened and cuddled into his chest as she slowly drifted to sleep.
Brad and Dalia lay in bed

Brad got the wine Dalia wanted and watched her drink it. She had a pretty rough day and she needed her sleep. When she had downed her wine, they lay together, cuddling. He smelled the fragrance of the soap still lingering on her body as he heard her breathing become more shallow. It seemed to him the tenseness was slowing ebbing from her as she feel asleep.

He was still keyed up from the day's events and started to think their future. He knew that once the church found out about Dalia and him, he would be asked to resign his ministry. Money was not a problem now since he had invested wisely and had enough to last for quite some time. He wondered if he should tender his resignation in the morning and then they could start anew somewhere else where no one knew them.

His heart was heavy with the thought of leaving but he knew it was the best thing for them. He wondered about Dalia's family and if they would think bad of him since he was technically a man of God.

His eyes were heavy and soon he was fighting the urge to sleep but the excitement of the day wore off and his body relaxed. Soon he was falling asleep and the thought that everything will be fine in the morning crossed his mind as his whole being gave way to a deep slumber.
Dalia slept the night through in Brad's arms comfortably finally able to get a good night's rest without worrying if she'd be alive the next day. She woke up before him seeing him still asleep and she was thankful that she found some happiness from working at the ranch and doing what she had to force money. She believed fate sent Brad to her and she couldn't be any more grateful for it.

She kissed his lips softly smiling as he stirred slightly in his sleep and slid out of his bed naked looking herself over in the mirror. She noticed some bruises but it could have been worse than that and she was thankful she was alive .

She grabbed a shirt of his to slide on smiling as it seemed to be one of her favorite things to wear and she headed into his kitchen to brew some coffee for them and clean up a bit seeing Brad wouldnt have gotten the chance because he was worried about her.

She heard him getting up and she smiled seeing him walk naked into the kitchen completely comfortable with her. She walked over with a smile hugging him and raising on her toes to give him a kiss with a grin on her face."Good morning Baby"
Brad and Dalia enjoy a good morning kiss

The images danced in his head as he dreamed about Dalia. He was in a deep sleep when he felt lips pressing against his. Stirring he saw her soft smile above him and then he fell back into a slumber. The feeling of the mattress moving soon ended and he was back asleep.

Slowly his eyes opened and he stretched feeling an emptiness next to him. He rolled over and as his eyes focused, he smiled thinking of the bath they took together the night before. It was soothing and comforting for both of the them trying to put the thought of what happened in the warehouse in the back of their minds.

He lay in bed for a few minutes reflecting on what has happened and what he had to do. They needed to talk about their future and he couldn't imagine life without her.

Smelling the coffee brewing, he got up and looked at himself in the mirror. He thought of putting on some underwear but then laughed and walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen. He saw her wearing one of his shirts again and laughed, "I see you stole one my shirts again."

When she walked toward him, he saw the grin on her face. They hugged and kissed and he felt happy as his arms wrapped around her small waist. "Good morning to you baby," he replied as he leaned his head down, kissing her again with more passion.

"I woke up and saw you were gone but I knew you weren't very far away," he said when the kiss broke. He felt her naked ass and he squeezed them as he picked her up and set her on the island. Opening her thighs, with his hands, he moved between them as her hands pulled him into a deep kiss. He felt her thighs wrap around his waist as their tongues teased each other. He could feel his cock thickening as the kiss lasted and when he pulled his lips from hers, he was breathing a bit faster.

"So my sweet Dalia what do you have in mind for breakfast?" he said as his lips teased hers, his tongue darting over her lips.
Dalia sighed against Brads lips her breathing ragged from their passionate kissing and she felt Brads thickness against her thigh on the island as he moved between her legs. She grinned as he asked her what she had in mind for breakfast and she smirked reaching down and stroking his cock "I think I'm hungry for your cock this morning Brad"she grinned against his lips growing wet hearing his sexy groan"

She panted wrapping her other hand around his cock kissing him deeply against feeling his hips move in her hand and she knew she needed him right now. She rubbed him against her entrance and she heard that sexy growl of frustration and giggled letting go and moaning loudly Brad wasted no time slowly pushing into her.

She gasped loudly and held onto him as he began taking her on the kitchen island she moaned as he lay her back breakfast far from their minds at the moment.
Brad and Dalia fool around on the kitchen island

Brad chuckled when Dalia answered his question by reaching down and grabbing hold of his thick cock. He moaned as she stroked it while staring directly into his eyes with a come-hither fuck me now look.

She wanted him now and he was not about to disappoint her as she drew the head of his cock against her soft wet pussy lips, rubbing it up and down until her juices were smeared all over the head. Letting out a sensual animalistic growl, he pushed his hips forward and felt the head of his shaft slip inside. He felt the walls of the pussy squeezing the girth of his cock slowly fill her.

"Ohhhh fuck baby you feel so fucking good this morning," he moaned as he felt his cock totally fill her. "You're pussy is so hungry this morning," he laughed as he started to slowly thrust back and forth inside her.

Pushing her back onto the island, his hands reached out to grasp a soft mound of flesh in each hand. He watched her head slide sideways as he slowly pumped inside her while his fingers began to toy with her nipples. "You like this teasing don't you baby?" he asked as each set of fingers found a nipple and started to squeeze and rub them.

He looked at the sensual stare she was giving him and he felt her body begin to squirm on the island granite top. Panting a bit heavier, he pulled out of her and smiled down at her. "I think I need a bit of an appetizer this morning," he moaned as he dipped his head down onto her pussy and licked the wetness from her lips. He loved the way her body squirmed on the island as he flattened his tongue against her sex, slowly moving up and down, wanting her moaning for his cock.
Dalia moaned as Brad took control this morning and she felt him slip into her. She sighed as Brad pumped into her a while drawing moans from her and she panted as he grabbed her breasts massaging her nipples.

"fuck baby you feel so perfect inside my pussy"she moaned and she nodded as he asked her if she liked his teasing and grinned in response because he knew she loved it. She watched as he slid between her legs and she groaned and moaned as he used his skilled tongue " Baby... " she moaned her hands sliding into his head.

She gasped as he licked her further and deeper" Uhhh yes Brad..Don't stop baby..." She groaned and grinned when he wrapped his hand around her waist knowing he was determined to make her cum.

She sighed and said " Let's go to the bedroom baby.."
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Brad teases Dalia on the island

Brad was enjoying how Dalia's body was squirming on the island as his thick tongue slid up and down her slit, flicking at her engorged clit when it made contact with it. He felt her fingers sliding through his hair, pulling his face against her wet lips as she suggested they move to the bedroom.

Lifting his head he could just see her looking down at him between her tits. "We can go to the bedroom later baby. Right now I'm hungry for you and what better place to satisfy my hunger than in the kitchen." He smiled and chuckled as his lips returned to her tulip lips, sucking them into his mouth as his tongue dove back inside.

He felt her body buck on the granite top. While one had toyed and teased her nipples, his other hand joined his lips and pushed inside her tight pussy. "Mmmmm baby I love you," he whispered as his fingers slid deeper inside her tunnel, feeling the muscles in her walls contract around them.